Harlow (Paramount Pictures) (1965)

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3 Cols. x !00 Lines—300 Lines WHAT WAS HARLOW REALLY LIKE? She was the glittering, glamorous, most desired woman in the world... the star who didn’t know when to stop! JOSEPH L LEVINE,... roeg HARLOW Martin Michael Angela woswng BALSAM BUTTONS CONNORS LANSBURY LAWFORD VALLONE JOSEPH Ee LEVINE Po Musiby aPARAMoUNT ae CORDON DOUGLAS JOHN MICHAEL HAYES NEAL HEFTI picture 2e=¢ TECHNICOLOR® PANAVISION? asec on tne took by IRVING SHULMAN in collaboration with ARTHUR LANDAU ee HEAR THE MUSIC FROM THE SCORE OF HARLCW ON COLUMBIA RECORDS LP ALBUM (' toad Girl’ ") THEATRE Epic mooerds JOSEPH E. LEVINE, FILMED IN ; ‘ PARAMOUNT # HH AR LOW TECHNICOLOR® PANAVISION® PICTURE bad THEATRE 2 Cols. x 28 Lines—56 Lines Mat 204 JOSEPH E. LEVINE presents TECHNICOLOR® PANAVISION® 4 PARAMOUNT PicTURE sdone THEATRE 2 Cols. x 14 Lines—28 Lines Mat 205 Page 10 Mat 301 WHAT WAS HARLOW REALLY LIKE? She was the glittering, glamorous movie queen who put Hollywood on the map! She was the Platinum Blonde who became the most desired woman in the world! She was the darling of first-night parties and third-rate hotels! I She was famous for tight dresses, loose living, and quick trips to the bottom between pictures! She was the girl who couldn’t taste life—she had to devour it! She was the star who didn’t know when to stop! JOSEPH E. LEVINE... MARLO co-starring Peter BALSAM BUTTONS CONNORS LANSBURY LAWFORD VALLONE JOSEPH E. LEVINE GORDON DOUGLAS [ POBBY JOHN MICHAEL HAYES Ne&t HEFT! Bee TECHNICOLOR’ PANAVISION’ Bee ™ Based on the book by IRVING SHULMAN in collaboration with ARTHUR LANDAU A PARAMOUNT PICTURE e HEAR THE MUSIC FROM THE SCORE OF HARLOW ON COLUMBIA RECORDS LP ALBUM on Epic Records THEATRE 2 Cols. x 150 Lines—300 Lines Mat 206 SPECIAL COMPOSITE MAT NO. | AVAILABLE BUT NOT ILLUSTRATED CONSISTS OF ADS: 205, 204, 203, 102, IO] SCENE MATS: 2B, 2C, 1A and IB