The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders (Paramount Pictures) (1965)

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Verbal and Versatile De Sica Adorns “Moll Flanders’ Set Vittorio De Sica is equally skilled as both an actor and a director. In both fields, he has achieved world-wide acclaim. It is little wonder, therefore, that Terence Young decided to cast him for an important role in the Paramount release, ‘““The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders,” starring Kim Novak, which opens .f.40%:. é.4 ates. f°." 33. 4 Theatre. Interviewed on the “‘Moll Flanders” set, De Sica took out a cigarette from an engraved silver case and lit it. There was the air of a bon vivant about him as he smiled lightly. “T am the Count,” he confided, smoothing a ruffle on his 18th Century shirt, “and I like him. This Count, he is a rascal. A sweet rascal. It is very amusing to do.” Italy’s famed actor-director-producer was out at nearby Shepperton Studios for his first feature film acting assignment in Britain —working with Kim Novak, Richard Johnson (who recently married Miss Novak), Angela Lansbury, Leo McKern, George Sanders, Hugh Griffith and Lilli Palmer in “The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders.” In this Technicolor, Marcel Hellman production of English novelist Daniel Defoe’s lusty 18th Century romp, De Sica appears as one of the many men who seek to climb into a four-poster with fetching Moll, played by Miss Novak. “The only other work I’ve done in this country,” De Sica continued, “was about five years ago, and that was for television. I had a part in the Four Just Men series”. The 62-year-old De Sica continued in his excellent English, “I wanted to come to London to see the latest in the theater here and to watch other film directors and actors of this country doing their work.” Directing ‘Moll Flanders” is one of Britain’s top men, Terence Young, whose most recent successes “Moll Flanders” First English Film For British Actress Angela Lansbury “Many people think of me as a British actress,’ said Angela Lansbury, “yet ‘The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders’ is my first picture made completely in this country.” A Paramount release, the fil OPENS. 65.0455 OE tees she Theatre. The attractive, friendly actress was born in London and has played many British roles—in Hollywood and New York. It was in the States where she achieved stardom, and where she settled, after going over there as a teenager evacuated from wartime London. Miss Lansbury, now a resident of Malibu in California, and a naturalized U.S. citizen, said, during a break in the shooting of “Moll Flanders” how happy she was to be back in her native country doing a film. Miss Lansbury found nothing strange about her assignment. “The methods of filming are the same the world over,” she said firmly. However, there’s an “old home week” quality in a way, as one of the other stars is George Sanders. Miss Lansbury recalled they had worked together twice before—in “The Picture of Dorian Gray” and “Bel Ami.” She has other good company in “The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders,” filmed in Technicolor and Panavision for Paramount release by veteran producer Marcel Hellman and top director Terence Young. Miss Lansbury plays Lady Blystone in this lusty dramatization of Daniel Defoe’s classic 18th Century novel, and Lady Blystone’s personal maid is Moll—enacted by Angela’s fellow Hollywoodite star, Kim Novak. Lady Blystone’s lover, who has his eye on sensuous Moll, is played by Italy’s brilliant Vittorio De Sica; others in the cast include top English stage actor Richard Johnson (who _ recently married Miss Novak), Leo McKern, Lilli Palmer and guest star Hugh Griffith. Miss Lansbury smiled, “In this picture,” she said, “we all seem to be bent on one thing—‘sex’.”’ were the two record-smashing James Bond movies “Dr. No,” and “From Russia With Love.” “Our directing, Terence’s and mine,” said De Sica, “is different. It is a personal matter. The grammar of the shooting is the same, but the style is not the same. This is also true of the acting here, the production in general.” In a tone of faint surprise, he went on, “here in England there is more order and more silence than we have when making a film in Italy. Everything here is organized. “In our work in Italy there is . . » how should I put it? A little fantasy. It is a little more free there.” De Sica hasn’t worked in Hollywood but he has watched film-making there. “America,” he said, “is ditferent from England for filming. In Hollywood, too, there is a certain freedom of work and of fantasy, too. Here, in England, there is always the theatrical influence, but not in America, and not so much in Italy either. “England, well, it is the Kingdom of the Theater.” Ducks Have to he Ducked for Filming Of “Moll Flanders” This is the story of a flight of ducks that nearly broke into the movie business, but muffed their big chance. The cameras were ready to roll by the lakeside where director Terence Young was about to shoot the big scene of Marcel Hellman’s production of “The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders” which opens sie hie aes BE TAS: . 00 by or Ee. Kim Novak was to take a swim in the “altogether” before being disturbed by a healthy highwayman— Richard Johnson. Enter the ducks who splashed on the scene making the lake a very pleasant rural scene indeed, so pretty in fact that Kim Novak, walking onto the set, was moved to remark that the props department has “sure done their stuff” this time, The big laugh that followed seared the ducks back into the air quacking excitedly. “Oh no... .” moaned director, Young, but an undismayed Kim grabbed a few crusts from the morning tea-break, and _ started throwing about some _ goodwill crumbs for the wayward ducks. Young called his actors to their places and the ducks paddled on their way. Kim shedded her dressing gown and slipped into the water ready for the cameras. The ducks, paddled back until they surrounded her. A groaning Young called a halt again and decided the ducks would have to go. More crusts and crumbs were collected and Kim’s standin was rowed out to the other side of the lake, with the ever hungry birds in close pursuit. The arcs went on once more, Kim’s gown went off—and finally the cameras were rolling: with no ducks. “The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders” was filmed in Panavision and Technicolor for Paramount release. The film stars Kim Novak, Richard Johnson (Kim’s off-stage husband by a recent marriage), Angela Lansbury, Leo McKern, George Sanders and Lilli Palmer. _—s — — — —_ —_ = = ) III ISI A AA A AAA) <A AA A A ee ed ed ede ed ee eee ed ec eed eee eee eee ede eee ed ed ea cele a ea ort yvecivvet yvecivvet vecinert yvrciverdirrcinned nvr need yrcivnet yecnneed yrrcinrediyrrcnnnediyirinneeciirecveec)yrednrec)yrcvret yrecineet)yrednneetiyiedveet vir vret yr vert) dveed vr tivred nr veet nee ret veered rete rednrednred rer iiss SPECIAL PUBLICITY LAYOUTS ) Available as 8 « 10 Still #MF/Spec./9 Mat 3B VANITY PREVAILS OVER VIRTUE — Lovely Kim Novak portrays flighty, flirtatious Moll Flanders, who travels an almost ruinous road in a bawdy era of wild pleasure in Marcel Hellman’s production of “The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders,” a Paramount release opening ..............08 Cit TG) ifs tio. Seseate Theatre. Directed by Terence Young, it was filmed in Technicolor and Panavision. Co-starring with Kim Novak is a brilliant cast including Richard Johnson, Vittorio De Sica, Angela Lansbury, Leo McKern, George Sanders and Lilli Palmer. Available as 8 « 10 Still EHMF/Spec./10 Mat 3C THE MANY MEN OF MOLL FLANDERS, portrayed by Kim Novak, include two husbands (Above—played by Derren Nesbitt and George Sanders) and a varied assortment of other bawdy personalities in ‘The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders,” a Marcel Hellman Production for Paramount release, opening ................. CHAN: 3. Asati Theatre. The bewitching lady of easy virtue comes vividly and tantalizing to life under the apt direction of Terence Young. Filmed in Technicolor and Panavision, it also costars Richard Johnson, Vittorio De Sica, Leo McKern, Angela Lansbury and Lilli Palmer. Available as 8 « 10 Still #MF/Spec./8 Mat 3A A BAWDY ERA OF ZESTFUL ADVENTURE is brought vividly to the screen in the Marcel Hellman Production of ‘The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders,’’ a Paramount release Opening ...........0066 CM ANG es iectecaens Theater. Kim Novak as flirtatious Moll Flanders and Richard Johnson as her dashing lover defend themselves in a bar-room brawl not uncommon to this colorful age of wild pleasures. Directed by Terence Young, it was filmed in Technicolor and Panavision. Also co-starring are Vittoria De Sica, Angela Lansbury, Leo McKern, George Sanders and Lilli Palmer. eagantnnttngattegantngannn enter attagnttngntteyantegnttngantegnntngnttegnttn nttegnttngntteentngnttegnetngnttagattagntcngnttegnttnentteyuttngnttnynttenntteynttegntngndteyntnegnteenattegnttnnnttnnnttenattegattnnnttennttnyantegattngnttennttnyantegattngattennttngnttegatngntngntegnttennttegattegnttngnttennttenttegntngntenntteonttegnttegnttennttennttnnttegnttngntteynttyyntteyattegn tte 7 ISI SI SAI AAA eB A) A Ae ee ed ed ed el VYTLIITLITOTTUNTINTINTTLTTUNTONI W NTU TWIT W NDI TYL YT TW NWN LNTTy II. ISI III IIS IIIA AIS IS ISSA IA AISI SI SII. SISA SAI III. III SI mec vec nnec ir nneclnie recive yee nrecinir need vir nerd need vir ineed yrcveed rcineedrecnneerearccinrneec nner nr rcs SS v1