The Crime Smasher (Monogram) (1943)

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wu ANOTHER SOCK RADIO DRAW For Your Boxoffice! Monogram Brings You COSMO JONES, Favorite Sleuth Of Millions Of CBS Listeners! * * * See His First Film Adventure! AMAZING is the only word to describe the way radio fans JAM THE THEATRES whenever their air favorites hit the screen! Lum and Abner, Fibber McGee, Abbot and Costello, Edgar Bergen. .. all have piled up terrific grosses! And we’re confident you’re going to get another big boxoffice surprise with COSMO JONES, who has clicked on the big-time CBS network for years! LET THOSE DIALERS KNOW HE’S HERE! EXPLOITATION FLASH: You Can Put Cosmo Jones on Your Radio Station By Transcription! Get in touch with the manager of the nearest radio station right now, and tell him he can have a regularly released series of Cosmo Jones programs on a sustaining basis for only the cost of the records . . . until it can be sold to local sponsors. He has the option of using either two or three fifteen minute shows weekly. This does not apply to the eleven western states where CBS runs the Cosmo Jones broadcasts exclusively. Station managers should write immediately to SAM KERNER, HARRY WURTZEL AGENCY, 8979 SUNSET BOULEVARD, HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. FACTS ABOUT COSMO JON ES: Cosmo Jones is a detective character originally introduced in a series called “Nightcap Yarns” starring Frank Graham over the Columbia Broadcasting System. In the East the program was called “Armchair Adventures.” So enthusiastic was the response to the delightful detective that a complete series of programs was built around him. Cosmo Jones has been heard on over 100 stations. There’s a Ready-Made _ Audience Waiting To + a i tra Ti