Judith (Paramount Pictures) (1966)

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St ae a ee ee ee en se te ee od COLUMN ITEMS : Se a ee a ee a Se ee ee ee ee ee a ee ee ee Se Se ee he ee ee Se ee ee ae ee he i A SHEIK IDEA — Star Peter Finch confided an involved threeway deal was made with an Arab Sheik for the new romantic adventure, “Judith,” a Kurt Unger Production in Technicolor and Panavision for Paramount Pictures release, opening ........ atithers’: heatre. On location, the film company, the Sheik and his many wives reaped the following separate benefits: the company costumed the wives and used them as female extras, the wives had a diverting trip and were able to keep the clothes, and the Sheik—with apparent relief—got them all off his hands for a few days. “Judith,” also starring Sophia Loren and Jack Hawkins, was directed by Daniel Mann. WELL “SUITED” LOCATION — Peter Finch, starring with Sophia Loren and Jack Hawkins in “Judith,” a Kurt Unger Production in Technicolor and Panavision for Paramount Pictures release, openPN Gee ees at The a saks Theatre, found location filming in Israel ‘suited’ him perfectly. The discovery that Finch’s booming career had forced him to neglect sadly emnty closets, prompted tailors in Israel, anxious to prove they were as modern as any in London or Paris, to whip up a complete and elegant wardrobe for the celebrated actor. “Judith,” directed by Daniel Mann, has a screenplay by John Michael Hayes based on a novella by Lawrence Durrell. ACTOR-ARTIST — Peter Finch, who stars with Sophia Loren and Jack Hawkins in the Kurt Unger production of “Judith,” a Paramount Picture opening at the” peste. Theatre, spends all his free time away from the set painting. A gifted artist, Finch first started painting ten years ago and now says he’s a better painter than actor. He’s currently preparing material for his first one man show which he hopes to hold in London in the Spring. The multi-talented man lends his talents skillfully to the highly dramatic and moving love story filmed in Technicolor and Panavision. Based on a story by Lawrence Durrell, it was directed by Daniel Mann. MODERN TOWER OF BABEL— Utter confusion reigned when the cast and crew of “Judith,” a Kurt Unger Production for Paramount Pictures release starring Sophia Loren, Peter Finch and Jack Hawkins, which opens ...... at the renee Theatre, reported from all over the world to film the stunning new romantic adventure. The location site sounded like a minature Tower of Babel: The electricans and lighting men were Italian, the camera crew and its director were English, the Associate Producer and Production Managers were from America, local drivers spoke Hebrew and German, and many of the extras spoke only Arabic. “Judith,” filmed in Technicolor and Panavision, was directed by Daniel Mann. UP FRONT WITH THE BEST— The outstanding international stars of “Judith.”—Sophia Loren, Peter Finch and Jack Hawkins—left their mark on Israel’s population during location filming of the Kurt Unger Production for Paramount Pictures release, which opens ...... at the ete Theatre. Signed photographs of the celebrated Sophia, Finch and Hawkins now stand side by side with those of Ben Gurion and others of national prominence in store windows. Autographed photos also were used by school teachers as prizes in class tests. “Judith,” presented in Technicolor and Panavision, was directed by Daniel Mann. STATUESQUE BEAUT Y—Sophia Loren tried ‘going incognito’ and wound up with something new for her starring role in “Judith,” a Kurt Unger Production in Technicolor and Panavision for Paramount Pictures release, opening de Hs « at then. aa ual neaure: Director Daniel Mann saw Sophia wearing “the largest sun glasses ever” on one of her days off, and immediately incorporated them into a spectacular chase scene in the gripping romantic adventure. “Judith,” also starring Peter Finch and Jack Hawkins, has a screenplay by John Michael Hayes based on a novella by Lawrence Durrell. “VE HEARD EVERYTHING”’— When director Daniel Mann chose the perfect location in Israel for “Judith,” starring Sophia Loren, Peter Finch and Jack Hawkins, which opens ...... ab Che: seme Theatre, he didn’t bargain for a ‘built-in’ group of critics. However, as the distinguished director began filming on land owned by the Matsuha Kibbutz, a communal settlement, its members engaged in animated arguments over how they’d shoot it differently, producing the Mann bon mot “Now I’ve heard everything; I’ve been kibbitzed by a Kibbutz.” “Judith” is a Kurt Unger Production in Technicolor and Panavision for Paramount Pictures release. THE TALENTED ACTOR, Jack Hawkins, and distinguished director Daniel Mann, again made an old prediction come true with the Kurt Unger Production, “Judith,” a Paramount Picture release, opening She eae at: the e.(alL heatre: When both artists headed special services units for the Armies of their respective countries, England and the U.S., during World War II, they teamed to stage a show for soldiers, and Mann predicted that one day they would work together again. Jack starred for Mann later in “Five Finger Exercise” and now they happily combine talents for a second time in the new TechnicolorPanavision production. “Judith” also stars Sophia Loren and Peter Finch. ANE YES h Ui On: 22.2 lhe ‘Army’ stepped in when the voluptuous Sophia Loren was called upon to take an outdoor shower for a scene in “Judith,” a Kurt Unger Production in Technicolor and Panavision for Paramount Pictures release, opening ...... at, their. cae Theatre. Though the fabled Loren charms were hidden from camera and crew, a hillside of the location site was a perfect vantage point for ‘peeping toms’—until the Army (an honor guard from the Israeli Women’s Corps was posted so Sophia could shower in peace. “Judith,” also starring Peter Finch and Jack Hawkins, was directed by Daniel Mann. CE ee ee ee a ee SS Se ee ee ee a SS Se ee ee a SS ee ee ee Se Se Se ee ee ee ee ee ee ee he ADVERTISING BILLING PARAMOUNT PICTURES and KURT UNGER Present............... 25% Ee... id sca ey cs ne a cue bt hyena ele full name—100% of title in Pa ee perce SC ee. . sf ws sis oy hod sg lgalee letra rwonrwew goals & 100% Co-starring ere ee, ee ee Se eae 100% JACK HAWKINS _ | size & prominence of Loren with Hans Verner Terence Alexander CIR nc oe ee, tS te a es ae ee ud 20% Arnaldo Foa Andre Morrell Produced by Kurt Unger Cray anes Want 0 PS. ee a og ve he Screenplay by John Michael Hayes | Brot @ Sta, By awronce GUITGH. . we a. Wheeled wd abe. beck one eres 20% Rarecic SCGeeen oy 20) Halal... cae. . Ghee Goal tbe dipaiaowieas noone 20% TECHNICOLOR® PAINPO GROIN”... cee Jaks berels ck ed tecta ave 25% Pia OT OREO CTE ii singed clehthrthienenahanmnunheut ieee vec eG han & 20% SYNOPSIS (Not for Publication) The setting of ‘‘Judith’”’ is Palestine, 1948—tthe last year of the British Mandate and the first days of Israeli independence. The leaders of the infant country and members of the Haganah, Israel’s underground army, know that once the British have left, the new country will be attacked by the surrounding Arab nations. Helping the enemy armies prepare for invasion is General Gustav Schiller (Hans Verner), a tank expert formerly in Hitler’s Afrika Corp who is wanted as a war Criminal. The Israelis know that Schiller is somewhere in the Middle East but where and what he looks like is unknown. Haganah intelligence learns of the existence of Judith Auerbach (Sophia Loren), the German officer’s ex-wife. Because she was Jewish, Schiller betrayed her and their son to the Nazis. Somehow she has survived the ordeal of a concentration camp, but she has lost her child. She has come through it with only one purpose in life: to bring Schiller to justice. Since Judith is the only person who can identify the tank expert on sight, the Israelis, led by Aaron Stein (Peter Finch), illegally smuggle her into Palestine from Europe and bring her to the kibbutz so that she would be at hand to identify Schiller when they found him. Major Lawton (Jack Hawkins) is the British Officer in charge of the kibbutz. On an inspection tour of the kibbutz, the major meets Judith, and is struck by her beauty. Some days later they meet again. They walk together and she talks of her past. Lawton invites Judith to call on him if ever in Haifa, where he is being transferred and offers her his help, should she ever need it. Having been told by Aaron that the British have certain information about the whereabouts of Schiller, Judith takes it upon herself to leave the kibbutz and go to Haifa. She contacts Lawton, who controls these secret files of the British Army, and pleads with him to help her find Schiller by giving her the information. He concedes. But Judith, now with the file in her possession, intends to keep it to herself and not cooperate with the underground. Aaron, however, has had her followed in Haifa and no sooner does she get the information than the Haganah men re-capture Judith and the file and return them both to Aaron. The correspondence contained in the folder indicates that Schiller is in Damascus. Together with Aaron, and two members of the kibbutz, Nathan (Shraga Friedman) and Yaneck (Joseph Gross), Judith steals secretly into Syria. There they meet an Israeli agent (Dan Okko), who brings them to a sidewalk cafe across the street from the hotel Schiller lives in. Judith recognizes her ex-husband. The next day they set a trap—using Judith as the bait. She lures him to a silent alley where it has been planned for him to be kidnapped and taken back to Israel for interrogation. At the critical moment when Judith confronts Schiller, her own selfish interests take possession of her and she shoots him, thus endangering not only their lives but almost ruining the entire mission. Badly wounded, they nevertheless manage to smuggle the German out of Syria and into Palestine where, in meantime, the State of Israel has been declared. Schiller is brought to the kibbutz where they fight to save his life so he can be interrogated. But when he is stronger, he refuses to give any answers. The enemy attack may come at any moment and without the information that Schiller refuses to give, the chances of the Israeli survival against the Arab tanks are slim. The kibbutz is attacked and Judith runs to the water tower, where Schiller has been left to himself, and forces him to tell her where and when the main enemy attack will come. He also reveals that the son she believes to be dead is really alive. But before she can discover where her child is, the water tower is bombed and Schiller is killed. Judith is hysterical but Aaron promises her that together they will find her son, just as they found Gustav Schiller. Judith believes Aaron, and her faith in him marks the beginning of a new life for her. REND ck ars CoE hee cee ee Pale eee SOPHIA LOREN Bere Stein. Peas. Winuaiin “bes . aioludnt a PETER FINCH Peeee Dn ystes Co ND SOE oid ie Uv oieme gir JACK HAWKINS Gustav Schiller Doctor Rachel BR es Be ca bigs aie a) CAOHCK Rta ars Ge ew Oe HANS VERNER RRR hee eta talsib, alte) ede ZAHARIRA CHARIFAI vol 1 URS lane AUR Re crm CLES SHRAGA FRIEDMAN 1S SRS RIDE ea Ra meant ce tS yh JOSEPH GROSS EN le at ogy LU Se re ZIPORA PELED CAPSt airs 0.0 oh 0 Fe, tel, ee ee, ae, TERENCE ALEXANDER ici. vccnaceialone dom antes mo tenete tt apeate rere GILAD CONSTANTINER oe 1, eA Lamar SHOSHANA BARNEA Peer es, hy fs oe. SERRE oe ce es ALEXANDER YAHALOMI BRT, ss ss os co oennnge >. ne oe FRANK WOLFF nett hi. eT ake 93S ee ANDRE MURELL MUGITORAtOl 28s. eee eke et. ee ALDO FOA CREDITS Producer, Kurt Unger; Directed by Daniel Mann; Screenplay by John Michael Hayes and Lawrence Durrell; Associate Producer, Phil Breen; Production Supervisor, John Coonan; Director of Photography, John Wilcox, B.S.C.; Music composed and conducted by Sol Kaplan; Editor, Peter Taylor; Production Designer, Wilfred Shingleton; Second Unit Direction and Additional Photography, Nicolas Roeg; Art Directors, Tony Wollard, Tony Rimmington; Set Decorator, Peter Russell; Chief Make-Up, Wally Schneiderman; Miss Loren’s MakeUp, Giuseppe Annuziata; Costume Designer, Yvonne Blake; Miss Loren’s Costume Designer, Gaia Romanini; Camera Operators, Austin Dempster, Alex Thompson; Special Art Direction, Tony Pratt: Sound Recordists, David Hildyard, John Cox; Miss Loren’s Hairdresser, Amalia Paoletti; Assistant Directors, Gerry O’Hara, Yoel Silber, and Ivan Lengyel; Production Manager, Lloyd Anderson; Israeli Production Manager, Mati Raz; Location Managers, Geoffrey Helman, Kay Johns; Special Effects, Cliff Richardson and Roy Whypio Orchestration, Wally Scott; Music played by Sinphonia of Lonon. RUNNING TIME: 109 MINUTES