How to Murder Your Wife (United Artists) (1965)

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Wee lLlON: PIC TURES rie? = SHOWN You HOW TO CLAMIB MOUNTAINS How To Live Great Adventures amia@vy VVE OFFER YOU FH E ULTIMATE... JACK LEMMO — " VIRNALSI ‘HOW To Bho THIs MOTIO PICT, ON MURDER race Pupy’ YOUR WIFE ere BRING THE LITTLE WOMAN... MAYBE SHE'LL DIE LAUGHING! i CO-STARRING WRITTEN AND PRODUCED BY EXECUTIVE PRODUCER | CLAIRE TREVOR EDDIE MAYEHOFF 2TERRY-THOMAS GEORGE AXELROD GORDON CARROLL | PRICHARD QUINE TECHNICOLOR *“scUNITED ARTISTS (xsSiSsesnsearSiesSeertseins| | Esnnnaunnareunnnaneenneantreecnntee erent reer teeter ee eacaseeeseteernrenanataneteertanttinneeeaeneteneheietsteteeenetetteie eleieteesesn tenets eee ees 4 Cols. x 168 Lines—672 Lines (48 Inches) Mat 40 PAGE 3