Help! (United Artists) (1965)

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Advertising PAGE 4 STOP WORRYING!* Will Paul ever get back to his electric organ? Will John live to sleep in his pit again? And Ringo—will he ever | Will George be re-united with ) play the drums again? his ticker-tape machine? oe OOO mm a Oe So ee rt BRR Re rete 3 pescecne er eeneseoe ee SER, Be shee i> © i : _ Se os ! | SEVEN GREAT | IS ON THE WAY ! | NEW BEATLE HITS! | The Colorful Adventures of pear HE BEATLES are more Colorful than COLOR! FLEANOR BRON VICTOR SPINETT] ROY KINNEAR PRODUCED BY SCREENPLAY BY STORY BY DIRECTED BY WALTER SHENSON MARC BEHM avo CHARLES WOOD MARC BEHM RICHARD LESTER EASTMANCOLOR — azarae; AUNITED ARTISTS RELEASE : 00! Se RS state 4 Cols. x 204 Lines—816 Lines (58 Inches) Mat 403