5 Card Stud (Paramount Pictures) (1968)

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ADVERTISING Dealing you a hand in the most exciting suspense Western ever played! ROBERT MARTIN MITCHUM ... the hellfire gambler ... the gunfire preacher PARAMOUNT PICTURES presents HAL WALLIS* production SruD co-starring INGER RODDY MARGUERITE KATHERINE El SD STEVENS MeDQWALL JUSTICE HATHAWAY. ROBERTS . 5.35 « isis‘ TECHNICOLOR® + A PARAMOUNT PICTURE TIOUINES . . csetnce ss 560 LINES oo ee inches Ge 40 inches ie ahaa COVER ART IN ALSO AVAILABLE IN AUP ULE hella A ar 780 LINES DD Teese sic « xk sper eomoctens 360 LINES 6 COLS. x ES aan ae are re 55 VY inches MAT 601 4 COLS. x EGA. Het ik Sc seat. 26 inches MAT 401