Duel of the Titans (Paramount Pictures) (1961)

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PUBLICITY SYNOPSIS (Not For Publication) Romulus (STEVE REEVES) and Remus (GORDON SCOTT) are twin brothers and sons of the High Priestess Rea (LAURA SOLARI). They are grandsons of a murdered king, and are abandoned by their mother in a desperate attempt to save them from being murdered also. The twins are found by a she-wolf who suckles them and raises them from infancy. As teenagers they fall into the hands of an old warrior who raises them as his sons, and teaches them the art of warfare. Romulus and Remus soon learn of their royal heritage and hasten to the side of their dying mother. In her last words she commands them to build a great city. In their attempts to obey this command, they gather a band of followers and embark on a series of adventures that include: Pagan Sacrificial Rites, the Rape of the Sabine Women, the volcanic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, plus numerous duels and battles. During their travels, Romulus falls in love with Julia, (VIRNA LISI) a Sabine princess; and Remus forms a relationship with the temperamental Tarpeja (ORNELLA VANONI). Soon a bitter rivalry develops between Romulus and Remus which erupts into violence. Remus challenges his brother to a duel, and the ensuing battle is long and dramatic. Finally Remus is killed and Romulus, with Julia at his side, sets out to found the mighty Roman Empire. CREDITS Produced by Asessandro Jacovoni; Directed by Sergio Corbucci; Screenplay by Sergio Corbucci, Luciana Martino, Sergio Leone, Franco Rossetti, Ennio De Concini, and Duccio Tessar; Production Manager—Francesco Palaggi; Directors of Photography—Enzo Barboni and Dario Di Palma. RUNNING TIME: 90 MINUTES CAST ROMUIGG oin5.s os ce STEVE REEVES Remue 4 7s es GORDON SCOTT CT ee ae VIRNA LISI Tarpeja:.. 2... ORNELLA VANONI GQuPtiti seaide ssp JACQUES SERNAS Rea’ Silvia) s...2. 2. LAURA SOLARI ADVERTISING BILLING STEVE REEVES 50% In DUEL OF THE TITANS 100% With GORDON SCOTT 40% Also with VIRNA LISI 25% And MASSIMO GIROTTI 25% ORNELLA VANONI 25% JACQUES SERNAS 25% Still 47046/32 Mat 1D Steve Reeves, Gordon Scott Star in “Duel of the Titans” First Story “Duel of the Titans,’ a motion picture epic concerning those legendary twin brothers, Romulus and Remus, opens .... A a at the ............ Theatre. Starring Steve (“Hercules” Reeves with Gordon (“Tarzan’’) Scott as the powerful and power-hungry brothers, the spectacular production was made in Italy, in CinemaScope and Eastmancolor, with a cast of thousands. tanic struggle for its control, there are many scenes of stirring adventure and exciting action in which Reeves and Scott have an opportunity to display their amazing physical prowess. Romance, as well as derring-do, figures in the film, which its famed director, Sergio Corbucci, describes as an “historical western.” The beautiful Italian star, Virna Lisi, plays the daughter of the King of the Sabines, who falls in love with Romulus and runs away with him, thus bringing her father in pursuit, determined on vengeance. Ornella Vanoni, another top Italian star, portrays the sweetheart of Remus, a woman of violence and passion. Having in the same film the men who have become identified to countless fans as “Hercules” and “Tarzan,” represents a sensational casting coup. Reeves, who admits he was one of the scrawniest kids in school, with the aid of barbells and weights built himself into the first prize winner of the “Mr. Pacific” physical culture contest. From that point it was merely a matter of time before he became “Mr. Universe.” He has since achieved fame as the motion picture world’s “Mr. Box-office,” following his spectacular success as “Hercules.” Scott, on the other hand, was taught by his parents to be an allround athlete. The biggest “Tarzan” of them all (he was the 11th in the line), Scott, who had had no previous motion picture experience, became an instantaneous hit in “Tarzan’s Hidden Jungle,” subsequently making four additional jungle-man films. “Duel Of The Titans” furnishes an abundance of specticular scenes which include: numerous swordand-spear battles; an episode relating to the legendary rape of the Sabines; a fight between Steve Reeves and a gigantic bear; and many other action-packed scenes that finally culminate in a fight to the death between Steve Reeves and Gordon Scott. With both “musclemen” in the film, “Duel of the Titans’ should prove an irresistible magnet to all action fans. Still 47046/30 Mat 1B Gordon (Tarzan) Scott and the beautiful Italian actress Virna Lisi appear here in a scene from the new Cinemascope and Eastmancolor Still 47046/32 Mat 2A A CONQUEROR AND HIS WOMAN—Muscleman Steve Reeves and the beautiful Italian actress, Virna Lisi, are shown here in a scene from the Cinemascope and Eastmancolor movie “Duel Of The Titans” which OPENS): ss. siseiacere hha St thes ea ol kas Theatre. Strong Man Steve (Hercules) Reeves Stars in Adventure Spectacular (Opening Day) Steve Reeves, who made his mark as the world’s foremost strong man before he became identified in the publie’s mind with Hercules via the motion picture of that name, admits he was one of the scrawniest kids in school, an “easy pushover for every bully in town.” Eventually he tired of being used as the neighborhood punching bag and began frequenting the local gymnasium to try, through exercise, to add some meat and muscles to his slight frame. The barbells and weights soon worked wonders and it seemed almost overnight that he blossomed into the town’s strong boy. Later, a friend urged him to enter a regional physical culture contest, and that was the beginning of Steve’s accumulating a string of “Mr.” titles as a result of winning first prize in a succession of such contests: “Mr. Pacific,” “Mr. America,” “Mir. World” and finally, “Mr. Universe.” Now a top movie attraction, the handsome “muscleman” is currently starring in a spectacular motion picture, made in Italy in Eastmancolor and CinemaScope, and released by Paramount—“Duel of the Titans,” in which he matches brawn with Gordon (“Tarzan”) Scott. The HERCULES vs. two men portray the legendary twin brothers, Romulus (founder of Rome) and Remus, supposed descendants of a god, whose rivalry culminates in a battle to the death for leadership of their people. The film, in Cinemascope and Eastmancolor, gives Steve an opportunity to display his magnificent physique as he fights, rides and wrestles to victory in the actionfilled adventure thriller. There is romance in the picture, too, and. one of Italy’s most beautiful stars— Virna Lisi—is cast opposite Reeves. She plays the daughter of the King of the Sabines, abandoning her people to be with Romulus, thus bringing the wrath of her father down on him, compli¢ating his dif TARZAN movie, “Duel Of The Titans” which OPENS J.gst sok. s pe ee at the ORE Eo ak ra her REI yoke Theatre. The movie concerns the exploits of the legendary heroes, Romulus and Remus. Still 47046/Spec 1 Mat 2B. Steve Reeves, famous for his portrayals of Hercules; and Gordon Scott, 11th in the line of Tarzans; appear together in a new Cinemascope and Eastmancolor movie, “Duel Of The Titans” which opens .............. at the Ban gEe te odeta eave) hehehe re eeenee neon eee ee Theatre. MUSCLEMAN Steve Reeves in a tense scene from his new movie, “Duel Of The Titans” in Cinemascope and Eastmancolor, opening Bee ies or ane atthe ........ Theatre.