Escape from Zahrain (Paramount Pictures) (1962)

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SPECIAL MAT No. ESCAPE TO EXPLOSIVE ADVENTURE! * YULBRYNNER J ws? RARAIRIONS “SAL MINEO-JACK WARDEN: MADLYN RHUE A PARAMOUNT RELEASE Produced and Directed by RONALD NEAME Screenplay by ROBIN ESTRIDGE MAT 201 C2O AME e e)e oie icin 56 LINES 2 COLS. EY 2 WN ils ces 4 inches éaverare . MINEO:IACK WARDEN Produced and Dwected ae LYN H by RONALD NEAME = 3 Screenplay 3 by ROBIN ESTRIOGE = 50 LINES... co. x.4 a eee MAT 102 (3% inches... 3% inches YULBRYNNER “~~ ECSCARE TOT We: : NEARS MOST J EXPLOSWE 4 _TROROIROLOR ... PrARNROW SAL MINED-IACK WARDEN MADLYN RHUE Produced and Directed by RONALD NEAME Screenplay by ROBIN ESTRIDGE A PARAMOUNT ‘RELEASE MAT 203 > COS. x } 50 LINES...100 LINES 32 inches... 7 inches | A PARAMOUNT RELEASE “TECAICOLOR PRARNRION ” BOTH MIDGETS ON MAT 101 RN SAL MINEO SAL MINEO-JACK WARDEN: MADLYN RHUE Escape << FROM —— oc YUL BRYNNER Escare AWRANT. PARAMOUNT $0 5 PRMIAABIOW ADS MAY BE INDIVIDUALLY ORDERED BY NUMBER INDICATED. CREDITS Producer—Ronald Neame; Director—Ronald Neame; Associate Producer—Chico Day; Sereenplay by—Robin Estridge; Cinematographer—Ellsworth Fredricks; Unit Production Managers—Eric Stacey and Andrew Durkus; Art Director Eddie Imazu; Assistant Director—Tom Connors; Film Editor —Eda Warren; Sound—Gene Merritt. Filmed in Technicolor and Panavision. ORDER FROM NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE (See order coupon) This advertising material has been approved under the MPAA g Advertising Code as a self-regulatory procedure of the Motion Picture Association of America. All inquiries on this procedure, which is voluntarily subscribed to by the major motion picture companies, may be addressed to: Advertising Code Administrator, Motion Picture Association of America, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City 36, N. Y.