Fashion Model (Monogram) (1945)

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me} Little Theatre Started Actor Five years ago, Robert Lowery was not interested at all in acting as a career. He arrived in Los Angeles after singing with a band in east, but found little opportunity to secure vocal engagements in the film capital. He found working in a paper factory more lucrative. Then one even Lowery was invited to see a Little Theatre presentation, and discovered that the stage had interesting possibilities. He garnered some roles in several Little Theatre productions, and did so well for a beginner that the attention of several motion picture studios was attracted. Unlike unknowns who struggle on the stage in small Peggy Rooney........... ae MARJORIE WEAVER ......... TIM RYAN Yvonne..... LORNA GRAY Harvey Van Alyn........ Pad eee Sarena ae HARRY DEPP units for years, Lowery soon had a Jeasicn 7 NELL CRAIG || major studio contract. The actor i will be seen at the ......... . thea Duval eat hie -EDWARD KEANE ig cates {eRe aera opposite Marjorie Weaver in Monogram’s latest ‘“‘whodunit” mystery, “Fashion Model.” Davis.... JOHN VALENTINE THE STORY (Not for Publication) Peggy Rooney (Marjorie Weaver) and Jimmy O’Brien (Robert Lowery), model and stock boy, respectively, of a fashionable dress shop, become involved in a murder when the dead body of Yvonne (Lorna Gray), another model, is found in Jimmy’s work room. Peggy talks police officers O'Hara (Tim Ryan) and Grogan (Dewey Robinson) into releasing Jimmy. Mr. Davis (John Valentine), wealthy friend of Yvonne, offers a reward to Duval (Edward Keane) and Mme. Celeste (Dorothy Christy), owner and operator, respectively, of the shop, in return for a valuable brooch which he says he gave the murdered girl. When the dead body of Duval is found in the delivery truck which Jimmy and Peggy are driving, Jimmy is arrested, but Peggy escapes. Learning the value of the brooch, Peggy engineers Jimmy's jail break, so they can carry on their own investigation and clear themselves. At the apartment of Marie (Sally Yarnell), a model who has the brooch, they find that Marie has been strangled but has encircled the name “Jeffries” in the telephone book. Shortly after they learn the address of Jeffries (Cedric Stevens), the couple is spotted by police. Peggy escapes to keep a date with Jeffries, who turns out to be the butler of Harvey Van Alyn (Harry Depp) and his wife, Jessica (Nell Craig), customers of the shop. Harvey confesses the murders to Peggy. He was being blackmailed by Yvonne, and the others stood in the way when he tried to regain his wife's brooch, which he had given to Yvonne. He is about to murder Peggy when police arrive, led by Jimmy. / '|/murderer is caught just as he is | belongs to the wife an@ has been Murder Mystery Solved By Quick-Thinking Model (Review) _ Wess Comedy and thrills combine to produce delightful entertainment in Monogram’s latest mystery drama, ‘Fashion Model,”’ which; opened at the .... Be eae ae ete theatre last evening. | Several mysterious murders, a missing brooch and the hilarious attempts of the investigators to charge the wrong pair with the crimes result in lively ac-¥ tion. Marjorie Weaver and Robert Lowery head the cast, and are perfect as the romantic pair who get involved in a series of murders. Tim Ryan as the police officer, along with his gum-chewing assistant, Dewey Robinson, are funny-bone ticklers in their endeavors to solve everything. But they always turn up with the wrong solution. Others who make the film an enjoyable hour in the cinema are Lorna Gray, Dorothy Christy, Sally Yarnell, Jack Norton, Harry Depp, Nell Craig, Edward Keane, John Valentine and Cedric Stevens. The picture gets off to an exciting start when stockboy Lowery is blamed for the murder of a model, found dead in his workroom at Mme. Celeste’s dress shop. But Lowery’s girl-friend, Marjorie Weaver, a model in the same _ shop, knows different. She talks the police into releasing her boy-friend, and the two set out to find the murderer. But the pair leap “from the frying-pan into the fire’ when they become suspected of not one, but three murders. A missing valuable brooch, blackmail and a jailbreak add to the picture’s suspense, which holds to the last moment, when the about to add the heroine to his list of victims. j William SBeaudine directed expertly, with Tim Ryan and Victor Hammond doing the _ screenplay, based on the last-named’s original story. Associate producer of the film was William Strohbach and William Beaudine’s clever direction adds much to the picture. COSTLY BROOCH A brooch can be costly in more ways than one, especially when it given away to another woman. Trying to restore it to its rightful owner often leads to murder, as Marjorie Weaver and Robert Lowery discover in “Fashion Model,” latest comedy-mystery which screens BGO Gl. ica artis ee theatre on’........| CREDITS t Associate Producer > WILLIAM STROHBACH Directed by WILLIAM BEAUDINE Photographed by HARRY NEUMANN, A.S.C . Edited by DAN MILNER & WILLIAM AUSTIN . Art Director E. R. HICKSON Technical Director DAVE MILTON _ Musical Director EDWARD J. KAY Set Decorations by VIN TAYLOR Recorded by TOM LAMBERT Screenplay by TIM RYAN & VICTOR HAMMOND Original Story by VICTOR HAMMOND AMUSING SLEUTHS _ The methods used by Tim Ryan and Dewey Robinson in trying to clear up some murders and find a missing brooch are amusing, as seen in Monogram’s “Fashion Model,” NOW wat. the vole theatre. Ryan and Robinson are the police officers who are supposed to solve the death of a model, but they wind up second best when they try to pin the guilt on the wrong pair. Instead of one murder to decipher, there are soon three, and with a jailbreak aud a valuable missing brooch to boot, they have their hands full. Their rib-tickling antics makes for many humorous moments in “Fashion Model.”