She's in the Army (Monogram) (1942)

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MEET AMERICA’S “MINUTE MAIDS”! The first rousing story of the Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corps...the feminine army ready to help the boys...who'll slap the Japs MONOGRAM PICTURES presents with LUCILE GLEASON VEDA ANN ‘ BORG MARIE WILSON Robert LOWERY Lyle TALBOT Warren HYMER Produced by , Directed by JEAN YARBROUGH — Original Screenplay by T. H. RICHMOND SIDNEY SHELDON & GEORGE BRICKER Two Column Cut or Mat No. 24 “TRADEMARK” YOUR CAMPAIGN WITH THIS SOLDIERETTE IN ADS, LOBBIES, INVITATIONS, ETC. The More Bonds We Buy---The ore Planes They'll Fly Sell U. S. War Bonds with Catchlines in Your Newspaper Ads! Shes |W THE ARMY LUCILE VEDA ANN MARIE GLEASON BORG WILSON ) Mom PICTURE EY Order Mats or Stills from Monogram Exploitation Dept. Two Column Cut or Mat No. 25 N \CTURES present? THE ARMY LUCILE VEDA , ‘ ANN MARIE ‘7, GLEASON BORG WILSON Robert LOWERY Lyle TALBOT Warren HYMER Two Column Cut or Mat No. 26 They’re ready for duty where the action’s hot... he Women’s Ambulance & Defense Corps! with LUCILE GLEASON VEDA ANN MARIE WILSON Robert LOWERY Lyle TALBOT Warren HYMER A inom Mon4F picture LUCILE VEDA ANN GLEASON BOR MARIE Robert WILSON towery Lyle TALBOT Warren HYMER MorF es ure One Col. Cut or Mat No. 10