Is Paris Burning? (Paramount Pictures) (1966)

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FROM THE FIRST MINUTE “IS PARIS BURNING 2” BEGINS, IT GRABS YOU. IT HOLDS YOU. IT GETS INSIDE YOU. IT INFLAMES YOU. BYTHE ord MINUTE Hitler is shrieking “Burn Paris! Burn it to the ground!” ‘The boulevards of the City of Love rumble with the roar of battle. ae Terror rips at you as a young wife faces the unbearable. Every man and woman is caught up ~ by the passions raging through Paris. The doom of the city is impending. BY THE 61st MINUTE You are living the agony of the house to house, street to street fighting. BY THE 63°9 MINUTE YOU ARE NO LONGER AWARE OF TIME. THE SUSPENSE IS TOTAL. All the smoldering revenge of the Resistance bursts into flame. PARAMOUNT PICTURES SEVEN ARTS / RAY STARK present Generals Bradley, Patton and Sibert have already discussed ; blasting through to Paris. With a stunning international cast, :starring in alphabetical order: JEAN-PAUL BELMONDO CHARLES BOYER LESLIE CARON JEAN-PIERRE CASSEL GEORGE CHAKIRIS ALAIN DELON: KIRK DOUGLAS GLENN FORD: GERT FROEBE YVES MONTAND: ANTHONY PERKINS SIMONE SIGNORET ROBERT STACK Be ] MARIE VERSINI SKIP WARD ORSON WELLES & Produced by PAUL GRAETZ. directed ty RENE CLEMENT . Screenplay ty GORE VIDAL and FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA Music Composed and Conducted by MAURICE JARRE Based on the Best Selling Book by LARRY COLLINS and DOMINIQUE LAPIERRE Additional Material for French Scenes by MARCEL MOUSSYA Co-Production TRANSCONTINENTAL FILMS-MARIANNE PRODUCTIONS A PARAMOUNT Release “PANAVISION 140 INES... 0 640. LINES aoe F146 Meteo 0) 46 wiches MAT 411 Also Available in: oa predates oo ociee 1000 LINES a Ve WENOSs Soe ws 70 inches