Circus World (Paramount Pictures) (1964)

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MERCHANTS CO-OP AD HEADER! Merchants in your area who handle such products as records, jewelry, cosmetics, dresses, etc., can easily be convinced of the idea of sharing a cooperative newspaper page with you. They'll want to cash in on the “CIRCUS WORLD” promotion campaign. This co-op will also contain an ad for the film as well as an announcement of the playdate at your theatre (See illustration). It is also probable that you could sell the idea to a department store, who in turn could use the page for advertising any of its departments. Either way, this co-op is an excellent promotion for “CIRCUS WORLD” and the word-of-mouth that it stirs up will be of great benefit to you. BEAUTY PARLOR mi WAYNE Wit genase WAYNE'S THE TWO-FISTED BOSS OF A THREE-RING TRAVELING WILD WEST SHOW... RIDING, LOVING, BRAWLING HIS WAY AROUND THE WORLD! = JEWELRY * ADIL CARDIAL iN | COSMETICS SOG. os CENTER RITA HAYWORTH \ 5 EP [] SWEATER a | SHOP i a me NOLAN: CONTE: SMITH siti rousi: soseenca ov 3 Hou JULIAN HALEVY & JAMES EDWARD GRANT STORY BY PHILIP YORDAN AND NICHOLAS RAY EXECUTIVE ASSOCIATE PRODUCER, MICHAEL WASZYNSKI PRODUCED BY SAMUEL BRONSTON 2mo» TECHNIRAMA” HEADWEAR aoe 5 (DSS SHOP ea —— ee | ie at SEINE! STARTS These co-op headers are available in 8 columns (r™~ 8A) and 5 columns (mat 5A) from your local branch of National Screen Service. EXPLOITATION TIPS @ Circulate a few men, dressed in flashy cowboy outfits, throughout the main streets of your town. Have them carry signs on their backs which say: WE‘RE HAVING A ROUND UP ATTHE........ THEATRE TO SEE “CIRCUS WORLD,” THE ROUGHEST AND TOUGHEST WILD WEST SHOW OF ALL TIME. @ Have life-sized cut-outs of John Wayne, Claudia Cardinale, and Rita Hayworth outside of your theatre. Set each in a different ring stenciled on the sidewalk (as in a three-ring circus). Arrange to have a barker in front of the box office call attention to a SPECIAL THREE-RING PERFORMANCE OF ACTION AND EXCITEMENT BY JOHN WAYNE, CLAUDIA CARDINALE AND RITA HAYWORTH IN “CIRCUS WORLD’”—A BOLD AND DARING WILD WEST SAGA IS WAITING FOR YOU INSIDE. @ Arrange to have a special western ‘dress-up’ contest held at your theatre. Provide free passes and other prizes to the wearers of the most outstanding cowboy outfits. @ Contact local merchants and have them put signs in their win dows which say: FOR THE BESTIN ......... , TRY OUR STORE, FOR THE BEST IN WILD WEST EXCITEMENT, SEE “CIRCUS WORLD,“ OPENING 6.0.0... G0. Pale URE. a ee Fs THEATRE. @ Run special showings of “Circus World” during which holders of lucky number stubs will receive a full refund on their ticket. Place signs around your town announcing time and dates for “CIRCUS WORLD” REFUND SPECIAL. LIVE RADIO SPOTS 30-Second Spot Mighty JOHN WAYNE plays rough and tough Matt Masters in Samuel Bronston’s history-making, action-packed Wild West saga “CIRCUS WORLD.” Filled with bold and daring life-death clinches, this spectacular Technicolor production blazes a neverto-be-forgotten trail across half of Europe. See JOHN WAYNE with beautiful CLAUDIA CARDINALE, glamorous RITA HAYWORTH, LLOYD NOLAN, RICHARD CONTE and JOHN SMITH n “CIRCUS WORLD,” a new and exciting Paramount release OMENS 5s re ew Soe eG at the, SA... He. Theatre. 20-Second Spot Rough and tough are the words for mighty JOHN WAYNE in Samuel Bronston’s action-packed, Wild West saga “CIRCUS WORLD.” Filled with bold and daring life-death stunts, this magnificent Technicolor production also co-stars CLAUDIA CARDINALE, RITA HAYWORTH, LLOYD NOLAN, RICHARD CONTE and JOHN SMITH. See “CIRCUS WORLD,” a Paramount release openVi 12 eons ESO! INS eae GING cas haw x alpen Theatre. 10-Second Spot See JOHN WAYNE, CLAUDIA CARDINALE and RITA HAYWORTH in Samuel Bronston’s exciting and daring Wild West saga “CIRCUS WORLD,” a Paramount release in Technicolor Openigg 2.642. <..3..8 2.5 GING 245 wease eb. . Theatre. MATERIALS CHECK LIST ACCESSORIES REGULAR THEATRE TRAILER (Order from your local branch of National Screen Service) FREE: TV TRAILERS AND TELOP CARD Available is ONE 60-Second Spot, TWO 20-Second Spots and ONE 10-Second Spot. Also available is a TY TELOP CARD. (Order from Paramount Pictures Field Advertising & Publicity Dept—See coupon on back page) FREE: RADIO SPOT ANNOUNCEMENTS Available are TWO 60-Second Spots, TWO 30-Second Spots, TWO 20-Second Spots and ONE 10-Second Spot. (Order from Paramount Pictures Field Advertising & Publicity Dept.—See coupon on back page) FREE: SPECIAL LOBBY SPOT ANNOUNCEMENT Available is a special lobby spot announcement which is bound to catch the attention of everyone who hears it. Play this spot as far in advance of your playdate as possible. Also play the spot during your engagement to let everyone know that “CIRCUS WORLD” has arrived. (Order from Paramount Pictures Field Advertising & Publicity Dept.—See coupon on back page) 7