Hallelujah, Im a Bum (United Artists) (1933)

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The sun was his! And the sky was his! The moon and the stars — All his! No wonder Al JOLSON sang so all the world could hear A LEWIS MILESTONE Production THE FIRST PICTURE EVER DONE IN "RHYTHMIC DIALOGUE'* UNITED ARTISTS PICTURE 14 — One Col. Ad (Mat .05; Cut .50) BUM Keepyour riches and keep your fame/ "HALLELUJAH, I’M again JOSEPH M. SCHE NCK presents JOLSON III with KlC I rAAD 2 -H^ LANGDONl U^ 0RG ^ 9sa ; d dS- durenI pi . RUha *^TS P' CTURt UHltE 0 * RT ' The very words beat in time with your heart JOLSON, the one and only again blazing a new trail with THE FIRST PICTURE EVER DONE IN “RHYTHMIC DIALOGUE” A Lewis MILESTONE Production • Three Col. Ad (Mat. .20; Cut .75) Hum Ydw/t Blues A way cm )o6>oh "HALLELUJAH PM A BUM " RIALTO T^NOW Give Away These Kazoo Music Makers You don’t have to be a musician to play a kazoo. Oust press your lips against the silver square in the upper right, hum any song you want to and the tune comes out loud and clear, on the other end. The kids love to play these kazoos and will get a great kick out of hum¬ ming the popular tunes from "Hallelujah, I’m a Bum." These music makers have been made in very careful fashion of cardboard with a silver paper kazoo device in the upper right hand corner, as shown above. They are priced as follows: 250 . $7.50 500 . 12.00 1000 . 20.00 2000 . 18.00 per thousand These prices include theatre imprint and playdate. Send check or money order to— LONGACRE PRESS 427 West 42nd Street New York, N. Y. Newspaper Feature Showing Al Jolson in Famous Roles We have prepared a composite photograph in 11 x 14 size showing Al Jolson in some of his famous roles of the past, such as "Big Boy," "The Singing Fool," "Mammy" and finally in "Hallelujah, I'm a Bum." A special publicity story has been written for publication in connection with this photograph. Many newspapers will want to hail the return of Al Jolson to the screen as one of the biggest names in all screen history and reader curiosity will be again awakened by photographs of him in his old familiar roles. This is a photograph that is easy for you to plant in your local newspapers and copies of this story are available, free of charge from the Exploitation Department of United Artists Corporation, 729 Seventh Avenue, New York, N. Y. For 11 x 14 photographs of the layout as reproduced below, kindly send twenty cents in stamps. This 11 x 14 is not available at your exchange, but should be ordered direct from the Exploitation Department of United Artists Corporation, 729 Seventh Avenue, New York, N. Y. Colortone Slide A special effect slide has been made up which you should use in advance of the main title on "HALLELUJAH, I'M A BUM." It is reproduced above and shows Al Jolson in the foreground of the New York skyline. It is highly colored in two sizes for any standard equipment. Colored positive alone will give excellent results and can also be used with uncolored nega¬ tive to obtain greater depth. 4" x 5"—Colored positive only .$2.00 Set (positive and negative) - 3.00 V/ A " x 4"—Colored positive only . 1.50 Set (positive and negative) - 2.25 Order by Number N-367 direct from National Studios, Inc., 226 West 56th Street, New York City. Send remittance with order to avoid parcel post and C.O.D. charges. Write for cata¬ logue of colortone effects.