Don't Give Up the Ship and Rock-a-Bye Baby (Paramount Pictures) (1963)

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= PARAMOUNT MERCHANDISING MANUAL AND PRESS BOOK Copyright © 1958, 1959, 1963 by Paramount Pictures Corporation. ° Permission granted for customary use in publications. Printed in U.S.A. Officer and gentleman by act of Congress... Man, how they goofed! He's the baby-sitter of the year— (We're not telling what kind of ‘Babes’ !) MARILYN REGINAL ARRING ROBER MICKEY DINA DIANA LMHEL-GROIERBCEAO SI vii Va Th HON SIG el i, ee ; ae by FRANK TASHLIN creen story and Screen Play by FRAN Based on a Story : ral soe by Associate Producer-. Musical Numbe | PRESTON STURGES” nex D Gutsron” Seed by Nick Caste ; Songs by HARRY WARREN and SAMMY CAHN Se eee e | A PARAMOUNT RELEASE EZOCUINES «5 60:10 90 500 LINES i acta x) 9 inches.........36 inches MAT 402