Melody Parade (Monogram) (1943)

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x It’s GIRL-GAY SONG-~SPICED and ROMANTIC! MARY BETH HUGHES EDDIE QUILLAN TIM and IRENE MANTAN MORELAND fon ARMIDA cy and TWO GREAT BANDS. ANSON WEEKS ana His Orchestra * X TED FIO RITO and His Orchestra x One Col. Ad Mat No. 7 eth * Many Bera HUGHES » Eoore QUILLAN + TIM ano IRENE 4) Muvrax MORELAND * ARMIDA' LHSON WEENS acd co Onetesena By TEDFIDAIT ane a Onchearne | Screenplay by TIM RYAN and CHARLES R. MARION Two Column Ad Mat No. 24 Ty alent. be Here’s the ALL-PLEASURE show you have been looking for! Everything to thrill the eye and charm the ear in this romance of a blonde smoothie and a Broadway smartie! oes UI ILE, .LAMOROUS aes +s aSTT> « yo ae 1M * * A oe Cys cry nt * * * ae Produced by LINDSLEY PARSONS Directed by ARTHUR DREIFUSS ~ Screenplay by TIM RYAN and CHARLES R. MARION Two Column Ad Mat No. 23 M EDDIE QUILLAN * TIM and IRENE MANTAN MORELAND « ARMIDA ..and*TWO GREAT BANDS gue, ANSON WEEKS and His Orchestra *' TED FIO RITO and His Orchestra One Col. Ad Mat No. 8 Monogta”™ x PICTURE Two Column Ad Mat No. 25