Father Steps Out (Monogram) (1941)

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Frank Albertson Featured In Electric Razor Tie-up 50,000 retail dealers are ready to work with you on tie-ups featuring the famous Remington Dual Close-Shaver. This popular electric razor is handled by drug and department stores from coast to coast and there are sure to be dealers in your locality. An excellent set of three stills showing Frank Albertson using the razor are available for your use. Get in touch with Remington outlets immediately and make sure that window and counter displays are seen from now until your showing is over. The photos are excellent for use in dealer’s newspaper ads, too. Suggested copy for tie-ups featuring Frank Albertson follows: Frank Albertson, featured in “Father Steps Out,” knows that a clean shave and a clear skin are invaluable to every actor — that’s why he always uses the Remington Dual Shaver. When you step out and when father steps out this popular electric razor is the best bet for a perfect appearance. Tie-up stills are numbers Pub. 1,5 & 6. Order from Monogram Exploitation Department, 4376 Sunset Drive, Hollywood, Calif. Try Spot’ Radio Announcements To Sell Those Extra Tickets! Exhibitors throughout the country are reporting excellent results from the use of “spot” radio advertising in conjunction with the regular newspaper and billboard campaigns. ‘Father Steps Out’’ announcements will be doubly effective if used on the air immediately after the conclusion of one of radio’s many “family’’ programs such as the Aldrich Family, The Parker Family, One Man’‘s Family, etc. If they enjoy this delightful, human type of show on the air, they’re sure to be interested in a similar type of screen entertainment. Many showmen have concluded agreements with their local stations whereby the broadcaster gives the theatre free time in return for trailers run on some of their featured shows. Why not try this in your situation? Suggested spot announcements: 50 Words Announcer: “\'m going to run away from home”—every male says that at least once during his lifetime . . . now the screen brings you the uproarious story of a man who waited until he was fifty to do it! See “Father Steps Out” with Frank Albertson, Jed Prouty, tora Gray atthe <b Theatre. 35 Words Announcer: Has anyone here seen father? Well if you haven't, you're missing the laugh of the year. We're talking about “Father Steps Out,” the hilarious comedy featuring Frank Albertson, Jed Prouty, Lorna Gray at the... Theatre. DELUXE DISPLAYS FOR RENT Eye-catching silk screen posters are available on a rental basis to assure you an attractive lobby at very low cost. Sizes 40x60 and 30x40 plus colorful banners have been prepared by National Screen Accessories. Use these displays inside for a week in advance and then move them out front during the run of the picture. Get the Whole Town Talking With A Co-operative Ad Page If ever there was a title that was “made” for co-operative tie-ups, it’s “FATHER STEPS OUT.” It’s a phrase that will fit in with almost any type of merchandise or service. See the advertising manager of your local paper and they’II help you work out a campaign that’s sure to click. All stores participating in the stunt can also be tied into the ‘father’s popularity contest” described elsewhere in this exploitation section. Here are some copy ideas you may be able to use for co-op ads: Men’s Clothes When Father Steps Out to Buy That New Suit, He'll Find the Lat est Styles and the Lowest Prices at Modernbuilt Clothes. Bowling Alley Does the Head of the Family Need Exercise and Relaxation? Then the Gem Bowling Alley is the Per Restaurants Everyone Knows That the Place to Go When Father Steps Out for a Delicious Meal is the Ticktock Tavern. Cabarets, Amusement Park When Father Steps Out for an Evening of Fun and Laughs the Place to Go is the Town’s Most fect Spot to Visit When Father Popular Rendezvous .. . The Silver Steps Out! Slipper Inn. Department Store Sporting Goods When Father Steps Out to Do Some Shopping He Knows He'll Find What He Wants for the Price He Wants to Pay at the Metropolitan Store. When Father Steps Out for a Round of Golf ora Set of Tennis See That He’s Equipped for the Game of His Life. Green’s Sporting Goods. Comic “Before and After’ Gag This dual personality photo combination showing Jed Prouty in contrasting grouchy and happy poses can be used in tie-ups of all kinds. In ads and displays the illustration can be described as showing how father will look before and after he receives a Exploitation Mat or Cut No. 23 gift, makes a purchase, uses a service, visits an eatery, tries a health treatment or almost any other tie-up imaginable. Stills are Nos. 24 and 42. For newspaper use or throwaways you can order in cut or mat form. Don't Be Penny-Wise, Pound-Foolish .. . Run the Best Trailer Available! The eagerness of important advertising agencies to buy screen “space” should convince showmen that they possess a tremendously valuable sales medium which should not be neglected by running inferior trailers. The National Screen Service trailer featuring actual scenes from “Father Steps Out” is a Grade “A” piece of film merchandising — clever, ticket-selling showmanship that will bring them back! It capitalizes to the fullest extent on the cast, title and entertainment values. Run it!