Duel of the Titans (Paramount Pictures) (1961)

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Action-Packed Adventure Film At the......... Theatre (Review) Lovers of action movies about legendary heroes will find much to entertain them with “Duel of the Titans” a color film made in Italy and released by Paramount Pictures. Starring Steve (Hercules) Reeves and Gordon (Tarzan) Scott, it includes a mammoth cast and presents an unending variety of spectacular scenes and heroic exploits. Among these are numerous spearand-sword battles, a pagan sacrificial ceremony, the volcanic eruvtion of Mt. Vesuvius, the famous “Rape of the Sabines,” and many other fascinating episodes finally culminating in a mighty duel between Steve Reeves and Gordon Scott. The story concerns the legendary figures of Romulus and Remus, the twin brothers who were born of royal blood, abandoned by their mother, and ra‘sed in a forest by a she-wolf. As they grow to manhood we follow them in a multitude of adventures until jealousy makes them enemies and causes them to battle for the supremacy of their followers. Two beautiful and talented Italian actresses are cast opposite Reeves and Scott. They are Virna Lisi and Ornella Vanoni—one plays a Sabine Princess and the other a renegade—and they furnish ample romantic interest for the two muscular titans. The casting of Steve Reeves as Romulus and Gordon Scott as Remus is particularly exciting since Reeves is best known for his “Hercules” roles and Scott was 11th in the line of famous “Tarzans’’. Fans of these two motion picture giants can cheer for their favorite as thev battle to the death in their fabled “Duel of the Titans”. As adventure films about legendary heroes go, “Duel of the Titans’’ will have to stand at the very top of the list. None so far have boasted two mighty heroes and so much of the exciting and spectacular. It is recommended for young and old alike—for anyone who loves a good adventure film of epic proportions. Still 47046/22 Mat 2E ROMULUS BATTLES THE PAGANS—Steve Reeves, famous for his screen portrayals as Hercules, now appears as the legendary hero, Romulus in this scene from the new Cinemascope and Eastmancolor movie, “Duel Of The Titans” which opens .............: ALLURE is. coor tet cs ie. aaetoes eae Theatre. Gordon Scott, best known as the 11th Tarzan, plays Reeves’ twin brother and bitter enemy. .. New Film Casts “Tarzan” Scott As Twin of “Hercules Reeves Gordon Scott, who since 1954 has in his professional life answered to the name of “Tarzan,” finally meets his match in one of the season’s most spectacular action thrillers, ‘‘Duel of the Titans,” Which Opens soc. 66.2% Pee so Sates Theatre. Starring in the film is Steve (Hercules) Reeves whose twin Scott portrays and whom he is pitted against in the story of two equally powerful brothers—the legendary Romulus and Remus —struggling for the leadership of their people. Scott’s athletic prowess gets more of a work-out in his role of the unvielding Remus than in all five of the “Tarzan” films in which he starred so successfully. Actually, he is physically bigger than the Herculean Reeves, standing sixfeet-three inches to Reeves’ six-one. Together in action they constitute a formidable sight. The biggest of all the “Tarzans” —Scott was the 11th in the line— comes from an athletic family. His mother, an outstanding horsewoman, and his father, an expert golfer, wanted all nine of their children to have an _ all-around proficiency in sports and physical development. They believed that specialization in any one_ sport might lead to bitter rivalry in the . family instead of the teamwork and congenial cooperation that they wanted. So all were taught to excel in many athletic activities. Gordon lists as his favorites swimming, boxing and archery, in which his bow has a pull of 100 pounds. He frequently hunts with that weapon. In “Duel of the Titans” Scott has the best role of his career. The film, made in Italy in Eastmancolor and Cinemascope and released in this country by Paramount, is described by its director, Sergio Corbucci, as an “historical western.” In addition to the two strong men, the picture boasts a cast of thousands headed by some of Italy’s foremost performers—beautiful Virna Lisi, Massimo Girotti, Ornella Vanoni and Jacques Sernas. Still 47046/23 Mat 2C REMUS AND ROMULUS—Gordon (Tarzan) Scott and Steve (Hercules) Reeves appear here in a scene from their new Cinemascope and Eastmancolor movie, “Duel Of The Titans” which opens .............. at the Bee Ee ache REMC Ot 3. SO Theatre. They enact the roles of the two legendary brothers who later become bitter enemies. Spectacular ‘Duel of the Titans” Stars ‘Hercules’ and ‘Tarzan’ The screen’s two most attractive strong men—Steve (Hercules) Reeves and Gordon (Tarzan) Scott—join their considerable forces in ‘“‘Duel of the Titans,” a spectacular, colorful, action film released by Paramount, which opens .......... AULNE oy eee os Theatre. Produced in Italy by Alessandro Jacovoni and directed by Sergio Corbucci, both prominent in international film circles, “Duel of the Titans,” in CinemaScope and Eastmancolor, tells the adventurepacked story of the twin brothers, Romulus and Remus, abandoned as infants by their mother to save them from massacre, and suckled by a she-wolf until found by a shepherd, who rears them. Romulus, legendary founder and first king of Rome, is portrayed by Reeves; Remus, his rival for power, by Scott. The brothers learn that they are the rightful heirs to the throne that was stolen by their uncle when he murdered their father. Together they burn to the ground the citv from which the uncle rules, and kill him. In the melee their dying mother identifies them and makes them promise not to rebuild that citv but to depart with the people and build another city “on the bank of the river of clear water.” So Romulus and Remus set forth with their people. Included in the caravan are Tarpeja (Ornella Vanoni), the sweetheart of Remus, and Julia (Virna Lisi), the beautiful daughter of the King of the Still 47046/27 Sabines, who has abandoned her own people to be with Romulus, whom she loves dearly. The brothers’ adventures on the way, their rivalry in love and for leadership, are depicted in scene after scene of spectacular action, culminating in a final “Duel of the Titans.” Spectacular New Film Concerns Legendary Heroes The fabled story of Romulus and Remus, the twin brothers who founded the Roman Empire, has been made into a spectacular color movie called “Duel Of The Titans” which opens at the eee ee ee ees eses Starring Steve (Hercules) Reeves as Romulus and Gordon (Tarzan) Scott as Remus, the film recounts the lives of these legendary heroes who were abandoned at birth, raised by a she-wolf, and grew un to become bitter enemies. The exploits of Romulus and Remus makes for exciting film fare and is culminated by a bitter fieht to the death between them. The winner then goes on to found Rome. Mat 2D CAPTURED—Held at swordpoint are Steve (Hercules) Reeves and the beautiful Italian actress Virna Lisi in this scene from the new Cinemascope and Eastmancolor film, “Duel Of The Titans” which opens GEAME. Soins cera Oe ES Wa EERE a MO eee ee theatre. Two Screen Heroes In New Film Steve Reeves, famous for his roles as the legendary “Hercules” and Gordon Scott, 11th in the line of mighty ‘“Tarzans’”’ appear together in a new color film “Duel of the Titans” which Opens <<. .i<issscs. DUNE reenissemaes Theatre. Concerning the fabled exploits of Romulus and Remus, the two brothers who were born of royal blood, abandoned by their mother, raised in the forests of Italy by a she-wolf and who, as they grew to manhood, became violent enemies. Made entirely on location in Italy, the action film includes in its cast two beautiful Italian actresses, Virna Lisi and Ornella Vanoni, plus thousands of extras. The movie is culminated by a thrilling duel 4 as death between Reeves and cott. Still 47046/10 Mat 1A VIRNA LISI the popular Italian Actress appears with Steve (Hercules) Reeves and Gordon (Tarzan) Scott in the new Cinemascope and Eastmancolor movie, “Duel Of The Titans” which opens ............ at thes oir iceee eer Theatre. Hercules and Tarzan In New Epic Film For the first time in the history of spectacular motion pictures, two of the screen’s mightiest heroes are cast opposite each other in the same movie. Starring Steve Reeves, famous for his many roles as “Hercules” and Gordon Scott, who made three “Tarzan” movies, the film was made in Italy in color and is aptly called “Duel Of The Titans’. Steve Reeves plays Romulus and Gordon Scott is Remus, those two legendary heroes who are credited with the founding of the Roman Empire. As the film progresses, the twins become violent enemies and finally engage each other in a mighty battle to the death. Still 47046/8 Mat 1C Gordon (Tarzan) Scott and Ornella Vanoni appear in the new Cinemascope and Eastmancolor film about the legend of Romulus and Remus, “Duel Of The Titans” which opens si aawuel ates atthe: @.n3:05 eatre. 5