Melody Parade (Monogram) (1943)

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22a RE ae 2 SI SS SIS OO Repo EE RRRRRRRESS CORREA ESS SoS AS AON SEES SSS BSc Riba he MRR are Se Et a: | Here’s spice for your “Melody Parade” campaign. Charles Winfield Meggs, one of America’s most famous delineators of shapely cuties, has drawn a series of pretty girl sketches which we have grouped on three 8x10 stills for your convenience. They are perfect for decorating front and lobby and for dressing up newspaper ads. Theatres who have their own art departments GIANT JIGSAW PUZZLE The girl-jammed six sheet can be used to create a giant jigsaw puzzle which you can supply to a couple or three youngsters who assemble it on the sidewalk of the town's main stem. All you have to do is mount it on heavy cardboard and cut it up into fairly large pieces. Instruct the kids to assemble the title and cast last. This will also make a good advance stunt in your lobby when the incoming and exiting traffic is heaviest. LIVING BILLBOARD The “girly” flavor of “Melody Parade” provides an opportunity for a stunt that has been sensationally successful in the past. Set up the title in huge cutout letters on either the roof or the marquee and use pretty girls for decoration. You'll find this living billboard idea will really draw crowds. TIP-TOP TRAILER There is no better “come-on” for any good picture than actual samples of the film’s outstanding entertainment. The National Screen Service Pre-vue on “Melody Parade” will “bring ‘em back alive”! The cast, the songs, the comedy all are presented in a swift-moving package of film fun that sells solidly. Remember, you're wasting a terrific sales medium—your screen —if you don't get the very best trailer available. That means the one from National Screen, the only trailer with actual scenes —a show in itself! GIRL CONTEST You'll generate a lot of interest with a search for the “composite” beauty of your town to be the guest of honor for the opening of “Melody Parade.” It can be done by selecting from photos of with a “live” contest on your stage. In the latter event, have it on the opening night and aim the stunt to find the “Melody Parade Girl’—the miss who leads the town’s beauty Parade. The search is for the most beautiful face, the shapliest legs, the prettiest figure, the most talented, and the best all-round beauty. BUY UNITED STATES WAR BONDS! or use local art services will find plenty of use for them. Order special stills of “Melody Parade” Meggs drawings from Pressbook Editor, Monogram Pictures, 4376 Sunset Drive, Hollywood. Price is 45c for the set of three. Send your order by air mail to be sure of getting them in plenty of time. SELL THE RECORDING STARS You’ve got three big recording names to play with in your ‘Melody Parade” exploitation . . . Ted Fio Rito and His Orchestra, Jerry Cooper and Anson Weeks and His Orchestra. All three have made scores of platters for the biggest record companies. Contact your RADIO STATIONS immediately and ask them to feature these stars on the programs which use records. Supply them with passes to be used as prizes in the various musical quizzes most record programs spot into their routine. Give plenty of attention to the local JUKE BOX CIRCUIT, too. See that Fio Rito, Weeks and Cooper discs are liberally represented in their list of records, and make up a placard of stills of these artists for each juke box. Copy should invite the juke fans to see and hear three favorite recording stars in ‘Melody Parade.” IN THE LOBBY make up a big set piece of stills and poster cut-outs and spot in an electric phonograph behind it with the automatic record player geared to keep repeating a selection of the recordings by your “Melody Parade”’ Stars. For a MUSICAL STREET STUNT supply a pretty miss with a portable phonograph and a one-sheet mounted and hinged in the middle so that it’s easy to carry. She sets up the poster on busy corners and then plays a few records of Fio Rito, Weeks or Cooper. ON YOUR SCREEN for an advance make up a slide reading “You are now listening to a recording by Ted Fio Rito and His Orchestra, featured in “MELODY PARADE.” Flash it on the screen at intermission and before and after your show, while your p. a. system plays one of the discs. ' Don’t forget to go after all MUSIC SHOPS and COUNTERS, and BALLROOMS. A few passes will get you plenty of representation. The stores should feature stills of the recording stars while the dance emporium can have a “Melody Parade”’ dance contest or talent contest.