El Dorado (Paramount Pictures) (1966)

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CAPTURE THE KIDS WITH THIS FUN-FILLED COLORING CONTEST Here’s a terrific promotion gimmick that was specifically designed to capture that all-important kiddie market and create added interest in “El Dorado.” Woo the kids to the box office with an exciting coloring contest that’s loads of fun. Available in a four-column mat (4X) from your local branch of National Screen Service, the COLORING CONTEST CAN BE USED AS AN EFFECTIVE SELLING AID. With this mat you can make up a large quantity of reproductions that include your theatre imprint and playdate. WAYS TO USE THE CONTEST Use the coloring contest as a herald. Have supermarkets stuff them in their packages and distribute them out on the street. Plant the contest in local newspapers. Offer guest tickets to the winners and display the winning entries in your lobby. Distribute copies of this coloring contest to schools, Boy and Girl Scout troops and various other children’s organizations. Make sure that all the children’s clothing stores in your area have an ample supply of the contest. The stores can run their own contest in conjunction with your playdate. EMIUNIUINIUINUIVUUTVUIUIUUUUUVUUOUUUIUUTOUUTUUUULUTUUTU UU PUZZLE CONTEST A puzzle that will be a terrific promotion gimmick and capture that all-important kiddie market is this fun-filled puzzle. When all the pieces in the upper portion of the still are cut out, they can be pasted down to reproduce the faces of Robert Mitchum and John Wayne. Amusement editors, teenage editors and children’s editors should be interested in running this puzzle. This still, No. EL/CONT/1, can also be reproduced on a locally produced throw-away or herald. A local merchant, such as a supermarket, can stuff the puzzle in bags as a part of a promotion. One of the possible prizes for the bestassembled puzzles could be the forthcoming EL DORADO comic book. Order still #EL/CONT/1. 6 DOULA UMMA WLU UMULUUMA MMU UUUUMUMMUIUMIMMM MUM MMIMUUUM ITNT IUUUUUMUNUMTITITUUUUU INT HUUUIUTVUTUUTUUCUUUUUUTUUAL UU SMUT UU TU UU UUM UUM uM COOOOOCOOCOOOOOOCOOOSCOCOOOOOOOOCOOOOOD OOOOOCOED MOVIE CONTEST DPODODOODOOPODOOODOODOPOODOODODOPPOOPODOPOPOOOODOD DOODODODODODODOOOOOODPPODODPDMPDPOPDDODODDOIO Paramount's thrilling Western movie identification contest! Exploit the wild west period of “El Dorado,” with these scenes from other Paramount Western classics. Contact your local newspaper (amusement editor) or TV station (known personality) to co-sponsor the still identification contest. The composite can be shown at once or each individual still can be run for nine days to build up interest and enthusiasm in the contest. Readers or viewers should send in their list of movie answers as soon as possible, preferably prior to the opening of the film. The first number of correct answers should win complimentary tickets to see ‘‘El Dorado”’ as well as any other prizes you can promote. (Order still #C/CON/1 from National Screen—it contains all the exciting scenes from the 9 films used in the contests!) Answers to contest are as follows: 2. Nevada Smith 3. Union Pacific 4. Hud 5. One-Eyed Jacks 6. Shane 7. Gunfight at the O.K. Corral 8. The Plainsman : 9. The Sons of Katie Elder 1. Arizona HAA A COMIC BOOK! Dell Publishing Company has created a special “El Dorado” comic book. A portrait of the stars as well as credits for the film appears on the front cover and a full page ad has been placed on the reverse side of that cover. Dell plans to distribute the book to thousands of newsstands, magazine stands, variety stores, 5-and-10¢ stores and many other outlets prior to and during the general release of the film. ose HOWARD HAWK’S MOM CLASSIC L izasogie | WAR! | ALAWLESS TIME WHEN | NO MAN DARES TURN HIS BACK... EVEN TO A FRIEND! : — These comic books make excellent prizes for contests. Or, use them as heralds or gifts in special promotions that you may devise. DOOOOOOSOOCOOSCOOSCOOCOOSOOOSCOSOOCCOOCOOCOCOSOOOOD |