Navy Secrets (Monogram) (1939)

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=3 SESS SCOTT R. DUNLAP Vice President in Charge of Production Directed by HOWARD BRETHERTON Associate Producer WILLIAM LACKEY Screenplay by HARVEY or Story STEVE FISHER Director of Photography HARRY NEUMAN, A.S.C. Sound Director KARL ZINT Film Editor RUSSELL SCHOENGARTH Technical Director E. R. HICKSON Production Manager CHARLES BIGELOW Assistant Director W. B. EASON Wardrobe by LOUIS BROWN Musical Director EDWARD KAY . SOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOSSSSS : CREDITS ? Authoress! in Mononow at the theatre, recently collaborated with Sinclair Lewis on a play, “Angela Is Twenty-Two,”’ that is current in New York. featured 29 Wray, gram’s “‘Navy Secrets, Fay Grant Withers has the masculine lead in the thrilling drama of a spy chase. PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS — She Story o eae agen | 5 08 WRAY) is waiting to keep a date with Jimmy (CRAIG REYNOLDS), a petty officer in the navy, but his friend Steve Roberts (GRANT WITHERS) shows up in his place, explaining that Jimmy has been put in the brig for being absent without leave. TEVE asks Carol if she won't go out with him instead, and suggests that they go to the same places Jimmy would have gone with her, because, he tells Carol that Jimmy had left him an envelope, supposedly containing stamps, to deliver to a certain arty at one of these places, but that he had forgotten the name of the man. First they go to the restaurant owned by Nick (DEWEY ROBINSON) and when Nick finds out about the letter, he tries unsuccessfully to get it from Steve. Next they go to Benje's Bar, and Benje (ANDRE CHERON) i is about to claim the letter as the man for whom it was intended, but he gets a signal from Slavins (GEORGE SORRELL), to deny that he is the one. Steve and Carol leave and go back to Nick's, and Benje and Slavins check up on Steve, discovering that he is really Jimmy's friend. So Slavins phones Nick to have him tell Steve to meet him at his apartment with the letter. Fay Wray'ss Film Career Began As Sennett Bathing little theatre movements pro vide the best training for aspiring Broadway stars, so do western pictures and two reel comedies, afford the best development for leading women in features. That is the opinion of lovely Fay Wray, who plays the feminine lead in Monogram’s thrilling story of naval espionage, “Navy Secrets”, due.......... a thei theatre with a large cast of prominent players. Mack Sennett, dean of slapstick comedies, is indirectly responsible for a great many of today’s leading screen stars. Fay Wray was a Sennett bathing beauty, before being selected by Erich von Stroheim to play a lead in “The Wedding March”. Carole Lombard was a_ Sennett player. She is now one of the top box office stars. Janet Gaynor has NAUTICAL TRIO Fay Wray, Grant Withers and Craig Reynolds are in “Navy Secrets,” Monogram’s vivid drama of espionage, now playing at the theatre. One Col. Cut or Mat No. 2 Beauty a long list of western heroine roles to her credit, as does Joan Bennett. Miss Wray believes that westerns and comedies are practically essential for the screen newcomers because they give them an opportunity to learn all of the fundamentals of camera angles, and because they teach the neophytes to learn lines with amazing rapidity. “Navy Secrets” is the story of how two members of the naval intelligence service manage to clean up on a ring of foreign spies. Seen in the cast are Grant Withers, Craig Reynolds, Dewey Robinson, William von Brincken, Arthur Housman and Robert Frazer. Howard Bretherton directed from the Cosmopolitan magazine _ story, “Shore Leave” by Steve Fisher. Screenplay was written by Harvey Gates. W. T. Lackey was the associate producer. "NAVY SECRETS" ON ee SCREEN ATEST Hollywood male film coterie is boar and wild goat hunting on Santa Catalina Island. An ardent follower of this sport is Grant Withers, who plays the male lead in Monogram’s “Navy Secrets”, ainther can theatre, with Fay Wray in the feminine lead. sport among Following the conclusion of “Navy Secrets”, Withers organized a crew of boar and goat hunting enthusiasts and left on a week of hunting on the famous California island. “Navy Secrets” is an exciting story of navy espionage and how a couple of intelligence officers crack a ring of foreign spies. Seen in the cast are Craig Reynolds, Dewey Robinson, William von Brincken, Arthur Hous man and Robert Frazer. Howard Bretherton directed from the Cosmopolitan magazine story by Steve Fisher. Screenplay was written by Harvey Gates. W. T. Lackey was the associate producer. NS HEN Steve arrives at the apartment, leaving Carol outside in a cab, Nick, Slavins, Peter Droit, another spy, and Benje, are waiting to get the letter. But Steve tells them he left it in the cab. Carol sneaks up on the fire escape, HEROINE Lovely Fay Wray plays the leading role in Monogram’s “Navy Secrets,” CUTKeRt al thet a eee ees theatre. Grant Withers and Craig Reynolds also appear in the spy melodrama. One Col. Cut or Mat No. 1 Weg I? ‘See, and as Steve and Slavins go down to search the cab, she overhears the others talking about Cronjer, head of the spy ring, and hears them phone him for instructions. She then goes to a phone and makes an appointment with Cronjer himself, saying she has the envelope. She meets Cronjer in Nick's place, eluding Steve, who finally escapes from the others and trails her. He arrives just in time, for Cronjer, opening the letter, discovers that it is a forgery, and has Slavins and Nick take Carol and Steve to an old factory and imprison them. But the gang lets Carol go, believing she is really Jimmy's girl, and Jimmy was in league with them. Carol frees Steve, and they call the police, who round up the gang. TEVE, who is revealed as a member of the Naval Intelligence Service, frees Carol, because he is in love with her. A few days later they meet in the Naval Intelligence Office, and Carol is infor Cronjer, opening the letter, distroduced to Steve by the Chief as their "most brilliant woman operator.'' Steve and Carol decide to marry, after Steve's next case, and when he leaves, Carol is informed that he won't be back for a year. She decides being a “navy girl" isn't so romantic after all. THERE'S THAT DRUNK AGAIN Arthur Housman, Gentleman Inebriate, Plays Sot in “Navy Secrets’ at......:....... SSSSOSSSSSSS SS SSS SSS SSSS RTHUR Housman’s face is familiar to almost every moviegoer, although his name is not. He is the actor who is such a swell screen drunk, and whose appearance in a picture is always greeted with spontaneous laughs and applause from the audience. He is currently featured in Monogram’s “Navy Secrets”, thrilling drama of counter-espionage, now playing at the............. theatre, with Fay Wray and Grant Withers in the ‘eading roles. Housman is really an excellent actor who has had extensive Broadway stage experience. But in one of his first films he had the “misfortune” to steal the picture in a bit part as a comic drunk. Immediately he was started on a career of intemperance, for in forty out of fifty features he has played gentlemen inebriates. Arthur doesn’t dare attempt any other kind of role now, for he feels that the audience would be disappointed if they saw him sober. “Navy Secrets” concerns the adventures of a navy G-Man and his girl, who get caught in the toils of an international spy ring. Prominent in the cast are Fay Wray, Grant Withers, William von Brincken, Dewey Robinson, Robert Frazer, and Craig Reynolds. “Navy Girl” is based on the story “Shore Leave” that appeared in the Cosmopolitan Magazine. Howard Bretherton directed from the screenplay by Harvey Gates. A thrilling story of navy espionage, Monogram’s “Navy Secrets’ is scheduled to open. ................. at the theatre, with Fay Wray and Grant Withers in the leading roles. Howard Bretherton directed. More than three weeks of actual navy research was required before first scenes were made on Monogram’s “‘“Navy Secrets’? now playing at the theatre. Fay Wray and Grant Withers have the leading roles. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOSSOSSSOS ¥, CAST Carol. 4.35.2 FAY WRAY Steve... . GRANT WITHERS mae Dewey Robinson Conjer ... William von Brincken Jimmy... Craig Reynolds Slavins .. George Sorrell Benje ..... Andre Cheron Peter ..... Robert Frazer Daly... : Joseph Crehan Babe 2. ck Duke York Drunk... Arthur Housman Captain... Joe Girard Sportsman! —_— Bg Grant Withers, currently featured Monogram’s “Navy Secrets,” now at the theatre, is an ardent follower of the sport of wild goat hunting Catalina Island. in at Fay Wray has the feminine lead in this thrilling drama of international spies. PART IN SCHOOL PLAY STARTED OFF ACTOR GRANT WITHERS ITTLE did Grant Withers realize that when he was chosen to play the title role in the stage play “Clarence” while attending high school in Pueblo, Colorado, that acting would eventually become his career. Withers admits that it wasn’t his idea to go thespian during his school days. All of the other males in the small senior class were too bashful. Consequently, Grant became a_nervous juvenile. When the class was graduated, Withers was sent to Kemper Military Academy in Boonesville, Mo. After graduating from the school, Withers with his family came to Los Angeles where he obtained a job on the now defunct Los Angeles Record. His first assignment was to cover the death of Wallace Reid. Oddly enough, Grant first met Mrs. Reid, who is now story editor of Monogram, when he reported to play the male lead in Monogram’s “Navy Secrets”, tenes at these. theatre. After working on the Record for approximately a year and a half, he managed to get a job as an extra in one of the early Douglas McLean features. That was the changing point of his career. From then on, he aspired to become a screen actor. After playing extra parts for several months, he succeeded in getting prominent roles in such features as “In the Headlines”, “Hearts In Exile”, “So Long Letty” and many others. Most recent pictures in which he has appeared include “Mr. Wong, Detective”, “Paradise Express”, “Radio Patrol”, “Telephone Operator”, “Ho!lywood Round-up” and _ others. Appearing opposite Withers in “Navy Secrets” is Fay Wray. Others in the film include Craig Reynolds, Dewey Robinson, William von Brincken and Robert Frazer. Howard Bretherton directed from the screenplay by Harvey Gates. W. T. Lackey was associate producer. SPY RING TIGHTENS WEB Grant Withers, on the track of an international spy ring, is apprehended by spies in “Navy Secrets” GEANCi ee . theatre, providing a thrill packed climax. Fay Wray plays the leading “feminine role. Two Col. Cut or Mat No. 3