One Thrilling Night (Monogram) (1942)

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Horace Jason. 2... Niikie ISO i Frankie Saxon... .«.. 5. hoa JOHN BEAL Die WANDA McKAY a ae eG TOM NEAL POtGe ee Or . BARBARA PEPPER Sot: moaaqgerty |... 3.00%. J. FARRELL MacDONALD Pete a ea he ee ERNIE ADAMS SET NEGRO CSe Sea Ne ROMS RCE HE te RTE LYNTON BRENT TDD 3 ce ee .... JEROME SHELDON toh eter JIMMY O’GATTY CREDITS Produced by... 5... . mrected by: oo) 5 22... Production Manager .__. Sereenplay by PHOIMGTADNY: 2 eo Sound Engineer....... Assistant Director...... ...... A. W. HACKEL _. WILLIAM BEAUDINE ie BEN GUTTERMAN _.. JOSEPH HOFFMAN _.MARCEL LE PICARD Clea . GLEN GLENN “One Thrilling Night” (Not for Publication) Millie and Horace Jason, newlyweds, arrive in New York tor their honeymoon of one night, as Horace is to leave for the Army the next morning at six. The hotel room to which they are assigned has previously been used by Duke Keesler, a gangster, in which to hide $50,000. Two henchmen of Duke’s have double-crossed and slugged him, and brought him to the Jasons’ room, where he is found by Millie and Horace. When the police arrive in response to their call, they are unable to find Duke, as the henchmen have locked him in the Jasons’ trunk. When Horace happens to open the trunk after they have left, Duke rolls out and escapes. Again Millie and Horace call the police, and Horace demonstrates to them how Duke was concealed in the trunk. Millie shuts it and, as Horace has the keys in his pocket, he is locked inside it. While Millie and the detectve are out looking for a skeleton key, the gangsters, thinking Duke is in the trunk, take it to the opposition gang leader, Frankie Saxton. Horace is let out and mistaken for the Duke, but manages to escape when it is discovered that he is not the gangster. In an ensuing chase both Millie and Horace are captured by Saxton, but escape and return to their room where the detective has been detailed to remain with them. Saxton and his gang manage to get in the room aiter Horace has discovered the missing $50,000 in his dressingrobe pocket. A melee ensues, and the gang is captured. Just as Millie and Horace are aboui to retire, the room clerk informs the bridegroom that it is six o'clock in the morning, and he leaves at once for the Army. Missouri Boy Screen Success Back in Joplin, Missouri, the natives speak with pride and a certain feeling of awe of a native son of the town who “did right well’ in the movies. They refer to him as Alex Bliededung, for that’s the name he was known by when he was running errands for his father’s department stsore. But the theatregoing public is more familiar with the young man as John Beal, who comes to the baer UN ETL theateeron seo nh the leading role of “One Thrilling Night,” the riotously funny Monogram comedy in which-he is featured with Wanda McKay. Beal first became interested in acting when he attended the University of Pennsylvania, and progressed through college plays to “little theatre’ work, Broadway plays in New York, and finally to Hollywood motion pictures. Other members of the cast of “One Thrilling Night’ are Warren Hymer, Tom Neal, Barbara Pepper and J. Farrell MacDonald. The picture was produced by A. W. Hackel, and directed by William Beaudine. | DO NOT DISTURB | laughs.” equation. Briefly, the problem is this: After a comedy “line,” or a funny bit of action, how much time shall be al ence to subside, so that the succeeding speech may be heard? Naturally, this was the age-old question which confronted Monogram studios, producer A. W. Hackel and director William Beeaudine during the filming of “One Thrill ing Night,” the hilarious farce which comes: to. theres... 8 os theBELO FON NA Ae aa , with John Beal and Wanda McKay as the principals in a hectic 12-hour honeymoon. On the stage the actors are guided by the audience reaction to the comedy passages, pausing in the dialogue just long enough so that the next point shall not be missed. But the length of the laughs, and the points at which they occur, are bound to change from day to day. An “easy laughter” in the audience can greatly alter the response to comedy situations, either in a play or motion picture, for all that is needed is one person to start the ___| laughter. On a 12-hour ‘honeymoon John Beal and Wanda McKay, in Monozram’s hilarious hit, “One Thrilling Night,” find that gangsters don’t believe in signs and their wedding night turns to terror, as you'll find out on the screen at the.......... EHOALEOG She cs cl a aes (Order cut or mat No. 5.) In a motion picture, of course, f}the dialogue is “spaced” before the film is ever seen by an audience, and unless the flow of a scene is later changed by the shears of the film cutter it remains forever spaced in just the way that it was photographed. John Beal discussed this interesting subject while the picture was being filmed in Hollywood. “It is fortunate, too,’ he pointed out, “that when a screen comedy approaches its climax, with fast action, excitement or the element of danger, the need for dialogue diminishes. If this were not so, a great part of the speech of the characters would be drowned out by the almost continual laughter of the audience, when a really funny comedy gets into high gear. We had to keep our faces straight as we went through all our thrilling adventures in the picture—but we had an awfully good time.” The cast supporting Beal and Miss McKay in “One _ Thrilling Night” includes Warren Hymer, ‘Tom Neal, Barbara Pepper and J. Farrell MacDonald. lowed for the laughter of the audij Gangster Lynton Brent is about to be crowned by the irate bride, Wanda McKay, while the soldier groom, John Beal, holds another honeymoon intruder at bay in Monogram’s hilarity hit, “One Thrilling Night,” cur rently convulsing audiences with laughter at the.......... theatre. (Order Cut or Mat No. 22.) "Spacing For Laughs’”’ Is Problem of Film Comedy Perhaps the most difficult problem in the filming of a screen comedy is what is commonly known as “spacing for Hollywood may never be able to find exactly the correct answer, for its solution rests solely on the human | FRUSTRATED LOVERS | “What is this—bridal suite or convention hall?” ask Wanda McKay and John Beal as the luckless honeymoon couple in Monogram’s hilarity hit, “One Thrilling Night,” at | id oT epee osat nee gen theatre. (Order Cut or Mat No. 6.) Veteran J. Farrell MacDonald, as actor and director with the old Biograph company, was associated with David Wark Griffith in the early days of silent pictures, when few films were more than one reel in length. Farrell comes to the ........ theAETOCON Gs Th eee We in “One Thrilling Night,” Monogram’s hilarious comedy which features John Beal and Wanda McKay. Forbear Warren Hymer is the son of John B. Hymer, noted playwright, and made his theatrical debut on the stage in London, where he appeared in “Crime,” which was written by his father. Hymer comes to the SHE pes anomie UheabrevOn ye. ee tn a featured role of “One Thrilling Night,’ the rollicking Monogram comedy which details the hilarious honeymoon adventures of John Beal and Wanda McKay. THREE’S A CROWD, ON ANY HONEYMOON | Hollywood Reviewers Hail New Comedy Few of the new pictures to be previewed in Hollywood this season have elicited more unanimous praise from preview critics than “One Thrilling Night,” the hilarious Monogram comedy which comes to PCr ates THEATLECON.A Ai ioc hte with John Beal and Wanda McKay featured as a pair of young newlyweds on a hectic 12-hour honeymoon in New York City. For example, George Fisher had this to say on his nation-wide ‘‘Hollywood Whispers” broadcast over CBS: “The idea that good pictures cost more than bad ones is so firmly rooted in the Hollywood subconscious that when a producer contrives to make a cheap picture which is also good, it occasions an almost panic confusion. A little like the famous Clark Gable-Claudette Colbert picture, ‘It Happened One Night, ‘One Thrilling Night’ records the amazing entanglements which a bride and groom stumble into on their wedding night. You'll roar, and also break out in a cold sweat, when you see ‘One Thrilling Night.’ ” The Hollywood Reporter, the film capital’s famous dailyl newspaper of the motion picture industry, gave vent to its enthusiasm in these words: “Hats can be thrown in the air whenever a little picture emerges with entertainment merit of ‘One Thrilling Night. The secret of its success is no secret at all. Producer A. W. Hackel chose a clever original screenplay concisely written by Joseph Hoffman, cast it #|competently with a group of reli able performers, and turned the direction over to William Beaudine, one of the able veterans of this industry. Such a combination seldom fails.” The Los Angeles Daily News said in the course of a long review, “One of the most creditable films ever to come from Monogram, ‘One Thrilling Night,’ augurs well for the future of this alert and enterprising studio.” And the Film Daily, motion picture trade paper, expressed this opinion: “Here is a great little comedy. It’s clever, fast and faultlessly played. ‘One Thrilling Night’ is great stuff for all types of audiences—it’s a feather in the Monogram cap.” In addition to Beal and Miss McKay, the cast of “One Thrilling Night” includes Warren Hymer, Barbara Pepper, Tom Neeal and J. Farrell MacDonald. Sherman Was e Right! When honeymoons are shortened to 12 hours—well, that’s a state of affairs that will provoke untold thousands of war brides and soldier grooms to declare with emphasis: Sherman was right! Honeymoons rationed to this length are not yet official—but many a draftee finds himself in this sad predicament, and the full import of its meaning is amply brought home in hilarious fashion in the exciting Monogram fun-film, “One Thrilling Night,’ coming to Hol syonaeemte io theatre: WEN s.ce Lovely Wanda McKay and John Beal portray the hapless couple whose one and only honeymoon night is made frightfully exciting by unexpected intrusions of gunmen, police, hotel detectives, a blonde vamp and others. Warren Hymer, J. Farrell MacDonald, Barbara Pepper, Tom Neal, Ernie Adams, Lynton Brent, Jerome Shelton and Jimmy O’Gatty are others who take part in the all-night raids on the couple. ————S