Harlow (Paramount Pictures) (1965)

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Advertising Billing JOSEPH -E; LEVINE 50% Presents CARROLL BAKE 100% height & width of title HARLOW Co-starring MARTIN BALSAM RED BUTTONS MICHAEL CONNORS 100% 25% height ANGELA LANSBURY of Baker PETER LAWFORD RAF VALLONE Technicolor® Panavision® 25% 35% height Produced by Joseph E. eet Directed by Gordon Douglas cs Based upon the book by Irving Shulman <0, (colina in collaboration with Arthur Landau credit) Screenplay by John Michael Hayes *°% "s\3! Music by Neal Hefti 20% Bobby Vinton sings the Theme from — all Harlow ("Lonely Girl") on Epic Records oye Hear the music from the score of Harlow on Columbia Records LP Album A Paramount Picture 25% The Cast Bean TIGHIOW 068 ise asus ess CARROLL BAKERK Everett Redman .................. MARTIN BALSAM Arthur Landaw > ...650. 2... .. RED BUTTONS Jack Harrison............... ... MICHAEL CONNORS Mrs. Arthur Landau .............. HANNA LANDY Mama Jean Bello ............ ANGELA LANSBURY PUL OUIN Ss eciooiscsis ccte es. oveticn ss PETER LAWFORD Richard Manley ...................... LESLIE NEILSEN Marino Bello ......... baiscvesabacneet RAF VALLONE & Production Credits UO i EP hes Joseph E. Levine POGIOR Ck 22. ee Gordon Douglas Unit Production Manager ........ Kenneth DeLand Cinematographer ...... Joseph Ruttenberg, A.S.C. First Assistant Director .................. Dave Salven Bett DC CtOtS 6. icisendss csc ee Hal Pereira and Roland Andersor) Calanig 3 ye) e Edith Head Film Editors. 6660805... 26 Frank Bracht and Archie Marshek SB 1 | | Sa a re James Payne Sound ......... Prirlpines + Sate as ape RP aae: Stan Jones PEGE TISGIBIOF | ccs cncseisthvivecernnscs Sidney Guillaroff Synopsis (Not for Publication) Hollywood — 1928! Land of milk and honey, magic and fantasy. As beautiful platinum blonde Jean Harlow’s (CARROLL BAKER) spectacular and controversial career begins, she is an unknown. She lives with her mother, Mama Jean Bello (ANGELA LANSBURY), and her handsome, opportunistic stepfather, Marino Bello (RAF VALLONE), and works in the movies playing extra and bit parts, A minor Hollywood agent, Arthur Landau (RED BUTTONS), spots her on a film set and gets her a series of comedy roles. Landau soon realizes he has a gold mine in Jean. He reveals his plans for Jean to his wife, (HANNA LANDY), who offers valuable advice. Landau introduces Jean to film star Jack Harrison (MICHAEL CONNORS). Then he arranges for Jean to meet Richard Manley (LESLIE NEILSEN), a top independent producer who is searching for a feminine lead. Landau wins Jean a contract for two hundred dollars a week. Jean’s first picture is a personal defeat. The critics praise the film, but pan her. However, they rave about her body and she is heralded as a sex symbol. The fabulous blonde bombshell is launched! Manley sends her on a personal appearance tour, and she returns to Hollywood a sensational success. In order to sign her with Majestic Studios for more money, Landau succeeds in securing Jean’s release from her contract with Manley. He gets Everett Redman (MARTIN BALSAM), head man at Majestic to buy up her contract. It is here that Jean and Landau meet Redman’s executive right hand, Paul Bern (PETER LAWFORD). Jean becomes a world-wide sensation at Majestic Studios. The Harlow platinum blonde hair style sweeps the globe. Every girl tries to look like Harlow, The gossip columns link her with Harrison, then with Bern. Jean and Paul are married in one of Hollywood’s most highly publicized and spectacular weddings. The world is hardly ready for the shocking news which follows soon after. Paul Bern has committed suicide. Jean is distraught. Despite Landau’s efforts, Jean is inconsolable. Then one night, exhausted by her futile search for self, Jean walks past a theatre where long lines wait to see a Harlow film. She passes unnoticed. And then she is at the sea shore. There is moonlight on the water. The wind catches her dress. She kicks off her shoes and the waves come in crashing in foam around her. Jean falls to her knees, head down, crying, ““Who am I? Jean Harlow? I can’t find her. I can’t find me.” Sirens screech. An ambulance with flashing lights pulls up to the beach, A small crowd has gathered. Jean is in an oxygen tent at the hospital. She murmurs a last farewell to Mama Jean and is gone. And as she passes, we see a background of Jean Harlows; as the eager young girl; the hopeful actress; the star; radiant, full of life—loveable to a world. Lost to herself. Running Time: 125 Minutes Still H-7 Mat 2D Famed platinum blonde Jean Harlow’s incendiary rise to movie stardom began when she met Hollywood agent Arthur Landau. Lovely Carroll Baker and versatile Red Buttons portray these top roles in Joseph E. Levine’s epic Technicolor and Panavision film “Harlows? SOpeningeyrcscs >: Ca TL Votes eee eee Theatre, via Paramount Pictures release. Michael Connors, Martin Balsam, Peter Lawford, Angela Lansbury and Raf Vallone co-star. Peter Lawford in Top Role Of Brilliant Film Career Noted Hollywood star Peter Lawford undoubtedly won the most controversial film role of his career, and the choicest, when he signed to portray the enigmatic Paul Bern characterization in Joseph E. Levine’s multi-million dollar Technicolor and Pana Fan a oe vision production, “Harlow,”’ which OPENER arch custtetae cs atethetnne.... PERE RS aN Theatre, through Paramount Pictures release. In accepting the role, Lawford was keenly aware of the artistic challenge confronting him in portraying a re-creation of Paul Bern, one of Hollywood’s noted men in the life of Jean Harlow, the legendary platinum blonde bombshell of the Thirties, who became the screen’s first sex symbol. Lovely Carroll Baker, who rocketed to screen fame as a thumb-sucking nymphet in “Baby Doll,” stars in the title role in “Harlow.” Besides Lawford, the film’s co-stars include Red Buttons, Martin Balsam, Michael Connors, Angela Lansbury and Raf Vallone. Gordon Douglas directed the picture from the screenplay by John Michael Hayes. Still H-3 Mat 1C Angela Lansbury co-stars as Jean Harlow’s mother in “Harlow,”’ the Technicolor and Panavision Joseph E. Levine production for Paramount Pictures release, which opens ........ at thes) 3 ee Theatre. Tops “Harlow” Cast Moviegoers still vividly recall lovely Carroll Baker as a thumbsucking nymphet in “Baby Doll” and as the exciting and sensual Rina Marlowe in Joseph E. Levine’s “The Carpetbaggers.” Now the shapely Miss Baker, Hollywood’s sex symbol of the Sixties, delineates a shocking portrait of a filmdom love goddes of another era, Jean Harlow, the explosive platinum blonde bombshell ef the 30’s, in Levine’s multimillion dollar Technicolor and Still H-4 Panavision production “Harlow,” QDENING Ht weastestee ere at the.:... Soe Nema ee ere Theatre. A Paramount Pictures release, Miss Baker tops a brilliant cast of international stars assembled by the dynamic producer for principal roles in “Harlow.” Mat 1D Peter Lawford co-stars as an eminent film executive in “‘Harlow,” Joseph E. Levine’s Technicolor and Panavision production, opening ..... at the.... Theatre, through Paramount Pictures release.