Freckles Comes Home (Monogram) (1942)

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“Country Store’”’ Night Will Mean Extra Business and Lots of Fun A small-town story like “Freckles Cemes Home” gives livewire showmen an opportunity for providing an added attraction in the form of a “country store night” or “barnyard night.” Have the ushers dress in overalls and straw hats. Raffle off chickens, preserves, knit goods, etc. Use some song slides of the kind of tunes that fit in with the rustic atmosphere. Have a fiddling contest and maybe a hog-calling contest. Go rustic in a big way and the folks will love it. If you want to, you should find no difficulty in selling this “country” show to some wemen’s organizations for a benefit. They’d get a share of the receipts and could sell raffle tickets on the items mentioned above. The prizes would be all homemade and provided by club members. THF STRATTON-PORTER NAME IS BOX OFFICE AMMUNITION “Freckles Comes Home” is a follow-up to Gene Stratton-Porter’s immortal novel, “Freckles.” This and other books by the famous writer have sold millions of copies. They are among the most popular of all American literature. It is estimated that at least sixty million people have read the famous Stratton-Porter stories and they are constant favorites with the growing generation. Capitalize on the Stratton-Porter popularity. Arrange with your libraries and schools to have a week dedicated to the works of the beloved authoress. Arrange for still displays, and book review contests with passes for prizes. All the stories are wholesome and fine for school children, so you should have no difficulty in getting co-operation from educators and women’s clubs. Go atiter the folks who have read many of the Stratton-Porter books with a lobby placard reading: “Remember the enjoyment you had reading such well-loved Siratton-Porter novels as ‘Freckles,’ ‘The Harvester,’ ‘The Girl of the Limberlost’ and ‘Laddie’? Well, there’s more grand entertainment waiting for you when you see ‘Freckles Comes Home,’ suggested by the book by Jeanette Stratton-Porter.” Print up book marks using one of the one-column cuts in the ad section. Make sure that every store handling books and all the libraries in town have a supply well in advance of the playdate. A few passes to the proprietors will assure you maximum distribution. THIS TRAILER WILL SELL SEATS! Smart showmen know that the trailer is the keystone of a theatre’s merchandising campaign. After all, the trailer is a “sample” of what you're asking the moviegoers to buy. If the “sample” doesn't please, its going to be tough for you to get them in. That’s why its important to run the very best trailer available. That means the only one with actual scenes from the picture, the only one supervised by the Monogram advertising department —the National Screen Service trailer! The prevue on Freckles” is a pip. Be sure to run it! STAGE A ‘‘FRECKLES CONTEST’ The title is your cue for a stunt that will garner lots of laughs and plenty of newspaper space. Freckle Contests are occasionally staged in important vacation resorts and never fail to crack the newsreels and the syndicated news services. Contact the editor of your local daily and get his co-operation. Announce the stunt as a hunt for the champion “freckles” of your town. The boy and girl who have the most spotted countenances will be proclaimed the winners. Contestants submit photos with their entry blanks, the pictures to be used for newspaper layouts and lobby displays. Build a “freckle meter” for display in the lobby, too. It should be a gadget which resembles a telescope and have some kind of a gauge on it to register the “freckle power” of the entrants. The selection of the winners should be made on the stage of the theatre. The judging can be done by audience applause or by a committee composed of newspaper representative, theatre manager and seme civic celebrity. More ‘‘Freckles’’ Stunts Announce that the first five freckle-faced youngsters appearing at the box office for each performance will be admitted free. They must have at least 50 freckles to qualify. ; * * * * * Stage a bally parade of freckled youngsters carrying placards, each sign bearing one word of the following: See — Freckles — Comes — Home — With Johnny Downs — Palace Theatre. * * * * * For a publicity gag get a couple of young people to announce the formation of a “Freckles Club” similar to the “Tree Toppers” organizations which limit their organizations to extremely tall folk. Make sure that at least one of the “charter committee” members is an attractive girl and you'll be certain of a photo as well as a news break... especially if you pose her in a bathing suit or other abbreviated costume to reveal her freckled charms. You'll Cash in With An ALL-LAUGH SHOW! Sell The Public A Fun Program Guaranteed To Make Them Laugh Away Those War Nerves! Double Bill "FRECKLES COMES HOME" with any of Monogram's Mirth Hits: "TOP SERGEANT MULLIGAN," "ZiS BOOM BAH," "DOUBLE TROUBLE, "FATHER STEPS OUT,” "LET'S GO COLLEGIATE.”