How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (United Artists) (1967)

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Derren eee ESSE S SSS SS SSS SS SSS SS SSS Siete GOONER SENSES SSSI SS SSS SSC ence Yes No Fes v.@ Can you count on a 50-week 5, vacation with play? ily Hs Does someone else get first dip in the secretarial pool ?............c.0000 Bis geal THE MIRISCH CORPORATION THE DAVID SWIFT PRODUCTION OF 1 FRANK f tl : M4 ROBERT MORSE NY micHeletee <{ \|/ »Y Rupyvaliee 7” [5 Y Mure; 3 ACR MADE THE sug SUCCEEDS LiKe Siu coments ™™ "REY Sing ga Re, CO-STARRING ANTHONY TEAGUE P8Roouens MAUREEN ARTHUR Nelson RIDDLE / Proouceo ano pieecteD by DAVID SWIFT MUSIC AND ER ANK LOESSER stace tay orecteo syYABE BURROWS. s00x eyABE BURROWS, JACK WEINSTOCK ano WILLIE GILBERT. BASEDUPON CLIEDLIERD MEAD PRORUCEDON CY FEUER ano ERNEST H. MARTIN ASPSAbEMR"Gy BOB FOSSE PANAVISION In Associati on with FRANK PRODUCTIONS INC. RELEASED NITED ARTISTS COLOR by DeLuxe ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK AVAILABLE ON UNITED ARTISTS RECORDS. Me: U 3 Cols. x 126 Lines—378 Lines (27 Inches) Mat 301 THE MIRISCH CORPORATION pxcsenis THE DAVID SWIFT dees & a i CO-STARRING ANTHONY TEAGUE TRODUCNG MAUREEN ARTHUR | SUPERMSION NELSON RIDDLE | proouceD and neected av DAVID SWIFT tincsay FRANK LOESSER | eco y ABE BURROWS | sooxsr ABE BURROWS, JACK WEINSTOCK 1x0 WILLIE GILBERT fhe wovecey SHEPHERD MEAD | tte sue bv OY FEUER woERNEST H. MARTIN | #0: sowowat 5y BOB FOSSE | PANAVISION sociation with FRANK PRODUCTIONS 1 RELEASED THRU COLOR by Deluxe ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK AVAILABLE ON UNITED ARTISTS RECORDS UNITED ARTISTS oR ean wes 2 Pe i a 2 Cols. x 65 Lines—130 Lines (9 Inches) Mat 204 PAGE 6 The ‘Pulitzer Prize-Winning cMusical Comedy That Shows You.. ‘How to take an all-day coffee break (with ote oF sugar!) ASR THE DAVID SWIFT PRODUCTION OF, “4 \ ee AS NC rsa >~ (ANY Gi OR ae ten eee AN OT oe Pee 2 Cols. x 75 Lines—150 Lines (11 Inches) Mat 205 Of All The Broadway Musical Comedie ‘That Ever ‘Made ‘The Screen Sing Out ‘Nothing Succeeds Like"Succeed”! ‘Tt Shows ‘You... en ‘How to take an all-day coffee break (with lots of sugar!) Howto 2 havea # & 50-week ™ vacation with play! THE MIRISCH és ‘How to take a dip in the secretarial pool! resen| r Mie : Zs0W ~» i hae SUCCEED ONLY Mor; sure STARRING BER E ‘NPC ROBERT MORSE MICHELE Lee RUDY VaLLe€e ANTHONY TEAGUE ‘iRoouens MAUREEN ARTHUR/Netson’RISbLe / Prooucto ano onecteo sy DAVID SWIFT MUSIC AND FRANK LOESSER srace ptay oirecteo evABE BURROWS 00k evABE BURROWS, JACK WEINSTOCK ano WILLIE GILBERT. BAB UFON SHEPHERD MEAD fne2uSe2 SY’ CY FEUER ano ERNEST H. MARTIN ASes@SsviGy BOB FOSSE PANAVISION In Association with FRANK PRODUCTIONS INC receaseo THRU UNITED ARTISTS COLOR by DeLuxe ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK AVAILABLE ON UNITED ARTISTS RECORDS. 3 Cols. x 117 Lines—351 Lines (25 Inches) Mat 302