As Young as We Are (Paramount Pictures) (1958)

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LIVE RADIO SPOTS 50-words: Youth has its fling in Paramount's dramatic teenage shocker, "As Young As We Are” with an exciting cast of new young stars headed by Robert Harland and Pippa Scott! It's the scandalous story of the too young, too pretty high school teacher and the handsome senior! “As Young As We Are”... a William Alland Production .°.°. starta: (day) ..2 Theatre. 35-words: The picture that’s for and about today’s teenagers... Paramount's “As Young As We Are" . . introducing an exciting cast of new young stars. It's the scandal-seared story of the pretty young teacher and the handsome high school senior! Starts ........s--00g UT) Sncnsssnnetanes Theatre. 20-words: See Paramount's teen-age drama “As Young As We Are” about a pretty teacher and the handsome high school senior she falls for! Starts (day). ::........0ecarenes Theatre. BLACKBOARD IDEA A NATURAL FOR LOBBY OR STREET BALLY Set up a big blackboard in the lobby and print or write on it in chalk the message as set up below. The teacher was too young and pretty! . « « The senior was too handsome! SEE THE AFTER-SCHOOL SCANDAL THAT ROCKED THE TOWN! Mm” “AS YOUNG AS WE ARE” (Theatre) This can be adapted into a black cardboard sandwich board for use as a street bally. SELL IT ON THE SCREEN Make full use of the ticket-selling National Screen Service trailer which plays up the youth angle of this teen-age drama and accents the new faces to be seen in it. Order your print now and give it the maximum playing time. PUNCH LINES FROM TRAILER The following copy excerpts from the excellent trailer for “As Young As We Are” may be useful to you in various aspects of your campaign: WHAT'S SO DIFFERENT ABOUT THIS PICTURE? A warm and beautiful girl... held closer and closer by the boy as the jukebox plays their song... and later, under the warm desert moon, the overwhelming, irresistible call of youth to youth. . . . So far—nothing so different. It happens everywhere . . . every night. But the startling scandal that could blow the lid off Rosario High is that Kim is the new, young English teacher . . . and Hank is a teen-age kid in her senior class... A TEEN-AGE SHOCKER WITH A “DIFFERENT” TWIST! AND AN EXCITING CAST OF NEW YOUNG STARS! What's going to happen when a boy doesn’t go for the girls in his own class any more... This is the girl he’s got to have no matter what the cost to both of them... fighting for her ... ruining her name . . . defying convention . . . breaking the law... CRAZY—MIXED UP BUT SO REAL IT SHAKES YOU! MATTED ART OR STILL OF SCENE MONTAGE The montage of scenes reproduced at the right was prepared for your convenience to facilitate its use in the following ways: 1. Order a blow up of it from National Screen Service and use it as a lobby display. 2. Adapt it into an effective herald which can be printed locally at very little cost. Simply use one of the large size ads for the reverse side adding theatre and playdate information. 3. Plant it in the newspaper as a publicity cut with the caption as shown. Copy in the ads can be used to advantage to make item No. 1 a practical! and effective sales aid. ied MAT OR STILL AVAILABLE FROM NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE Still No. 10356-1A Mat4A PICTORIAL HIGHLIGHTS of Paramount’s excitement-charged production about teen-agers, ““As Young As We Are,” which comes ........ to Aes, reise, Theatre. The William Alland film features a cast of young newcomers and tells the scandalous story of a young and inexperienced teacher who falls in love with a good-looking high school senior in her own class. Pippa Scott plays the teacher, Robert Harland the student.