The Bells of San Fernando (Screen Guild) (1947)

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A ROMANCE OF PARADISE buses OPPRESSION THE BELLS OF a SAN FERNANDO” DONALD WOODS GLORIA WARREN SHIRLEY O'HARA Produced by JAMES S. BURKETT . Directed by TERRY MORSE Distributed by SCREEN GUILD PRODUCTIONS, INC. Ad Mat No, 301 D...ROMANCE.. VALLEY Hillcrest Productio presents DONALD WOODS GLORIA WARREN SHIRLEY O'HARA: BYRON FOULGER Sianert Pests TERRY. patois Se Distributed: by PRODUCTIONS Ad Mat. No. 102 OPPRESSION A-thiifing potism and tyranny ... And of : bells that rang out freedom THE BELLS OF w SAN FERNANDO" SHIRLEY O'HARA Produced by JAMES 'S. BURKETT = Directed by TERRY MORSE SCREEN GUILD PRODUCTIONS, INC. Ad Mat No. 202 GOLD... ROMANCE... OPPRESSION A thrilling story of Spanish despotism and tyranny ... And of the bells that rang out freedom and romance! Hillcrest Production io (HE BELLS OF SAN FERNANDO" searing DONALD WOODS * GLORIA WARREN SHIRLEY O'HARA + BYRON FOULGER PAUL NEWLAN * MONTE BLUE Produced by James S. Burkett Directed by Terry Morse Hollywood’s latest tempestuous findll : Distributed by SCREEN GUILD PRODUCTIONS. Ad Mat No. 203 PACKED WITH THE DRAMA OF EARLY CALIFORNIA Ad Mat No. 101 3 Spanish oppression in x the days when California was first founded! of Spanish des DONALD WOODS * GLORIA WARRE produced by JAMES BURKETY *. Directed by TERRY MORSE Distributed by SCREEN GUILD PRODUCTIONS, INC. Ad Mat No, 103