Champion (United Artists) (1949)

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Check k Insert 0 Midge Kelly, rugged ex-GI and his crippled brother, Connie (Arthur Kennedy), are beaten and robbed by hobos while on their way to claim their share of a restaurant bought by Midge from a “Pal.” Arrived there, they discover they’ve been cheated. Broke, they hire out to the owner. Although Midge has been warned by Lew, the owner, to keep away from his daughter, innocent young Emmy (Ruth Roman), he makes a strong play for her. Midge and Emmy are surprised in a close embrace in Midge’s room by Lew, who forces the two to get married. FIGHTING OR LOVING HE WAS THE CHAMPION! (Insert Local or National Review Quote In This Space) Moviegoers everywhere will be echoing these words of high praise for this vividly realistic motion picture that pulls no punches, as it tells the story of Midge Kelly, who fought his way to the top, blow by blow, woman by woman. Deriving its tremendous dramatic drive from the world-famous story by Ring Lardner, the picture brings to the screen some of the most powerful scenes ever filmed. Not without reason have preview audi- After the forced marriage, Midge and Connie leave the restaurant —and Emmy —behind. Midge drifts into the fight game, for which he has a talent almost as great as his ability to attract one woman after another, especially ice- cold beauties like Palmer (Lola Albright). ences hailed it as the “Champion picture of the year!” From then on, until the mighty, breathtaking cli¬ max, his ruthlessness carries him to undreamed¬ of heights... in the ring and out of it. Midge Kelly and CHAMPION are likely to be remem¬ bered for a long, long time. ••x T T r >xr A W ; l;\/M ^ \rj liitili® MAXWELL ♦ ARTHUR KENNEDY II with PA8I. STEWAST :* RUTS HOMAN - lOl* AIBRJGHT ||ltfS;|il Produced by STANLEY KBAMElt by Cart Foreman. * thru United Arties 4 Cols, x 150 lines — 600 lines Mai No. 404 * % + - Use It Also For Tabloid Flash!!! This story-telling ad is a powerful send-off for your opening. For an extra ex¬ ploitation appeal, make up a tabloid herald by adding theatre name at top and re¬ view quotes (see page 8) at bottom. Print in quantity and distribute on streets as an "Extra!" Be sure to add the review quote in the ad itself as noted above! Page Ten