How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (United Artists) (1967)

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Only Motion Picture That OF ALL THE BROADWAY MUSICAL COMEDIES THAT EVER MADE Guarantees You ‘A Better Position! THE SCREEN SING Our iasamaaid SUCCEEDS LIKE“SUCCEED’! + over ] THE MIRISCH C a ; ec PRODUCTION OF THE * MIRISCH CORPORATION PRESENTS THE DAVID SWIFT PRODUCTION OF 1966 a FRANK LOESSER Be aioli. My) “Wore! consis pets M on ANTHONY TEAGUE done MAUREEN am | wis. NELSON Roce | NAMM RHESHEEL. DAVID CWIET ta FRANK LOESSER | directv ABE BURROWS | sooxay ABE BURROWS, JACK WEINSTOCK so WILLIE GILBERT fie wove.ey SHEPHERD MEAD | ite sce ar OY FEUER woERNEST H MARTIN N| ror erdaDvit fv BOB FOSSE | PANAVISION® with FRANK PRODUCTI RELEASED THRU (COLOR by Deluxe| (COLOR by Deluxe| Deluxe [ ori NAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK AVAILABLE ON UNITED ARTISTS RECORDS | UNITED ARTISTS Af eted je lapeey ome elas le CO-STARRI 4 ANTH ONY TEAGUE iirooucns MAUREEN ARTHUR, Netson ribo 7 Proouceo ano orecteD ev DAVID SWIFT [— BQTQR PANAVISION' MUSIC ANO ERANK LOESSER srace ptay oirecteo ABE BURROWS. _ s00x eyYABE BURROWS, JACK WEINSTOCK ano WILLIE GILBERT by DeLuxe or SNove oY SHEPHERD MEAD proouceo on THE STAGE BY os hee ERanoERNESTH.MARTIN musica stacine For BRoaDway By BOB FOSSE y UNITED “ARTISTS THE NOVEL BY iation with FRANK PRODUCTIONS INC ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK AVAILABLE ON UNITED ARTISTS RECORDS. 4 Cols. x 98 Lines—392 Lines (28 Inches) Mat 401 2 Cols. x 98 Lines—196 Lines (14 Inches) Mat 206 ORDER AD MATS FROM All advertising iM) Motion Picture material Association of NATIONAL SCREEN EXCHANGE approved by Mp America. a THE MIRISCH CORPORATION >xeserrs THE DAVID SWIFT PRODUCTION OF Pulitzer Prize -Musica THE DAVID SWIFT PRODUCTION OF | The Pulitzer ‘Prize-Winning cMusical Comedy THE MIRISCH CORPORATION THE DAVID SWIFT PRODUCTION OF COLOR by DeLuxe PANAVISION’ __ UNITED ARTISTS fe F/ZEWINNING ws ROBERT MORSE MICHELE Lee RUDY VaLL€e | COLOR by DeLuxe} PANAVISION’ 95 UNITED ARTISTS = THE DAVID SWIFT @ = PRODUCTION OF "Ede * (COLORbyDeine] @ = PANAVISION” Prize-“Winning © cMusical Comedy | © PRODUCTION OF = (COLOR by Deluxe] e —PANAVISION’ UNITED ARTISTS PANAVISION’ | COLOR by DeLuxe “a0? UNITED ARTISTS = RELEASED a ee «AG oot a ‘ Z | | Col. x 14 Lines (I Inch) 2 Cols. x 14 Lines—28 Lines (2 Inches) | Col. x 49 Lines (4 Inches) Teel ae Ace ror: sic Col. x 98 Lines (7 Inches) Mat 106 Mat 103 Both on Mat IOI Both on Mat 201 PAGE i