Girl from Rio (Monogram) (1939)

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SHE’ LL STEAL THE HEART Za OF ANY MAN! Her warm lips, sultry beauty kept the whole world at her fingertips! But she wanted only one man—at the point “ MOVITA WARREN HULL ALAN BALDWIN KAY LINAKER Produced by EBs DER R Directed by LAMBERT HILLYER Associate Producer JERROLD BRANDT Screenplay by MILTON RAISON and JOHN T. NEVILLE A par” WMono4 PICTURE Two Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 7 sie 5° THE TAER OFTHE TROFIGSI GIRL FROM .... RIO WITH MOVITA WARREN HULL « ALAN BALDWIN KAY LINAKER A MONOGRAM PICTURE Two Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 8 HER SMOULDERING KISSES SET MEN ON FIRE! ‘GIRL FROM RIO} “"MOVITA. WARREN HULL ALAN BALDWIN KAY LINAKER A MONOGRAM PICTURE ares OOOO ON Two Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 9 FOR ONE OF HER FLAMING KISSES A man travelled five thousand miles to risk death at her side | “ MONOGRAM PICTURE Ss Presents GIRL FROM RIO? WITH MOVITA WARREN HULL « ALAN BALDWIN KAY LINAKER One Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 10 GIRL FROM RIO" with MOVITA WARREN HULL ALAN BALDWIN KAY LINAKER MONOGRAM PICTURE One Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 11 SURRENDER! Willingly. .. she gave her soft lips to a murderer... and with each kiss . his doom grew nearer! WIN Se, WW sae. vats KER A MONOGRAM PICTURE TT One Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 12