Sky Patrol (Monogram) (1939)

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“YOUR BOY’S NOT YELLOW, COLONEL, AND HE’LL PROVE IT TO YOU YET!’ A flying fledgling tests his wings against smugglers of the skies... in a solo flight against fear—and enemy bullets! * : THRILLS “© ON THE GROUND AND IN THE AIR... WITH TAIISPIN TOMMY ‘SKY ParRol aS Le “™ JOHN TRENT PALL ACO MARIORIE REYNOLDS © MILBURN STONE JACKIE COOGAN JOSEPH WEST and NORTON S. PARKER A MONOGRAM PICTURE omciwat story By HAL FORREST Two Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 8 TL TAILSPIN SKY PATRoy, JOHN TRENT A MONOGRAM PICTURE One Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 9 AIR POLICE RAID SKY RACKETEERS! MARIJORIE REYNOLDS MILBURN STONE JACKIE COOGAN | A MONOGRAM PICTURE One Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 10 HIS MOST THRILLING AIR-VENTURE! 40 “SKY PATROL with JOHN TRENT MARJORIE REYNOLDS MILBURN STONE JACKIE COOGAN A MONOGRAM PICTURE One Col. Ad Cut or Mat No. 11 SMUGGLERS OF THE SKY! Meet the gangsters of tomorrow! Spreading death and destruction at 300 miles an hour ... till Tailspin Tommy blasts them out of their stronghold in the skies to smash America’s newest racket! pPropucep sy PAUL MALVERN pirecrep ay HOWARD BRETHERTON SCREENPLAY BY JOSEPH WEST and NORTON S. PARKER onicinat story ay HALL FORREST Two Col, Ad Cut or Mat No. 12