A Hard Day's Night (United Artists) (1964)

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Posters and Sececcesecoeoesoeee eovecece ° eercceese C eoeees Soceoeecnneneocesoosvoeyeee* eesoes ee : died [. length’ ; <z © hilarious, actioned POBEOHO VEONOSKEAARONSO EH ARETE ORES CEES OS Statringintheirfirst § l-len nth larious, “hh packed film! 9OOF08SCTO9OSF CE RELOLDO® cee ~WLFRD: BRAMBELL WALTER st SHENSON ALUN OWEN RICHARD LESTER Ce "UNITED ARTISTS PPYT TTT TT $0600050000006eesces00gse0essseces 6000dee00een0nces css bnsesceses ae @ © OOO 9560S OOSSEHO OHO HEEOH ENE CODES eee 9008006080209 st 24-SHEET CORE SREREREES © OR ESESCEEO ETE ET EOOEROEO COERRE 964668 SKE CKOHE CEOS Order All Accessories From SERED SRDS SRE SSESELO RES ERER ORE SS SHOROROR DH. EH OO OHOEG ORE HERERORS CEGRSEBEDREORHRAERE National Screen Exchange Qe KOSCE RSTO PEDERDOPESES DS: ALSO AVAILABLE: SEKKROSECOBES, Set of Eight POCROHDAL ORS SOREL TORO TATEREAOAEOECT AE OOKROFTHOHTDO GENS SEEDS Starring in theirfirst Tull. hilariovs "action. packed f film ll x 14 $eKenrne ors Lobby Cards — Tiefieg > NSRKORERGR LEBER RORSEKORKI ORG LS REET SOBRE RRO ORKOCKS ORIRGRRERL ER PERE BORE OO KH: ane paxoenrRRoees 68oe WINDOW CARD ROKESIAY: Cio san OS aecermaa asset ited 5 REPELS SR EDTS TSE EREERO DT ERHD! ae ERR ERRES oo ERE AEBDDOET ERED INDE ERERS SSR IAD PARC MEDO RS MEY: End SHSOSCHSSOGSCERG HHO ECT EH CHARS RH OT HHKRAEEHRS OD HHKOR OD wisaeekees WILFRID BRAMBELL Wi SHEN WOON 1 AUN OWEN R O Oneeteessooree eececuessea “ bibs doccecccsccus sucueneoss SORORESSS BORRGEEPAARLELBHS PLUS youre REATIES FAVORED! ASSKEHSSESEROSHASHHEPSOEGHOV OS HEROS ODDOOOHEHE OHH OT HEGRE RELRE DOE SRSVSVBVS CHHSS RAR OS EEE TIA FR UNITED ARTISTS KEDKEEREREDRESD OP SOPARTERERS HSH CORO RED & RECROPLROPARESSS IPE AEC OA SE SOOM EPR SERKHEO ARTF EKER S 2 é 2 x : * z ee x Bo & ; +’ rs 2 . : a e. * x * * x % * x * * ‘ * = * x x = z: PS * * 14 x 36 1 SHEET 22 x 28 LOBBY CARD. INSERT CARD 6 SHEET TELOP AND SLIDE SATIN ACCESSORIES ingin their-fi Bm Statringin thei ibe ‘A Hard DSS |eilelieneie RC, alrd Doyo ee full-length hilarious, My Bedieg i 1, ecu “pa iad ft T action-packed film! My \\ NighT: ee lm! iC [Gi anrists| v thy 1 att! naga goa "ay Both of the announcements illustrated are available in both styles and will be made up on either a glass slide or a “Telop” print. Check with TV station for form preferred before ordering. 3-Piece Streamer De Luxe Sectional! Valance 15 feet, strung together, in color g inl ‘der 10 feet) Complete Streamer ..... $16.50 Any length (minimum order ee Running INGY 0 I Ne MR eee ee $1.65 Style AS. is for use of regular 10-second ra! oO announcement. Style "A" Style “B” is to be used for station break announcement. Call letters will be included at no extra ORDER all this material from charge. your local NATIONAL : oe SCREEN SERVICE EXering r first ‘ CHANGE. All items aro full. length, hilarious, _ PRICES: manufactured by NATION #}. action. packed fit $5.00 without theatre imprint $7.50 with theatre imprint $2.00 for each additional slide or telop. Note: Theatre copy added locally can only be done on the Telop print. AL FLAG & DISPLAY CO. 43 W. 2\Ist St., New York. In Canada, place orders with CONSOLIDATED THEATRE SERVICES, 120 Well’ngton St., W. Toronto. Order from: QQ TITLE CARD CO. 9x12 Flag Style "B" 247 W. 46 St., New York 36, N. Y. Double Faced. . : $110.00 Usher's Badge Single Faced ... $60.00 Each 40c PRINTED IN U. S. A