The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders (Paramount Pictures) (1965)

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EXPLOITATION THE MUSICAL THROB OF "MOLL FLANDERS” ALBUM RECEIVES PULSATING NATIONAL PROMOTION BY RCA RCA Victor Records has recorded and issued the original soundtrack album of “The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders.” Composed by John Addison, the music robustly captures all the lavish excitement, wild adventure, comic flavor and provocative moments of a very flighty and reckless era of historical England. The recording has been enclosed in a special record jacket prepared by RCA Victor in conjunction with Paramount's extensive merchandising promotion. As part of this mammoth nation-wide campaign, RCA has created striking promotional items, which include colorful pointof-sale materials, impressive displays, eye-catching window streamers, and consumer as well as trade advertising. RCA has also issued a 45 rpm single played by the famed piano duo, Derek & Ray with Orchestra. RCA fieldmen are contacting radio stations throughout the country to create maximum exposure for “The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders” album by promoting disc jockey coverage. Dealer co-op ad campaigns have also been planned. Note: Dealers, disc jockeys and all other participants in this enthusiastic album promotion are being strongly urged by RCA to fully cooperate with local exhibitors playing “The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders.” Contact your local RCA Victor representative, participating retail music outlets and radio stations to arrange for mutually-beneficial promotions tying in with your playdate. Be sure to play the music in your lobby before and during the run of the film to create atmosphere and added boxoffice spark. AN ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK TH LOC-1113 ? . &S 3) RCA VICTOR db Music Gomposed and Conducted bY PANAVISION TURE RELEASE IN TECHNICOLOR & UNT PIC A PARAMO PROMOTION MEN e AUGIE BLUME GORDON BOSSIN c/o RCA Victor Corp. 2859 East Maple Street 445 N. Lake Shore Drive Birmingham, Michigan Chicago, Illinois (313) 646-4753 (312) 222-1550 Detroit, Cleveland (312) 327-7410 (home) Chicago, Milwaukee Minneapolis RCA VICTOR FIELD STAFF e BOB CULLEN 2136 Locust Street Philadelphia, Pa. (215) 564-4920 Philadelphia, Pittsburgh Harrisburg JOE DEL MEDICO 4241 Duke Street Alexandria 4, Va. (703) 549-7689 Baltimore, Washington DAVE FOX 6363 Sunset Blvd. (213) 461-9171 c/o RCA Victor Corp. Hollywood, California (213) 340-5581 (home) Los Angeles, Honolulu HOME OFFICE: 155 East 24th Street, New York, New York MIKE FUGILLO 4 Lathrop Place Boston, Mass. (617) 227-2679 (617) *KE 6-1011 Boston, Hartford, Providence JIM MACKRELL 729 Highfall Drive Dallas, Texas (214) FR 6-6736 Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Oklahoma City PAUL ROBINSON c/o RCA Victor Corp. 155 East 24th Street, N. Y. (212) 689-7200 (212) IL 9-4803 (home) (212) BR 5-9739 (home) New York, Newark Albany, Syracuse Additional 45 rpm singles of “Moll Flanders” music: Le Roy Holmes and Orchestra—United Artists label; World Artist Strings—World Artist label; Walter Raim and Orchestra—Mercury Records; and Wymcot Strings—Wymcot Label. Da eee eae ee eee ea ee eae eee eae weed ae ed ed cae calle waa aaa a lal eel eel ae A _ Sf PYM M NMI oM nn MIMI EMIT CMON LMT EMIT CMI ny MN LMNT EMIT NTL DNC DYN YIIMYYDLIYILYYLM TCI ICNYILrNYDLNTI ANTON ICLrNYTLNir rca rrcnnyrinni ver nrc recievers net recnir vir ved rrt rir rei vvrt vet SENSATIONAL CAMPAIGN BRINGS SPECIAL BOOK EDITION OF LUSTY “MOLL : Sua0Ny TIOW 2° sa¥nuN3noy Snauom 3H FLANDERS’ TO DELIGHTED READERS!! “The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders” is the Daniel Defoe masterpiece which has shocked, charmed and delighted readers for over two centuries. Now, The New American Library has issued a special movie paperback edition (complete and unabridged) through its Signet Book affiliate. In cooperation with Paramount's merchandising campaign, New American Library has designed and created many items to assure a successful national as well as local pro motion of the book. Special dumpbins, lively counter display cartoons, colorful streamers and 11x14 posters, bold rack cards, provocative playdate bulletins and effective teasers are being distributed to thousands of department stores and book outlets throughout the country. HERE’S WHAT YOU CAN DO: @ Contact New American Library fieldmen or Signet representatives in your territory to arrange for mutually-beneficial promotions. e Rubber-stamp your message on pages torn from copies of the movie edition for widespread street and advance playdate distribution. @ Call on book stores and other participating merchants for prominent displays of the book to be combined with scene stills from the film along with suitable theatre and playdate credits. @ Make up a book mark using a one-column pressbook ad and “Read This Bold Book, See The Daring Movie” copy. On the reverse side imprint theatre and playdate notations along with movie review quotes. Booksellers distribute these over the counter and through their mailings. e Offer free copies of the paperback book as prizes for any contests you might arrange and distribute copies to editors and disc jockeys. e@ Give away free copies of the movie edition to the first people in line on opening day. @ Set up a book-stall in your lobby for display or sale of the book with cooperation of local retail outlets that are participating in this promotion. Publicize the book on your screen, giving full credit to cooperating stores.