How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (United Artists) (1967)

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Still HTS-17 se Mat 2B Rudy Vallee and Robert Morse sing ““Grand Old Ivy’’—one of the Frank Loesser songs from “‘How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying,” which opens in Color by DeLuxe and Panavision bm RES . at the ........ Theatre, thru United Artists release. The film is a Mirisch Corp. presentation. Michele Lee co-stars in this film version of the Pulitzer Prize winning musical comedy. Famous Composer Frank Loesser Scores Again With ‘How To Succeed’ Academy Award winner Frank Loesser composed the music and lyrics for both the movie and stage versions of “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying,” which opens in Color by De Luxe and the... .Theatre, through United Artists release. Previous Loesser musical hits include “Where’s Charley,” “Guys and Dolls” and “The Most Happy Fella,” all long running hit shows. But “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying” ran longest: 1415 performances on Broadway alone. The film is a Mirisch Corporation presentation. Of the 1500 songs Loesser has penned in his career, 30 have been on the Hit Parade and three generations have sung, hummed, whistled or played his music—and danced to it. He won his Academy Award for “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” and other show tunes include “Once In Love With Amy,” “A Bushel and A Peck,” “Standing on the Corner,” and scores of others. He has fun with novelty numbers such as “Hoop-Dee-Doo” and segues easily to sentimental ballads like “Spring Will Be a Little Late This Year.” Loesser’s earlier hits include “Heart and Soul,” “Small Fry,” ‘Two Sleepy People,” “I Don’t Want to Walk Without You” and “On a Slow Boat To China.” He has contributed to over 100 motion pictures, recently penning the original score for “Hans Christian Andersen,” which included “No Two People” and “Thumbelina.” Loesser’s first success is the song he wrote for Dorothy Lamour and her sarong: “The Moon of Manakoora.” A Designed Towel One of the costumes designed for Maureen Arthur for “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying” is a towel! In Color by DeLuxe and Panavision, it opens (the movie, not the towel) ..... at thee hanewTheatre, through United Artists release. The film is presented by The Mirisch Corp. A key scene in the film, as in the Pulitzer Prize winning stage play, calls for the shapely actress (3822-36) to wear the towel—and although it appears to audiences to be a simple bath-towel, tucked into itself to stay together, it is in reality a mini-dress specially designed for Miss Arthur by Micheline. Three times the usual number of cast and crew members were on hand for filming of the towel scenes but nothing untoward occurred. Mirisch’s First Tuner Since ‘West Side Story’ “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying,” opening in Color by De Luxe and Panavision .. at the .... Theatre, through United Artists release, is the first musical presented by the Mirisch Corporation since “West Side Story,” which swept nearly all of the top prizes in sight including ten Academy Awards. Hollywood’s most spectacularly successful independent film making organization, The Mirisch Corporation has in the intervening years concentrated on comedy and drama waiting for the right musical. “West Side Story” is a hard act to follow. But with “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying,” the Mirisch people feel they have the right property: one of the longest running musicals on Broadway (1,415 performances), the show wrapped up almost every award available, including the coveted Pulitzer Prize—and has been seen by ecstatic audiences in London, Paris, Vienna, Stockholm, Australia and Japan as well as in all the major American cities. Still HTS-39 Mat 1A Robert Morse recreates the role for which he won Broadway’s Antoinette Perry award in “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying.” Film version of the Pulitzer Prize winning musical comedy opens Wee woes. Theatre in Color by DeLuxe and Panavision. The United Artists release co-stars Michele Lee and Rudy Vallee, and is presented by The Mirisch Corporation, ‘How To Succeed’ On Way Here (General Advance) “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying,” film version of the Pulitzer Prize winning musical comedy, opens in Color by DeLuxe and the .... Theatre, through United Artists release. Starring Robert Morse, Michele Lee and Rudy Vallee—the movie is a Mirisch Corporation presentation produced, directed and written for the screen by David Swift. One of the longest running shows on Broadway (1,415 performances) “How To Succeed In _ Business Without Really Trying” is a multiaward winner that has toured the world before becoming a cinematic package of song, dance and satire aimed at big business mores and manners. Cautioning audiences to see the picture before their bosses do, United Artists claims it is the only film to guarantee them a_ better position! MORSE REPEATS PRIZE ROLE Robert Morse recreates for the movies the role that won him an Antoinette Perry Award on Broadway in “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying.” The film version of this Pulitzer Prize winning Broadway show opens in Color by DeLuxe and Panavision Kees OD ae at the....c....Dheatre, through United Artists release, and co-stars Michele Lee and Rudy Vallee. The film is a Mirisch Corp. presentation. Born in Newton, Mass., Morse directed and starred in a junior class production of “Sing Out, Sweet Land” while still in Newton High. After graduation he stormed the New York stage and wound up handling a spotlight for twelve dollars a week! ; After four years in the Navy, Bob used the G.I. Bill to study acting with the American Theatre Wing. During this period an agent spotted him and brought the young actor to Hollywood for a role in “The Proud and the Profane.” It was the first of many cross-country trips for Bob. He returned east for some radio work, then went into the Broadway stage production of David Merrick’s “The Matchmaker.” His notices were excellent and he repeated the role in Hollywood for the movie. Back to the East coast for another play, “Say Darling,’—followed by “Take Me Along.” By the time “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying” came up there was no question about who to cast in the lead, and Morse achieved “overnight” stardom. In Hollywood again, Bob made 5 more movies including “Quick Before It Melts,” “The Loved One” and “Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mama’s Hung You in the Closet and I’m Feelin’ So Sad.” And between trips back and forth from coast to coast he has found time to appear on most of television’s top shows, including “Naked City” and “The Play of the Week.” Do Put Daughter On Stage Mrs. Worthngton When Noel Coward wrote “Don’t Put Your Daughter on the Stage, Mrs. Worthington,” he certainly didn’t have Carol Worthington in mind. A veteran actress after only three years on the boards, Carol makes her motion picture debut in “How Tec Succeed In Business Without Really Trying,” opening in Color by DeLuxe and Panavision eDLREN CA te tees Theatre, through United Artists release. The film is presented by The Mirisch Corporation. The red haired, green eyed comedienne has appeared in “Milk and Honey,” “Damn Yankees,” “The Solid Gold Cadillac,” “The Philadelphia Story” and “Once Upon a Mattress.” She has also performed on TV’s top shows, including “My Favorite Martian.” “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying” stars Robert Morse, Michele Lee and Rudy Vallee and is adapted from the Pulitzer Prize winning Broadway musical comedy. Ce Fatalie sh ole Michele Lee Stars In Movie Debut A star in her first movie, pretty Michele Lee recreates the role she played on the Broadway stage in the Pulitzer Prize winning musical comedy “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying.” Opening in Color by DeLuxe and Panavision through United Artists release, the film co-stars Michele’s Broadway cohorts, Robert Morse and Rudy Vallee. The film is a Mirisch Corp. presentation. Born in L.A., Michele is the daughter of Jack Dusick, veteran Hollywood movie makeup man— but she had to come east to get her start in show business. After appearing in three west-coast musical revues (“Vintage 60”, “Parade” and “Point of View,”) Michele came to New York where she appeared on Broadway opposite Cesare Siepi in the hit musical “Bravo Giovanni.” She remained for television appearances on The Danny Kaye Show, “Tonight” and other programs then landed the coveted role of Rosmary opposite Robert Morse in “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying.” Pert and pretty (she looks remarkably like Mary Tyler Moore), Michele sings, dances and acts up a storm. In fact, she does everything like a whirlwind — and breezed merrily through filming of “How to Succeed .. .” while other members of the cast admitted frankly to being exhausted by its pace. Besides her careers on both the stage and screen, Michele has begun one as a singer, having just signed a long-term contract with a major record company. ae Still HT S-43 Mat 1C Pretty Michele Lee co-stars with Robert Morse and Rudy Vallee in “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying,” which opens in Color by DeLuxe and Panavision oy TSE thie: .toeie ot . Theatre, through United Artists release. The film is a Mirisch Corp. presentation. Nothing Succeeds Like ‘Succeed’—Now as Mirisch Musical Movie The Mirisch magic manifests itself mostly in Academy Awards— and “How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” is The Mirisch Corporation’s first musical since “West Side Story” wrapped up ten Oscars. Opening in Color by DeLuxe and the .... Theatre, through United Artists release, “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying” comes to the screen with a healthy share of awards already won. One of the longest running musical comedies on Broadway (1,415 performances in almost four and a half years— not counting the road companies) the show shares long-run honors with “My Fair Lady,” “Oklahoma.” “South Pacific,” “The Sound of Music” and “The Music Man.” Among the many awards accumulated are: Pulitzer Prize and seven Antoinette Perry (“Tony”) Awards; New York Drama Critics Circle Award; Aegis Theatre Club Award; Theatre Club 37th Annual Prize Medal; Barter Theatre Award; Outer Circle Award and Thespian Theatre Club Award. And star Robert Morse won a “Tony” for his performance in the role on Broadway —which he recreates on screen in “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying.” Brief Biogs ROBERT MORSE recreates for the color cameras the role for which he received Broadway’s Antoinette Perry Award. The Puck-like comic has appeared in six other movies— including ‘*‘The Matchmaker,” “Quick, Before It Melts,” ‘The Loved One” and “Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mama’s Hung You In The Closet and I’m Feelin’ So Sad.”’ On Broadway he has been seen in “The Matchmaker,” “Say Darling,” ‘Take Me Along” and the long-running “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying.” Do * MICH ELE LEE makes her screen bow in the role of Rose mary, which she played on Broadway. Los Angeles born, she got her theatrical start in a local revue, “Vintage *60” and went on to the New York stage where she shared honors with Cesare Siepi in “Bravo Giovanni.” A favorite TV performer, she has been seen on the top shows, including “Dr. Kildare.” RUDY VALLEE returns to the screen in the role he originated to great acclaim on Broadway. It’s his first big movie assignment since “The Helen Morgan Story” and latest in a 37 year career that spans screen, stage, radio, TV, night clubs and colleges. Among his many movie roles are those in “Happy Go Lucky,” “The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer,” “People Are Funny,” and “I Remember Mama.” ANTHONY TEAGUE is the dancer who scored so big on Broadway in “110 Degrees In The Shade” and in the film version of “West Side Story.” A member of the American Conservatory Theatre, he is an accomplished actor as well, appearing in plays as diverse and difficult as “The Devil’s Disciple,” “Tiny Alice,” “King Lear” and “The Rose Tattoo.” MAU REEN ARTHUR is another member of the stage production making her screen debut in the movie, playing the sexy Hedy LaRue. In addition to her Broadway credits, Maureen is veteran TV performer and heads her own nightclub act. % i ‘Spectecular’ Lewis Robert Q. Lewis is a pair of glasses. Featured in the film version of Broadway’s Pulitzer Prize winning musical comedy, “How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,” which opens ....... at hhemmen er wr oicar. Theatre, through United Artists release in Color by DeLuxe and Panavision and _ presented by The Mirisch Corporation. Lewis claims that without his specs —which have become a trademark in over 18 years on television, he’s just not Robert Q. Lewis. “When my agent wanted to get me a part in a western movie, the producer thought he was kidding,” Bob says. “Who ever heard of a cowboy with horn-rimmed glasses!” Now that his agent has managed to overcome the initial shock, however, producers of both motion picture and TV films have cast Bob in a variety of dramatic and comedy roles. These include movies like “Good Neighbor Sam,” and “An affair to Remember,” and, on the smaller screen, appearances on “The Bob Hope Theatre,” “Slattery’s People,” “Branded” and “The Richard Boone Show.” Known in broadcasting circles as “The Great Replacement,” Lewis had trouble establishing himself as an actor. “I’d Hosted so many panel shows from behind desks, no one knew I had legs,” he claims. But by now Bob is a seasoned performer. Still HT S-36 Robert Morse has a hard time explaining to Michele Lee why Maureen Arthur is wearing only a towel in this scene from “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying.” The film version of Broadway’s Pulitzer Prize winning musical comedy opens in Color by DeLuxe and Panavision . .. Award-Winner Academy Award winner Burnett Guffey was Director of Photography on “How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,” opening in Color by DeLuxe and Panavision So, Olu Se EMEe otra ee Theatre, thru United Artists release and a Mirisch Corporation presentation. The assignment marks a _ reunion for Guffey and producer-director David Swift who last worked together on “Good Neighbor Sam.” Guffey, who won his Academy Award for filming “From Here to Eternity,” has been an Oscar nominee three additional times for “The Harder They Fall,” “Bird Man of Alcatraz” and “King Rat.” Theme Song Usually prompt, after 37 years in show business, Rudy Vallee one morning arrived very late to the set of “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying,” openTees ses eens at ethe. menarters Theatre, through United Artists release in Color by DeLuxe and Panavision. Realizing time was money to the production, he had half a dozen excuses ready—but was totally unprepared for the reception he got. Robert Morse, Vallee’s co-star in the color comedy, led cast and crew in singing the Vagabound Lover’s theme song: “My time is your time ...” The film is a Mirisch Corporation presentation. Mat 2C at the ......Theatre, thru United Artists release. Rudy Vallee co-stars, in his original role. The film is presented by The Mirisch Corporation. PAGE 9