Soul Soldier (The Fanfare Corporation) (1970)

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‘Black Cavalry. They were black. troopers who fought and killed the red man for a white government that didnt give a damn | | about a either one! ‘SOUL SOLDIER swt RAFER JOHNSON LINCOLN KILPATRICK « ROBERT DoQUI also Starring ISAAC FIELDS * OTIS TAYLOR special cuest star CESAR ROMERO introducing JANEE MICHELLE Screenplay by MARLENE WEED Produced by JAMES M. NORTHERN and STUART Z. HIRSCHMAN irected by JOHN CARDOS released by THE FANFARE CORPORATION [GP] porestai Sursonce Suggested METROCOLOR MAT 401—4x124 (496 Lines) SPECIAL SPORTS PAGE AD N) Starring in their first motion picture RAFER JOHNSON: OTIS TAYLOR OLYMPIC ve. ALL-PRO FLANKER WITH THE DECATHLON KANSAS CITY CHIEFS. bet CHAMPION , MAT SOUL — 3A TEASER ADS THAT WILL GET YOUR CAMPAIGN STARTED! RELEASED BY THE FANFARE CORPORATION MAT SOUL-T1 Ce7e\S> oe. APPROVED All advertising in this pressbook, as well as all other advertising and publicity materials referred to herein, has been approved under the standards for Advertising of the Code of Self-Regulation of the Motion Picture Association of America. All inquiries on this procedure may be addressed to: Director of the Code for Advertising Motion Picture Association of America 522 Fifth Avenue, N. Y., N. Y. 10036 This picture has ALL AGES ADMITTED Parental Guidance Suggested been: rated: BD SOUL SOLDIER Released by THE FANFARE COR PORATION PR CNsLGUTiEnce Sure METROCOL OR MAT 210 — 2x71 (142 lines) OR ORDER MAT 203—2x64 (128 Lines) (without sports header) Page 4 MEN OF THE TENTH .. . above are scenes from the exciting motion picture “Soul Soldier” a Fanfare Corporation release. “Soul Soldier’ depicts the heroic deeds performed by the legendary Black cavalrymen in the winning of the West. Starting at top left is Olympics hero Rafer Johnson, newcomer Janee Michelle, the “Buffalo Soldiers” in action, Indians during an exciting attack sequence and the Black troopers preparing for a ‘sabre charge.’ “Soul Soldier’ opens ss SS ss ee ae, MeO EG A Fe ene Via at “Whe ee ee eer eee ECR EES