Savage! (New World Pictures) (1973)

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SCENE MATS Ex-Pittsburgh Pirate centerfielder, James Iglehart now has the biggest job of all—to fight an entire army in the dynamite new black action film SAVAGE! Opening........... at the eS en aha theatre. e : . She’s young, beautiful, and dangerous! She’s the fast-rising black star, Carol Speed, a savage soul sister in the dynamite new black action movie SAVAGE! Opening........... at the asimetets C waey theatre. y> Looking bold and beautiful, Lada Edmund is the deadliest doll alive in the hard-hitting new action film SAVAGE! Opening........... at mOsm theatre. CONTROVERSY SURROUNDS BLACK STAR Carol Speed, a little actress with big talent, has a knack for being honest in a business that often expects lies. While other black stars are careful to defend black pictures that appeal to a large audience she has this to say on the recent film hit, SUPERFLY. “I think that the film is degrading in that it’s selling a drug fantasy. This year when the kids went back to school, they were Superfly with the hats, the lingo, and everything. They bought the myth and with it the drugs in the form of powders. Can you imagine what a picture like this does?” Carol recently appeared in the picture THE NEW CENTURIONS. Although she was happy with the final result an incident during the filming shook her up. “During the shooting of an outdoor scene a big crowd had gathered like they always do and one poor guy who was a little drunk was run over by a passing motorist. Nobody or nothing connected with the picture really stopped and that freaked me out.” Her new film is the hard-hitting black action film SAVAGE! “It’s one of the few black movies where the hero is actually concerned with the morality of his life and actions. I hope it will start a new trend. I think it will. Black films have got to move away from just killing and sex. The racial stereotypes of today are just as unpleasant as those of years ago. SAVAGE! is a step away from this.” In the meantime, however, Carol Speed will continue appearing in such shows as SANFORD AND SON and THE A.B.C. MOVIE OF THE WEEK. And she’ll probably continue to amaze her friends with her frankness and honesty; like she did when she returned to Los Angeles after a publicity tour of the South and declared, “In the area of black and white relationships the South has developed a lot more than we have. Whether they like you or hate you, they tell you right off. At least they’re honest about their feelings. The North thinks they’re sophisticated but they live behind a facade of lies. Besides, down there they eat the same kind of food my mother cooks.”’ PRO-BASEBALL’S LOSS IS “SAVAGE” GAIN! JIM IGLEHART, the exciting new black star of “Savage!” is a young man whose first love was baseball. He played pro-ball with the Pittsburgh Pirates from June 1967 to April 1969. During Spring training at Daytona Beach, Florida, Jim suffered a knee injury which forced him to quit playing. So Jim turned to his other major talent — acting. Jim’s talents soon racked up a good score of professional credits, including tv appearances in BOLD ONES, NEW PEOPLE, and HEADMASTER, and movie roles in BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS and SEVEN MINUTES and New World Pictures ANGELS HARD AS THEY COME. However, Jim’s athletic prowess and commanding presence are displayed in his best role yet as the all-too-human hero of SAVAGE! Jim Iglehart is fully equipped to be a super-star of sport or the movies. But he claims that status doesn’t interest him. “I’m a man not a superman. People with an image they have to live up to are people with a superficial burden. Just call me Jim.” FULL COLOR ONE SHEETS AVAILABLE FROM NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE