I Want to Live! (United Artists) (1958)

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: Johnny Mandels Great Easy-TosMtake Displays For Johnny Mance! Record Store Windows and Lobby! Reprints of the album covers plus regular “1 Want to Live!” accessories make possible the kind of window and lobby displays suggested below. These suggestions are merely a starting point for developing coop displays. Use to the fullest all the space and albums. FOR LARGE WINDOWS > This set-up includes the 3sheet and a panel alternating album covers and stills from the picture. Numerous variations are possible. Select appropriate stills from your Exchange Set. The stony Garkats Graham ~whose murder trial shocked the world! WHAT THEATRE AND 1. Promotional singles containing selections from the jazz album are available to theatres at no charge while the supplies last. Write for record to Exploitation Dept., United Artists Corp., 7297th Ave., New York 19, N. Y. 2. The radio spots available to theatres for the movie promotion each highlight the jazz score. Use these spots in lobby and in record stores interspersed with the playing of the album. Local record dealer may also want to follow the radio spots on the air with his own tandem announcement that the records are available in his shop. 3. Set up a juke box in lobby to play either the regular album (LP) or the promotional single (45 rpm) continuously. Decorate the juke box with stills and album covers. 4. Prepare a snipe locally about 14” x 20” in size on which you paste the album cover and add “The track music from ‘I Want to Live!’ avail PAGE 4 copy saying sound shown are: IWTL-Art-10 and IWTL-2235. materials available for both movie and a FOR SMALL WINDOWS Enlarge the scenes shown here of Susan Hayward and the Jazz Combo, embellished with the actual albums and appropiate stills from the picture. Stills Susan HAYWARD a | JATL ALBUMS THE ORIGINAL | MOTION PICTURE | SOUND TRACK @ FOR IN-STORE & LOBBY This standee of Susan Hayward is available in two sizes (see page 8). This exciting photographic standee can easily be adapted for music store floor or window by adding the albums as shown, plus panel of copy. e Extra full color reprints of the album covers available while the supplies last by writing to: Exploitation Dept. United Artists Corp., 729-7th Ave., New York 12. NSE Stills and poster, plus other display items, are available at the local National Screen Exchange. STORE CAN DO: able at your favorite record store.” Place these snipes on the posters and 40 x 60 displays in and around your theatre. 5. Check with disc jockeys for widest play of the promotional singles before and during your run. 6. Play the single on your house system during show breaks. 7. Arrange with local progressive jazz authority or music critic to give a talk on the various aspects of Jazz with special reference to Gerry Mulligan and Johnny Mandel, using the jazz albums to illustrate. This talk could be part of a local disc jockey program or other musical program. &. Record store sponsors a_progressive jazz concert for teen-agers and jazz groups with the Johnny Mandel music as the central feature. 9, Arrange for cooperating music stores to provide albums as prizes for any contest suggested in this pressbook and which you might work up together. GIANT MUSIC BALLY FOR , 2 GREAT JAZZ ALBUMS! The music and record stores, together with their community theatres showing “I Want to Live”, are presented here with a mammoth music promotion opportunity based on the two great jazz albums featuring Johnny Mandel’s music and Gerry Mulligan’s Jazz Group. The entire score for “I Want to Live!” is in the jazz idiom. It reflects and dramatizes the deep part jazz played in the life of Barbara Graham. United Artists and United Artists Records have jointly set up this promotion on a tremendous scale. A nationa! saturation promotion by disc jockeys is now cleared on more than 1000 stations. A series of special screenings are being staged in key cities for music critics and columnists. The November 13th issue of Down Beat carries a Gerry Mulligan-“I Want to Live!” cover plus a special 3-page gatefold United Artists Records ad in which a free promotional single is offered to the magazine’s readers. The albums, as reproduced upper left, are “Gerry Mulligan’s Jazz Combo From ‘I Want to Live!’ ” (UAL 4006 Mono, UAS 5006 Stereo) and “Johnny Mandel’s Great Jazz Score for ‘I Want to Live’” (UAL 4005 Mono, UAS 9005 Stereo). The motion picture theatre ads for “I Want to Live!” each carry a reminder reading: “The music from the sound track is available on United Artists Record at all record shops.” This is a powerful plus for all record shops and helps set up the reciprocal, mutually beneficial promotion outlined in detail at left. Exhibitors and record shop operators should arrange to plan a joint campaign starting at least two weeks ahead of playdate and running right through the entire engagement. Special publicity material for newspapers, music page, local jazz magazines and record shop bulletins is provided at right and below. “DOWN BEAT” SMASH! This 3-page ad | send-off assures peak interest in both the music and the movie among jazz fans. Jazz Group On “I Want To Live’ Album Sull IW TL 225 A group of the country’s greatest progressive jazz musicians play and appear in “I Want To Live!.”’ United Artists release, opening ........ ALLE THe Theatre. Shown above starting at left are: Shelly Manne, drums; Art Farmer, trumpet; Gerry Mulligan, sax; Frank Rosolino, trombone and Bud Shank, alto sax. The music played by these men in the film is available on the United Artists Records long-playing album, ite : : aa “The Jazz Combo from ‘I Want To Live! Mat 3C