Barefoot Boy (Monogram) (1938)

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AUNTED HOUSE 1+ OR ANGSTER’S HIDE-OUT! From the first ; gasp to the { final thrill... F you'll have the time of your a gang of kids puta racketeermob 3 on the spot! ‘BAREEO OT wire JACKIE MARCIA MAE MORAN ‘JONES a MATTY PAIN OR A MONOGRAM PICTURE One Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 14 sncut MORAN “Mike JONES” -* RALPH MORGA CLAVE WINDSOR NATTY EAN One Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 15 A BOY WITH PLUC PITTED hh Re RAT WITH A GU Mystery in a haunted house... of a thousand thrills! Laughs and fun for everyone! One Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 16 SCRAPPINGROMANCINGGANG:-BUSTING! A father’s honor hangs in the balance .. while a red-blooded American youth explores the ‘haunted house’ hide out of a racketeer mob! REFO. ‘BA Oy OT wire JACKIE MARCIA MAE MORAN -JONES RALPH MORGAN came WINDSOR matty FAIN A MONOGRAM PICTURE Produced by E. B. DERR Directed by KARL BROWN Story and Screenplay by JOHN T. NEVILLE Two Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 17 One Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 18 JACKIE MARCIA MAE MORAN ‘JONES { RALPH MORGAN ie = CLAIRE WINDSOR & LW yj, MATTY FAIN ! ono PICTURE Two Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 19