Convict's Code (Monogram) (1939)

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HERE IS SAMPLE OF NEW ANNE NAGEL DISPLAY FEATURED BY COLUMBIA COMPACT! The two thousand dealers handling the Columbia compact line have been informed of the promotion involving Monogram stars. From coast to coast, department stores, cosmetic counters and other retailers, will be featuring the 8 x 10 easel display cards illustrated here, on their counters. Multitudes of shoppers will see this display and be reminded of the picture. Local dealers will cooperate in many instances with larger displays, and co-op advertising is entirely possible. ollie: ‘women. Here is one tie-up that will really work wonders for you. Columbia Compact is prepared to cooperate with you and if you need special display material or other accessories, they will be glad to provide them for you. Your first job is to contact the local outlets handling this compact and sell them on_ working with you. If you do not know the identity of Columbia dealers in your town, you can obtain complete information by writing the individual listed below. Do it now and make _ promotion pay! Write to: LOU ADOLF, Director of Sales Promotion COLUMBIA STAMPING PRODUCTS CO. 40-05 2|st STREET LONG ISLAND CITY, N. Y. DeVILBISS ATOMIZER FIGURES PROMOTION OF “CONVICT’S CODE”! Drug stores, perfume counters and dealers carrying the DeVilbiss line of atomizers are pivot points in the campaign which features Anne Nagel with a DeVilbiss atomizer. dealers. Anne Nagel has been featured in MELDRUM & FEWSMITH, picture. Any local outlet Full list of dealers from: W. L. SLAYTON, Jr. SECOND NATIONAL BANK BLDG. DeVilbiss is placing this ‘still in thousands of newspapers and magazines in every section of the country, with full credit to the star and the DeVilbiss atomizers are immediate prospects. for cooperation in lining up an intensive exploitation campaign for ‘‘Convict’s Code.” TOLEDO, OHIO Minicam 150.000 Readers See Cover Photo of Star In Camera Tie-Up?t A three-way tie-up between Monogram, Minicam Magazine and the Burleigh Brooks camera will result in some very effective promotion help to theatres playing “‘Convict’s Code.” Minicam will feature a full color photo of Anne Nagel on their cover, showing her with a Burleigh Brooks camera, which will be seen by over 150,000 readers of the publication. More than 5,000 copies of this cover will be mounted on display cards and distributed by Burleigh Brooks to their dealers. Leaflets, broadsides and other advertising aids are being prepared and will feature the star of “Convict’s Code.’’ Contact local camera dealers and prepare now to put this promotion over. For list of outlets, write to: SAUL BOWER BURLEIGH BROOKS 127 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK CITY CIRCUS-SIZE HERALDS SELL SHOW ! New type heralds on ''Convict's Code" are 6" x 18", printed on six different colored papers. Both sides carry smash ad angles. Lowest prices on market. Order from CHICAGO HERALD CO. 714 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. SEES 4 SIF > F> Ss SSSSSSSSSSSO: IN Anne Nagel’s Coney Fur Coat Coney furs are being promoted with a far reaching campaign through magazines and double spread rotogravure advertising in Modern Movies, reaching more than a half-million readers, and stores handling Coney fur coats are capitalizing on the star tie-up. There is undoubtedly a Coney outlet in your? town, and you can depend upon them for liberal display space in their windows, as well as the possibility of local advertising. 475 FIFTH AVENUE Opens Display Outlets Fer You! For full information, write to: CLAIRE WOLF NATIONAL CONEY INSTITUTE NEW YORK CITY 1000 STORES CARRY RITTER HANDBAGS VALANCE tox Theatre Marquees! The thousand and more stores handling Ritter handbags have been informed that Anne Nagel figures prominently in their promotion plans. Department _ stores, specialty and accessory shops are among those who feature the Ritter line, and women shop 30 EAST 33rd STREET List of dealers from: RITTER & RITTER, accordingly will see the plug for “Con-| The ‘“Convict's Code” valance is transparent silkolene, to fit any size marquee: > and take the menfolks along with them to see the Inc. NEW YORK CITY suppleROBERT KENT * ANNE NAGE. I | fotos. ments the very complete program listed on these A little effort will result in a great ments. £ ON WIC, T Ay CODE« ® tributing auto Low rental prices to first runs and correspondingly lower deal of profitable pub-| terms to subsequent engage Order from: HOLLYWOOD ADVERTISING CO. 600 WEST 45th STREET NEW YORK CITY Autographed ee a, of Monogram s ob oviely Stag Win increased ed stock and popularity for then pebbled beautiful Anne to resemble exNagel by dispensive art prints. graphed fan You can print list of coming attractions on reverse side or promote cost by selling space to local merchants. They are handsome half tone reproductions, printed! on heavy coat Prices are inexpensive. Order from your Monogram Exchange.