Escape from Zahrain (Paramount Pictures) (1962)

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= PARAMOUNT MERCHANDISING MANUAL AND PRESS BOOK RUA WAN WI WERE GW LT RO PEAWMRAIA WODIE ENS\ POUER-EG TAN) ONS WW) ROUUDERAS OF AAIRED, PION ND AVENE “Ss SAL JACK TSthRh WO TRE TERR WORT ERRLOSNE NOVENTOURE IW A TRAE WWD DWISPERKIE WEN AND A Ms Se ae MADLYN Produced and Directed by RONALD NEAME Screenplay by ROBIN ESTRIDGE Based on a Story by Michael Barrett AIPARAMOUNT RELEASE _ Wecuncovor f WANS 130 LINES. 5 COL. x { 9 inches... CAST Sharif : YUL BRYNNER SAL MINEO MADLYN RHUE JACK WARDEN TONY CARUSO JAY NOVELLO JAMES MASON SYNOPSIS (Not for Publication) In a strife-torn Arab State, fanatical followers of Nationalist leader Sharif (YUL BRYNNER) attack a police van in which he is being transferred from one prison to another while awaiting execution. Escaping with Sharif are fellow-prisoners Huston (JACK WARDEN) swashbuckling American who had embezzled a fortune from .650 LINES A'5 inches the Zahrain Oil Company; Tahar (TONY CARUSO) a sadistic brute; and Hassan (JAY NOVELLO) a small, gentle soul who had killed his faithless wife. Accompanied by university student Ahmed (SAL MINEO) leader of the assault on the prison van, they capture a Zahrain Refinery ambulance, along with Arabian nurse Laila (MADLYN RHUE) and flee across the desert towards the border. Police jeeps soon waylay them, and Hassan is kilied as they escape the trap. Miles and a multitude of hardships later, they are approaching an oasis when a government plane strafes them, killing Ahmed and destroying the ambulance. | : They continue their way in a small borrowed truck during a sandstorm when two army halftrucks attack them. Sharif, Huston and Tahar use gasoline bombs to wreck the halftrucks, but Tahar is killed in the battle. Eventually Sharif, Laila and Huston cross the frontier and reach a port city on the Persian Gulf. Sharif, true to his dedication, is planning to return to his country; Laila, in love with him, will be at his side; and Huston goes in search of a ship for Cairo, where his ill"gotten wealth awaits him in a bank. : MAT 501 ADVERTISING BILLING Paramount Pictures Presents............... 20% YUL BRYNNER 100% ESCAPE FROM ZAHRAIN 100% Co-starring SAL MINEO] oe Pare Me etm Ne Sal Serie. @ Eb: whoa dt ate, eh gout Meterielr Dp eee (@) JACK WARDEN : Madlyn Rhue TECHNICOLOR® PANAVISION® Produced and Directed by Ronaid Neame 20%: Screenplay by Robin Estridge | | 25 0 % Trades Se See Newspapers * Based on a Story by Met Bove * Not required. | RUNNING TIME: 93 MINUTES Copyright€ 1961 by Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights reserved. (Made in U.S.A)