A Hard Day's Night (United Artists) (1964)

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is os & es ss se “er : Starring in theirfirst full-length, = hilar ‘ous,action-packed film! & . also starring “WILFRID BRAMBELL ® WALTER SHENSON ALUN OWEN > RICHARD LESTER [UNITED ARTISTS 3 Cols. x 100 Lines—300 Lines (21 Inches) Official Billing THE BEATLES 100% A HARD DAY'S NIGHT 100% also starring WILFRID BRAMBELL 50% Produced by Walter Shenson 25% Screenplay by Alun Owen 25% Directed by Richard Lester 25% Released thru United Artists 25% a Se Ee ae I'm Happy Just To Dance With You & Hear the Beatles on the one, the only, the original sound track album from United Artists Records! Lhe SPREE EERE ES A Hard Day’s Night If 1 Fell And | Love Her # | Should Have Known Better Ms Tell Me Why PLUS YOUR BEATLES FAVORITES! % She Loves You * All My Loving * | Want to Be Your Man * Don't Bother Me * Can't Buy Me Love THEATRE & Mat 303 The Cast John’... ..... JOHN LENNON Paul... ..... .... PAUL MeCARTNEY George . GEORGE HARRISON BENG «rochester ic tal Scenes RINGO STARR Grandfather ........ WILFRID BRAMBELL Narre Sees ae _.. NORMAN ROSSINGTON T. V. Directer ..... . VICTOR SPINETTI Shiai hei oak nicl i OK eee JOHN JUNKIN Police Inspector _.... DERYCK GUYLER NA Ge = SRE CSE Cette. eye ae ANNA QUAYLE Simon . ae te KENNETH HAIGH SSSRSSSHRSERRES GRBBRS Starring in their first full-length, hilarious, action-packed film! SRKSVRES SESS a GRP sPsPr SBe w SRRESRHE SSE SSH SRE SESS R 6 Brand New Songs plus your Beatles favorites ! Hear the Beatles on the original sound track album from United Artists Records! Released thru UNITED ARTISTS ‘1 Waleect ra Pentet=pue 7 Y= A fies Ln told = SSSKBVESRSRLS SRS SHSISSKSS SSK SES SC SPSS PSSOSSHR Ke PSS RS SSR SS SOSRR PRESS RES EESHPSCREH HS GHOSE PHS ESERE SEES H PES SSS SH 2 SRS SSE SRSSRSSBRHS SSS & | Col. x 98 Lines (7 Inches; Mat 104 Production Staff Produced by ......... Directed by ...... Original Screenplay by WALTER SHENSON . RICHARD LESTER Director of Photography Musical Director ...... _... GEORGE MARTIN Songs by . _ JOHN LENNON and PAUL McCARTNEY Co Aa ae eR sl Alera, ome ET ed JOHN JYMPSON Beatles Wardrobe Sound Recordists DOUGIE MILLINGS & SON vai ies H. L. BIRD STEPHEN DALBY JOHN O'GORMAN lair CtessinG. 36: «:..ctinaareesss US BETTY: GLASOW Released thru United Artists Make-to ison 8. Tg a eee ee em Once upon a time there were four happy Liverpool lads called Paul (PAUL McCARTNEY), John (JOHN LENNON), George (GEORGE HARRISON) and Ringo (RINGO STARR) and they played their music all over the country. Now, when they'd finished playing in one place they'd run to the nearest railway station and go on to a new place to play some more of their music, usually pursued by hundreds of young ladies. On the day of our story, John, George and Ringo get to the station and fight their way into the railway compartment where they meet up with Paul who has a little old man with him, a very clean little old man. Anyway, who is he? The little old man is "Mixing John McCartney," Paul's grandfather (WILFRID BRAMBELL) and Paul has to look after him. Grandfather is dedicated to the principle of divide and conquer. The mere sight of a nice friendly group of clean cut lads like the Beatles brings him out in a rash of counterplots. Norm (NORMAN ROSSINGTON), the boys' road manager who is conducting a war of nerves with John, the group's happy anarchist, collects Grandfather and together with Shake, he retreats to the restaurant car for coffee leaving the boys to settle in for their journey to London and a live television show. However, a well established first class ticket holder drives the boys out of their carriage by being pompously officious so they go and join Norm, Shake and Grandfather in the restaurant car. By this time Grandfather has managed to get Norm and Shake at each other's throats and Paul warns the others that this could be only the beginning. Sure enough, Grandfather has started a campaign of dissension that leads to frightening school girls, a proposal of marriage to a chance acquaintance and | “A HARD DAY'S NIGHT’ SYNOPSIS by ALUN OWEN (Author of the Screenplay) general chaos culminating with Grandfather being locked up in the luggage van where he and the boys complete their journey surrounded by chickens, dogs and school girls. When the group arrives in London, they go to their hotel where Norm leaves them to sort out their fan mail. However, Grandfather has noticed that a certain amount of good humored banter is directed at Ringo. Here, thinks Grandfather, is the weak link in the chain. Instead of staying in the hotel the four boys sneak out to enjoy themselves at a twist club and Grandfather, trading his clothes for a waiter's suit, heads straight for a gambling club, passing himself off as "Lord John McCartney." Again the boys have to rescue him, much to the old man's indignation. The following day sees the boys plunged into the bustle of the television world, press conferences, rehearsals, make-up room, running from place to place, being shepherded by the harassed Norm and got at by the television show's neurotic director. And always in the background is Grandfather, interfering, disrupting and needling Ringo. Only for a moment are the boys free. They can enjoy them selves playing in a large open field, but even that doesn't last. John, however, docs make the most of every second by going with the incidents, never resisting them. He is always for the here and now. Paul worries and tries keeping things on an even keel and George has a bland doggedness that sees him through. But the strain begins to tell on Ringo. Grandfather, of course, plays on this, pointing out the barreness of Ringo's life and finally goading him into walking out into the world, outside of the group. The other three boys go out searching for Ringo, leaving Norm to fume and the director to worry himself to near collapse at the possibility of no show. Meanwhile, Ringo has found the world outside not too friendly and through a series of encounters and misunderstandings, gets himself arrested. He is taken to the station where he meets up with Grandfather who has been taken into protective custody. Grandfather storms at the police and manages to escape leaving Ringo behind in the police station. He gets back to the television theatre and tells the boys who, pursued again—but this time by the police—go and rescue Ringo. : Finally they are able to do their show in front of a live audience. The show goes well but as soon as it is finished, again it is .the mad dash on to the next place for the next show. The past thirty-six hours have been A Hard Day's Night. The next thirtysix will be the same. Running Time: 90 Minutes PAGE WA