Judith (Paramount Pictures) (1966)

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Illustrated is the fabulous and uniquely designed “Judith” herald. This special six panel design is gatefolded. A sparkling magenta flashes on the front with a vibrating red strip and duo-tone red in the photos in the center spread. PTUUTTLLITLLLLALLLLL LULL LLL ALLEL ULLL ELL ALLLAA LULL ULLLLO PLLC LLLLOCLLLA LLL CLLCLOPLLLAOUULLCOLCEUULLICOULCOUULCOUOLOOUCCOOUCTVUUULOOUOCTOOUUOUTONOUHUTTUTUM TUTTO OTTO OU TOOTH TT BANNER DISPLAYS ou oe, a PANAVISION = =—-_—of{}) ae ys J, DETER FINCH » JACK HAWKINS Streamer: 15’ long, $21.50 each. Valance (above): $2.15 per running foot; minimum length 10 feet. 6’ x 3’ red, white and blue fan drapes with gold fringe: $5.75 apiece. Flag Wall Banner (below) 9 x 12’. Single Faced $80.00. Double Faced $145.00. Badge (below): 40c each. Manufactured by National Flag and Display Co., 43 West 21st St., New York, N. Y. 10010. COMING PARAMOUNT PICTURES ano KURT UNGER present SOPHIA LOREN ‘Judy PARAMOUNT PICTURES sno KURT UNGER PRESENT SOPHIA LOREN Order from your local branch of NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE ‘JuoiTt TECHNICOLOR: PANAVISION: PETER FINCH JACK HAWKINS [Pesee t TECHNICOLOR’ PETER FINCH JACK HAWKINS EXPLOITATION DRAMATIC TABLOID HERALD KEYNOTE FOR SIZZLING CAMPAIGN One of the most capitivating elements contained in “Judith” is the star herself... the beautiful and intriguing Sophia Loren. It is only natural that she become the focus of attention for this colorful, 8/2 x 11, gate-fold, tabloid herald. Filled with Sophia as seen in her most daring, provocative and dramatic scenes, this promotional item will certainly be an effective addition to your campaign. Create that important added excitement and enthusiasm for your playdate with this uniquely-designed herald that’s a sure-fire gimmick and eye-catching piece. The gate-fold design allows this item to be included in any business envelope. Take advantage of the new areas for distribution that this creates—contact department stores and other outlets and arrange to have the heralds included in their monthly statements and promotion pieces. The size of these heralds also makes them ideal for use as mailing pieces under special bulk postage rates. ADDITIONAL WAYS TO EFFECTIVELY DISTRIBUTE THE HERALD e Distribute to automobile dealers, auto supply stores and other outlets dealing in automotive services and products. e Have a few youngsters deliver them door-to-door throughout your town. e Have newspaper boys slip-sheet them into the local e Make available to be handed out to members of newspapers. local racing and stock car clubs. e Have a few students distribute them to their aly acento coins ant schoolmates before and after class sessions. e Make an arrangement with the local milkman to e Make them available to establishments where the deliver them with the milk. younger generation congregates (candy store, bowling alley, amusement park, youth centers, etc.). = Fines [eee oaths COUMBES A Bay SHAR e Arrange with a local restaurant for them to be inserted into coats and jackets while hanging in the checkroom. e Give them to your patrons prior to your playdate. e Have merchants put them in bags and packages. Se UUM LALLA MLL LALLA LA LLL LOLOL LMM MM UMMM MMMM SPECIAL ART. STITT LLLLCLE LLL LLLLUULLLAULELLLLOAUULLLLELLLLLPLLLLOLPLLLLLLLPLPLCC EP PULLL PLP LLP UUPLOOLULCAUUUCCCOUPOLCUUUUCCOUUULLCOUCULLLOHUUUCPTOUUUMTOOT OTTO NTT ie) ne] ) =) n EXCITEMENT AND ADVENTURE fills Paramount Pictures’ “Judith,” starring Sophia Loren, Peter Finch and. Jack Hawkins, which weaueeteteeeeets at BE «dats ossead Theatre. This special art mirrors an artist's conception of that tense drama that entwines Miss Loren, who portrays the title role, in a comlex network of international intrigue. Still #JU/X/1 MAT 2EA