Guns, Girls and Gangsters (United Artists) (1959)

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A doublecrossing gang queen... clawing and caressing her way into a two million dollar heist! ; Sereen Play by ROBERT £. KENT * Story by PAUL GANGELIN and JEROME SACKHEIM + Directed by EDWARD L. CAHN + Produced by ROBERT E. KENT GERALD Starring MAMIE VAN DOREN Co-Starring LEE GRANT IMPERIAL PICTURES, INC. presents UNS. 4’\ GIRLS avo ANGSTERS’ sang MAMIE VAN DOREN Co-Starring GERALD LEE GRANT MOHR VAN CLEEF RICHARDS Released thru [UZY UNITED ARTISTS History, Screen Play by ROBERT £. KENT + Story by PAUL GANGELIN and JEROME SACKHEIM Directed by EDWARD L. CAHN + Produced by ROBERT £. KENT E A Ms H 3 Cols. x 100 Lines—300 Lines (21 Inches) Mat 301 Mat 501 SENSATIONAL EXPLOITATION WITH Front and Street Fake an armored car by mounting beaver-board sides and rear with barred windows, etc. and painting gray. Equip with siren if within the local laws. Hang sides with ad copy, 1-sheets and playdates and send around town during your run. Police Teletype Post notices coming over the teletype (cleared by police dept.) for display use in conjunction with “Wanted Posters.” Use copy below such as this: “Action like this in “Guns, Girls and Gangsters.” GIRLS Masked Girl Bally Send a shapely blonde of the general dimensions of Mamie Van Doren around town wearing a mask and dressed in sexy clothes. Have her carry a sign with this suggested copy: “A girl like me is the girl behind the great armored car holdup in “Guns, Girls and Gangsters” now playing the Bijou! Fake Money Stunt The projected robbery of the armored car in “Guns, Girls and Gangsters” makes fake money a natural to use in advance of your playdate. Almost any toy shop or gift shop can sell you fake bills. Just have your picture credits printed boldly in another color over both sides of the fake bills with the words “See it at the... ”. Drop in parked cars, in stores. GUNS Police Siren Record Siren sound record No. 5198A simulating police siren can be used for lobby or street bally. Machine Gun action record No. 4003B or 5010A can be used to supplement action display. Both records available from: Thomas J. Valentino, Inc., 150 West 46 Street, New York 36, N. Y. Beautiful Legs Contest Using Still GGG-40 of Mamie Van Doren, promote a contest to be staged in cooperation with local hosiery shops to find the girl with the most beautiful legs. Be sure to give the contest plenty of ballyhoo in lobby and newspapers. Aim for tie-in advertising with cooperating stores. Distribute entry blanks in lobby and through cooperating stores. Prizes should be hosiery or shoes. GANGSTERS Wanted Posters Your local police office will gladly supply you with a display of “Wanted” posters. Pick those dealing with money robberies, especially those dealing with armored car holdups, and set them out prominently in your lobby together with your own display material such as lobby cards or 1-sheet.