Leave It to the Irish (Monogram) (1944)

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4-LEAF CLOVERS BRING GUEST TIX! Get ‘em talking about your showing of “LEAVE IT TO THE IRISH” with this stunt, which can be exploited thru the medium of handbills, newspaper tie-ups or radio programs. It will appeal to kids from 6 to 60, so be sure to cover schools and office buildings. Offer guest tickets (stipulate amount) to all who bring in four-leaf clovers to the box-office. Give the bally advance lobby and screen plugs so that the folks will start the word-of-mouth campaign going early. ® BLARNEY STONE IN LOBBY! In order to carry out the Irish motif in your advance campaign, go to your nearest'stone dealer and have him fix up a good sized “Blarney Stone.” It can be made out of scrap sandstone or other kind of rock. Approximate copy can tie in the title of the picture, such as... HERE’S THE BLARNEY STONE Just make a wishandthen ‘LEAVE IT TO THE IRISH’ See James Dunn... etc.. MEN'S STORES DISPLAY IRISH CLOTHES! Most haberdashers have a good supply of green ties, shirts, sox, sport coats and hats just waiting for this kind of a tie-up. Build a window display around stills from “LEAVE IT TO THE IRISH” in which the store features various accessories as mentioned above. Might also promote a lobby showcase which also features the articles. MOST POPULAR IRISHMAN iN TOWN! Here's one that you can get plenty of coopera: tion on from nearby war plants. Run a city-wide | contest to discover the most popular—or most: handsome—young man. War plants will give you notices on bulletin boards and stories in the company newspaper. Run the contest well in advance of your booking date and have the five finalists appear on opening night for the final judging. Judges can be appointed by your war plant officials. To keep the interest stimulated, construct a simple “Popularity Barometer” outside the theatre, and also one in the factory. This should list the top contestants and the approximate number of votes each has received. GIVE ‘EM THE OLD IRISH 1-2 PUNCH IN YOUR EXPLOITATION CAMPAIGN! & IRISH AMATEUR NIGHT! Offer a war bond to the best dancer of an Irish jig, the singer of an Irish song or the teller of Irish stories. You can create a lot of interest in a contest of this type if you start the ball rolling a couple of weeks in advance. If you have any local Irish clubs in your town get them to sponsor the shindig. IRISH JOKE BOOK LOBBY DISPLAY! Go to a local book store and get one of their joke books, then have your artist (or artistic staff member) build an eye-catching display around one of the pages which features an Irish joke. Give it a sock such as HERE’S A FUNNY ONE... but wait until you see “LEAVE IT TO THE IRISH”... it’s a scream! Make the board in shape of a shamrock to give it added pulling power. TWO SPOTS FOR YOUR RADIO CAMPAIGN! Radio plugs have proven their worth a hundred times over. Theatres and producing companies have gone into ether selling to a great extent. Here are two announcements for your use in exploiting “LEAVE IT TO THE IRISH.” FIFTY WORD SPOT: Murders are a cinch to solve ... it's women who give me all the trouble . .. so says James Dunn to lovely Wanda McKay in the new Monogram comedy-mystery, “LEAVE IT TO THE IRISH” with Arthur Loft, Vince Barnett, Barbara Woodell and Jack La Rue ... now playing at the Monogram theatre! TWENTY-FIVE WORD SPOT: Calling all O’Briens and Morans ... and everyone who likes a good, big, long laff . . .see James Dunn, Wanda McKay in “LEAVE IT TO THE IRISH” . .. Monogram theatre now! GIVE N.S.S. TRAILER GOOD LOCATION! National Screen Service has produced a topnotch prevue on “LEAVE IT TO THE IRISH” .. one that punches over the comedy situations and sells the mystery angle. Insure yourself of the maximum returns from the playing of the trailer by giving it good location in your time schedule. Spot it in the best possible opening.