Duel at Diablo (United Artists) (1966)

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Yesterday they fought each other— ‘Today they fight together to stay alive! SSS sit RAVERS sisi ANDERSSON senivis WEAVER Screenplay by MARVIN ALBERT and MICHEL GRILIKHES / Based on the Novel “Apache Rising’ by Marvin Albert /Directed by RALPH NELSON Produced by RALPH NELSON and FRED ENGEL wusc— NEAL HEFT GOLOR BY DELUXE *"@s2rtnee:Cherotee Production [ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SCORE AVAILABLE ON UNITED ARTISTS” REOOROS J Released thru UNITED ARTISTS T H E A T R E 3 Cols. x 85 Lines—255 Lines (18 Inches) Mat 303 The outrider— The loner—The lieutenant The outcast bride Her hushand YESTERDAY THEY AFRAID TO TURN THEIR BACKS ON EACH OTHERFOUGHT EACH OTHER TODAY THEY FIGHT TOGETHER TO STAY ALIVE! | Mat 302 sit TRAVERS sig ANDERSSON asexavis WEAVER Screenplay by MARVIN ALBERT and MICHEL GRILIKHES / Based on the Novel “Apache Rising” by Marvin Albert /Directed by RALPH NELSON Produced by RALPH NELSON awFRED ENGEL NEAL HEFT! COLOR BY DELUXE “UNITED ARTISTS A de a eel oe Sta! ieee 5 aed 2 Cols. x 98 Lines—196 Lines (14 Inches) Mat 204 PAGE 5.