Oh, What a Night! (Monogram) (1944)

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TH Goren ne fcr van oss Detective Norris............. Executive Director Procuced D¥ 6 ok es: Directed: OVise 3 ee Set Dressing by....:...:.. a Photography by...........-. tate GM st hao Ses aes aS Bw Divegior 2s ee: Supervising Editor........... Wig BAUOE > ou ce nen Original Story by........... Gcreenplay, by... 5... 2-06: THE STORY (Not For Publication) Production Supervisor........ Asst. Directors... . WILLIAM STROHBACH and EDDIE DAVIS Oecd ete Ue”) URS aaa eer ete Music Director..........:..- bears. es es cea DAN MILNER Ce den Rom a HARRY BOURNE Bd ei cokes ates TOM LAMBERT Re ee Ae ERNEST HICKSON Sot paaiac, ue a aae EDWARD KAY Rand (Edmund Lowe), Tom Gordon (Pierre Watkin), Countess Sonya (Karin Lang), Boris (Ivan Lebedett) and Rocco (George Lewis), all international jewel thieves, are guests at a fashionable California hotel, awaiting the arrival of Lillian Vanderhoven (Marjorie Rambeau), owner of the fabulous Kimberley diamond. Valerie (Jean Parker), Gordon’s niece, doesn’t know of her uncle’s shady career, but merely assumes that he and Rand, whom she has met earlier, are friends on a vacation. When Mrs. Vanderhoven and her party arrive, Wyndy, Rand's valet, is in her group posing as an English nobleman. He, too, is trying to secure the valuable diamond. and is making excellent progress. Wyndy is dismayed, however, to learn that Rand, because of a past favor, has promised Detective Norris (Alan Dinehart) that not only would he refrain from stealing the gem, but has pledged to see to it that the others keep their hands off. At a dinner party that evening, at which all the group are guests, the jewel is stolen. Naturally, everyone is under suspicion, and all through the night Rand, Detective Norris and the others trace their own clues to retrieve it, but it is Rand who deduces that Gordon is the guilty person. He, now very fond of Valerie, is determined to get the diamond without letting her know of her uncle's past. Surprising Gordon in the act of packing for his getaway, Rand, at gun point, forces him to hand over the Kimberley King in the presence of Valerie, who then thinks that Rand is the real thief. Rand returns the jewel to Norris and leaves with Wyndy, convinced, through his own generous act, that there is some honor among thieves. .. Trio of Stars Head Film Cast Three film players of unusual popularity, each of whom has been starred in many film productions, are featured in “The Girl Next Door,” Monogram comedy-drama which opens an engagement at the eect nations Unbaversy Fain 0) a eam intraarea Edmund Lowe, Marjorie Rambeau and Jean Parker play the principal roles, and their supporting cast includes Alan Dinehart, Pierre Watkin, Ivan Lebedeff, Claire DuBrey, Carl Miller, Olaf Hytten, Karin Lang, George Lewis, Crane Whitley, Charles Jordan and Dick Rush. William Beaudine directed for producer Scott R. Dunlap, and the screenplay was written by Paul Gerard Smith from an original story by Marion Orth. \Friends Meet On Sound Stage Claire DuBrey, who plays a featured role in Monogram’s mysterycomedy, “Oh, What A _ Night!” which comes to the .......... the|; STECEOMI ecm , met an old friend whom she worked with years ago when she ran into Harry Carey during the filming of the picture. Mr. Carey was playing a role in another film, “Little Devils,’ on an adjoining stage. In addition to being an actress, Miss DuBrey has also held assignments on studio lots as a writer and has sold many short stories to pulp magazine on the side. Sharing top honors in “Oh, What A Night!” are Marjorie Rambeau, Edmund Lowe and Jean Parker. Supporting roles are played by Pierre Watkin, Alan Dinehart, Ivan Lebedeff, Karin Lang, Olaf Hytten and George Lewis. | “OH, WHAT A NIGHT!” FINE MYSTERY-COMEDY | L to r, Jean Parker, Alan Dinehart, Marjorie Rambeau and Claire DuBrey in a scene from the Monogram mystery-comedy, “Oh, What A Night!” which comes to the theatre on , with Edmund Lowe. Two Column Scene Mat No. 20 * Hotel Is Film Setting A luxurious hotel is the setting for the entire story of “The Girl Next Door,’ Monogram comedydrama which opens an engagement Foi da 3 ovewi Hl aVerz WF ete O) a Musseeneterpry is , with Edmund Lowe, Marjorie Rambeau and Jean Parker in the featured roles. There are sequences in luxurious bungalow suites, in the lobby, in the dining room, in the cocktail lounge, on the verandas and even in the manager’s office, but very few scenes outside the hotel property. The background fcr some of the exterior scenes is the famous Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, for years the favorite rendezvous of filmdom. The cast appearing with Lowe, Miss Rambeau and Miss Parker in “Oh, What A Night!” includes Alan Dinehart, Ivan Lebedeff, Claire DuBrey, Olaf Hytten and Karin Lang. William Beaudine directed for producer fcott R. Dunlap. | PIN-UP CHOICE | Lovely Jean Parker shares top honors with Edmund Lowe and Marjorie Rambeau in the Monogram mystery-comedy, “Oh, What A Night!” which comes to the ...... theatre on ........ In this picture, Miss Parker plays a comedy role, which is one of her first. One Col. Scene Mat No. 1 Film Bares Craft Of Jewel Thieves The devious scheming of a number of international jewel thieves, each intent on stealing a famous diamond worn by a guest at a fashionable California hotel, forms thé interesting basis of “Oh, What A Night!” the Monogram comedydrama which comes to the ........ theatre “ONG etl as , with Edmund Lowe, Marjorie Rambeau and Jean Parker in the leading roles. From the far corners of the world, the thieves converge on the hotel even before the arrival of the owner of the fabulously valuable gem, a former burlesque actress who has “married into money,” and it transpires that these dishonest gentry keep close tab on the plans ‘and movements of those who travel about with such costly baubles on their persons. The story develops into an absorbing battle of wits, as each thief strives tc outdo the others. The cast supporting the three featured players in “Oh, What A Night!” includes Alan Dinehart, Claire DuBrey, Ivan _ Lebedeff, Pierre Watkin and Olaf Hytten, and William Beaudine directed for producer Scott R. Dunlap. Gay New Mystery-Comedy Boasts Fine Cast and Story {Review) Vastly entertaining is the Monogram mystery-comedy, “Oh, What A Night!” which opened last night at the theatre. The film is everything a mystery fan could wish for, and at the same time is well sprinkled with laughs, with a light portion of romance thrown in for good measure. Playing the leading roles are Ed-¥ mund Lowe, Marjorie Rambeau and Jean Parker. Lowe is excellent as an adventure-seeking international jewel thief. Miss Rambeau does exceptionally well, too, as a retired chorus girl who has married wealth, and who resents being called “Madame” by servants. Jean Parker has never looked lovelier nor acted better. Principal supporting players who are outstanding are Alan Dinehart, Pierre Watkin, Claire DuBrey, Ivan Lebedeff, Karin Lang, Charles Miller, Olaf Hytten, George Lewis, Crane Whitley, Charles Jordan and Dick Rush. The story opens revealing a host of the world’s ace jewel thieves gathered at a luxurious West Coast hotel to await the arrival of Miss Rambeau, who always carries her famously valuable Kimberley King diamond on her person. Just before she arrives, however, a detective, Alan Dinehart, visits Lowe and makes him promise that the jewel will not be stolen. In spite of the fact that Lowe passes the word around, the gem disappears. The rest of the picture, then, is devoted to the tracing of the diamond, with Lowe striving to make his promise good by finding it himself. The direction by William Beaudne is completely well done ,and the film has been given above-par production by Scott R. Dunlap. The original story by Marion Orth, with screenplay by Paul Gerard Smith, is unusually clever, and the photography by Mack Stengler is first rate tehroughout. Girl Became Film Actress Through Cinderella Plot One never knows when some casual action will bring about an important chain of events in an entirely different field, and turn the whole affair in a Cinderella story. Under such a heading, for example, comes the circumstance of a girl being launched into motion picture stardom as the direct result of having designed a float*¥ as for a floral parade. But this is just what happened in the case of Jean Parker, who GOMES: COC the causes te theatre on PEM ae aN tthe in “The Girl Next Door,” Monogram’s comedy-drama of a mysterious jewel robbery in which she is featured with Edmund Lowe and Marjorie Rambeau. It was not long after her graduation from high school in Los Angeles that Miss Parker drew the design for one of the magnificent floats which appeared in the annual Tournament of Roses at nearbyPasadena. And a short time later occurred a series of events such as occasionally happen in Hollywood. The float won a prize; the young designer’s picture appeared in a newspaper; the photograph was seen by an executive of MetroGoldwyn-Mayer studios; and Jean was promptly invited te take a screen test. But even then the unimpressed young Miss Parker did not exactly jump at the chance which had been offered her. Since she had previously made an engagement with friends to take a trip to the mountains for snow sports over the weekend, she did not report at the studio until a week after the date originally set. But then she passed the test with flying colors, and was signed to a term contract. Jean had achieved a goal for which many girls have struggled ineffectively for many years—and she was only 14, In addition to Miss Parker, Lowe and Miss Rambeau, the cast appearing in “The Girl Next Door” includes Alan Dinehart, Ivan Lebedeff, Pierre Watkin, Karin Lang, and Olaf Hytten. William Beaudine directed this action-filled Scott R. Dunlap production, and the original screenplay by Marion Orth was adapted by Paul Gerard Smith.