Girl from Rio (Monogram) (1939)

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eotic star of MONOGRAM’S igtss Rt thaw Aoé shee, i 1000 Deal National “Girl From Rio” Fur Promotion! More than 1,000 dealers throughout the country are waiting and eager to tie-in with this smart piece of fur promotion on Movita. They have on hand at least one of these beautiful 18 x 24 portraits of Movita. Contact the local dealers in your town and go to bat for some great window displays. The "Girl From Rio" wears smart _ SAG ‘ Seti. Rds E ers Will Cooperate In clothes. In addition to this portrait use Stills Nos. 2-6-8-36-47. Get yourself some credit lines in window show-card displays and in newspap er advertising. Every dealer will aid you in selling "Girl From Rio." For further information write to JACK SCHER PHILIP SHLANSKY BROS., Inc. 500 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY When You Map Out Your Campaign — Include This Lobby Map! Here’s your opportunity to give a real, dramatic sock to your two major showspots .. . the front and the lobby. ““GIRL FROM RIO” is a hot title to tie-in with the present public interest in South America. It raies an outstanding lobby display. Here’s how. Get a large map of South America and blow it up to fit one side of the lobby-wall. Mark in clearly with color Rio De Janeiro and the other capitols of the countries in South America. Promote your local radio station, or a prom inent radio dealer to install a short-wave sending Tie-Up With Jewelers For Extra Promotion Profits { Arrangements have been made with the Accro Bond Watch Co. for a_ national hook-up on Accro and Kalet wrist-watches. Local distributors will receive 40% discount from the _ wholesale price when he participates in the tie-up. The cost of the watches to you is nothing. These watches can be used for any smashbang contest that you and the dealer can put over. If there is no dealer in your town contact the manufacturer. He will immediately send you list of local distributors. If there are no outlets in town, forward name of a local jeweler. Accro will then suggest an arrangement whereby he can handle the watches for the duration of the contest. Get behind this deal. Plenty of publicity for the taking if you want it for your run of “Girl From Rio.” Write to: LOUIS MARSHALL ACCRO BOND WATCH CoO. 20 WEST 47th STREET NEW YORK CITY and receiving set in the lobby along side of the map. At important hours during the day have an operator sit at the set making an attempt to contact Rio. Have him say in clear tones, “Calling The Girl From Rio,” or “Stand by for the Girl from Rio,” or “The Girl From Rio has arrived,” or any other catchy line. This stunt will attract the passersby into your lobby in droves. It is newspaper copy if “‘created”’ the right way. Don’t forget to use plenty of stills and scenes from the picture around the display. TRAVEL WINDOW DISPLAY | Popular New Ear Rings WITH DEPARTMENT STORE! "Girl From Rio" is a red-hot, timely, human-interest title for almost any kind of represent a beach scene or a ship's deck. The travel agency will supply you with pe Ba z= enough tion. outravel-literable-barreled ture to arouse the interest and tie-up can be arranged with a de/ curiosity of eo. ave i dns 8 i It also might ined Ree h ave relics SS pe from South — LaF —_ id cy in town. . travel-agenwi at Promote a Wf American ~~ cooperative ~ countries display between these which can be added two. Have the deto the display. Stills and showcards with _ appropriate credits should be attractively and prominently displayed. Here is a smart, yet simple, sure-fire attraction to help you sell ''Girl From Rio". partment store give a window display in which southern sports apparel is featured. The center figure should feature clothes as worn in Rio, or any city in South America. Background should Worn By Movita Plug Picture! One of the smart accessories of the season is_ the set of perfume ear-rings worn by Movita in **Girl From Rio”. Photo displays have been made by the manufacturer. All department, jewelry, novelty and notion _ stores selling the line have been informed of the tie-up with Movita and are all set for exploitation action. Get in touch with every dealer in your community. For list, write: MRS. B. TAYLOR COHN & ROSENBERGER 47 WEST 34th STREET NEW YORK CITY