Lure of the Islands (Monogram) (1942)

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|OST PUBLICIZED SHOW toward the end of her to become & gays Margie. leading stripper is a” — t artist, ig not only & EF ee Margie is in civilian morale activities, p in the Daughters of the loafing around her M You might call it reaction, or Momheticn hote] Pethops a defense mechanism bu) when Margie is enveloping house tocts. Suite she wears ®uper-modest, This hot weather, Mig. Margie Hart of Missouri ve i makes a living Pe reading of her | PHOTOGRAPHS BY GEORGE DE ZAYAs HEN Margaret ridp On the stage in 9 frills Ping gown an: big picture hat, the scent of mi nolias and old Suth'n home teas, & Music Stephen Fy e. You EXPECT @ sid SWeet her old Kentucky home, a lately Minuet thing of the kind h Instead, iV appens Tgéret Bridget BSin Of the slinks around Great Com a couple of times her skirt ruiyj fealed Zipper, Ox Hart xt, ¥OU imapin Yao-she's a dicts Winks coguettich} : Birlishly toys wi » turns her back NED ETAaSping a cry and with » Simple, ¢ id fashioned dig I charmed an ; d-fashione The wallpaper costume's ruffle re a bunch of firecrackers and fomb ck not slorring, role in @ p ahe can ‘handle. none go on piling up q fortuns ate conservative, Bhe lings