Hoosier Schoolboy (Monogram) (1937)

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EXPLOITATION Tee Be Mickey's Ip Te! | Use Blotters And Book Marks! Cash in on the Mickey Rooney draw by mounting photos 2 s — [ey a MeBOY STAR of him in different poses in your lobby with captions: YOUR FAVORITE BOY STAR!, ~~ | Oe CEE Ee et =) «OF THE YEAR See him dance! See him fight! — Sep 2 Se 4 pate See him help his dad out of a jam and 7 a S=)G REAT AMERICAN _ bring romance to two lovers! : : MICKEY \ s HEART DRAMA He’ll make you laugh . . . he’ll make you cry! i = se OF THE YEAR Be kine . (0) —__ Calling All Veterans ! bo “<A n 2 In the picture Mickey Rooney’s dad is a World War : o& pee == ~+jMONOGRAM veteran, holder of the Congressional Medal of Honor. oie AA PICTURE This is particularly appropriate for an American Legion = night during run of show—with a parade, noise, excitement, crowds—and extra gate receipts. Also play up the i veteran angle in the story by promoting a display of war one IMPRINT) trophies and medals for your lobby. These curios are a sure crowd-stopper. Cc Q / Two special novelties have been created Punchy Poster ututs 2 for your use in exploiting “Hoosier School boy.” The blotter illustrated above (size Silhouette the center panel in the 1 sheet and include picture|6 in. x 34 in.) is made of attractive highgrade enamelled top blotting stock and is excellent for tie-ups with stationery stores, banks, post office desks, business concerns : and schools. Blotters, being useful, will be Sell Rooney in the 3 sheet cut-out by | retained long after other pieces of advertising have been discarded. Prices include your theatre name and play dates: 1M— scene. Here is your ideal shadow box. $4.00; 5M—$3.50 per M; 10,000—$3 per M. Another swell item for tie-ups with book shops, libraries and schools is the book mark shown on the right. Made of colored leatherette cardboard, printed in one color. Size 214 in x 74% in. Prices include theatre Rooney’s name and the title. name and playdates: 1M—$4.00; 5M— $3.50 per-M; 10,000—$3.00 per M; 500— only $2.75. credits for cut-out that establishes name and story values. silhouetting his smiling head and the group The visuals in the 6 sheet form the basis of a dynamic display when used with Order direct from the manufacturers: ECONOMY NOVELTY & PRINTING CO. 225. West 39th Street New York City | Contact Schools : | Don’t lose sight of the school angle in exploitation. Several of the scenes are in the classroom . . . so see if you ean’t interest teachers in film. Hold a special prevue ANME WN, GfL for them using as basic angle the redempA tion of a youngster by understanding. Then you can get quotes from them and use in FRANK SHIELDS THREE SHEET SIX SHEET throw-away to distribute in classrooms. | Attract the Kids f | FLAGS FOR FLASH ! | a y PICTURE Don’t forget the juvenile fans. Use a novel] To assure extra profits on slant in attracting them with a special lobby| your run of “Hoosier School. | CTHEATRE IMPRINT ) poster telling them young Mickey Rooney goes|boy,” make certain your romantic. budget provides for a set of WHAT IS PUPPY LOVE? flashy valances and burgees. Lustrous transparent va “Hoosier Schoolboy” Accessory Order (Specify Clearly Quantity Required) Ps LR eee ee eee ok ne Ce ae TES) 0 (0 SS eRe pe acdsee 6 SHE FS ccc ages ctpaacagen Scream ieee | | <a See how it starts! You’ll enjoy watch ° : pees ” os SAA ARARRARARRAAGARA: WINDOW CARD (Illus. on Cover)............ ing Mickey Rooney meet his “first” girl NN RASRSSANANANASSE y friend in “HOOSIER SCHOOLBOY” SNSNN SN SSRRNANSSRSS SETS LOBBY PHOTOS (11x14’s)........... CONUB Bas RO IG eee NUGSRARNA SRA NN SISPHSH Theatre. SETS LOBBY CARDS (22x28’s) eco: | INSERT CARDS (14x36) .cscsnsnsussnnansn SUT OF S210 STULS <2 cee SE lances, to fit any marquee, are available at low rental prices to first runs and correspondingly lower rentals to others. Special Trailer ! re ES reese ee ee PN ee NaGeL _ Waterproofed canvas burgees Pe © a ee ane we Sabeeg dramatic an ae ag in gay colors: 20 in. x 30 in.— mantic highlights from the picture and capi90c ea.; 24 in. x 36 in —75c ea. BU ee ha hn cerns talizes on the vast Mickey Rooney draw. Order from: OE Scene SER Re ere? Doe ae Order from: ART Fi AAG INC. p35 WEE SS ga I ee ee Re ak en ea om I NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE a TTT ns cn oe New York City, 630 Ninth Ave.; Chicago,1307 |[f : So. Wabash Ave.; Los Angeles, 1922 So. VerROE Er, PR hein ecco ssscssovsasedencovantesccconsnoulasecsin mont Ave.; Dallas, 30014 So. Harwood Ave.; "gO STATE....... cnet, EM Waton St. NeW Seuttle, 2418 Second Ave. (Mail to Nearest Monogram Exchange) SS sessesessssssssnssussssnssnscssass