For a Few Dollars More (United Artists) (1965)

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THE MAN WiTH NO NAME iS BACK.. y Theman with no name is back... BLACK iS WAITING! The man in black is waiting... starring | also starring MARA KRUP LUIGI PISTILLI KLAUS KINSKIJOSEF EGGER PANOS PAPADOPULOS: BENITO STEFANELLIROBERTO CAMARDIEL , Screenplay by ert SER | ALDO SAMBRELL LUIS RODRIGUEZ and MARIO BREGA LUCIANO VINCENZONI Produced by A co-production P.£.A. (Rome) / ARTURO GONZALEZ Print by ead MORRICONE ALBERTO GRIMALDI: (Madrid) / CONSTANTIN FILM (Muenchen) TECHNICOLOR® Released thru UNITED ARTISTS 2 walking arsenal BT Sai, Soy <. Soi Fame to Sa 3 2 Cols. x 63 Lines—126 Lines (9 Inches) Mat 203 <B> and kills! : : MOTION PICTURE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA "Exhibitors are urged to join in the effort to make the new seal, and what it stands for, known to the public and the press. Retain the seal in your approved ads. Display the seal in your lobby. Run the special trailers on your screen. Information and display kits are available from National Screen Service." It's the second motion picture of its kind! * It won't be the last! starring also starring GLINT EASTWOOD LEE VAN pies GIAN MARIA VOLONTE set's ainsi BENITO STEFANELLI ROBERTO CAMARDIEL ALDO SAMBRELL / Screenplay by SERGIO LEQNE / ss Produced by LUIS RODRIGUEZ and MARIO BREGA LUCIANO VINCENZON! / Directed by Ennio Morricone / ALBERTO GRIMALDI A co-production P. £.A. (Rome) / ARTURO GONZALEZ (Madrid) CONSTANTIN FILM (Muenchen) Print by TECHNICOLOR™ (Lf SN RELEASED THRU Qo.e/Y MOTION PICTURE ASSOCIATION ——— OF AMERICA AN TRANSAMERICA /comPany 4 Cols. x 163 Lines—652 Lines (47 Inches) Mat 402 It's the second sae motion picture of its kind! 7 wont be the last! starring also sta MARA KRUP LUIGI P!STILLIKLAUS KINSKIJOSEF EGGER PANOS PAPADOPULOS: BENITO STEFANELLIROBERTO CAMARDIEL , Screenplay by : diected SERGIO | EONE ALDO SAMBRELLLUIS RODRIGUEZ and MARIO ~ LUCIANO VINCENZONI Produced by co-production P.E.A. (Rome) / ARTURO GONZALEZ Print by ED sn MORRICONE ALBERTO GRIMALDI (Madrid) / CONSTANTIN FILM (Muenchen) * TECHNICOLOR™ -=-=Released thru UNITED ARTISTS m Itsthesecond motion picture of its kind! It wont be the last! starring GLINT EASTWOOD | Col. x 14 Lines (1 Inch) 2 Cols. x 49 Lines—98 Lines (7 Inches) Mat 202 Both on Mat 101 2 Cols. x 98 Lines—196 Lines (14 Inches) Mat 205 PAGE 4